41-619.57. Central registry exceptions; expedited review; hearing

A. The board shall determine central registry exceptions for each substantiated report pursuant to section 8-804.  The board shall determine a central registry exception after an expedited review or after a central registry exception hearing.  The board shall conduct an expedited review within twenty days after receiving an application for a central registry exception.

B. Within forty-five days after conducting an expedited review, the board shall hold a central registry exception hearing if the board determines that the applicant does not qualify for a central registry exception under an expedited review but is qualified to apply for a central registry exception and the applicant submits an application for a central registry exception within the time limits prescribed by rule.

C. When determining whether a person is eligible to receive a central registry exception pursuant to section 8-804, the board shall consider whether the person has shown to the board's satisfaction that the person is successfully rehabilitated and is not a recidivist.  Before granting a central registry exception under expedited review, the board shall consider all of the criteria listed in subsection E of this section. 

D. The following persons shall be present during central registry exception hearings:

1. The board or its hearing officer.

2. The person who requested the central registry exception hearing. The person may be accompanied by a representative at the hearing.

E. The board may grant a central registry exception at a hearing if the person shows to the board's satisfaction that the person is successfully rehabilitated and is not a recidivist.  The board may consider the person's criminal record in determining if a person has been successfully rehabilitated. If the applicant fails to appear at the hearing without good cause, the board may deny a central registry exception. The board shall grant or deny a central registry exception within eighty days after the central registry exception hearing. Before granting a central registry exception at a hearing the board shall consider all of the following in accordance with board rule:

1. The extent of the person's central registry records.

2. The length of time that has elapsed since the abuse or neglect occurred.

3. The nature of the abuse or neglect.

4. Any applicable mitigating circumstances.

5. The degree to which the person participated in the abuse or neglect.

6. The extent of the person's rehabilitation, including:

(a) Evidence of positive action to change the person's behavior, such as completion of counseling or a drug treatment, domestic violence or parenting program.

(b) Personal references attesting to the person's rehabilitation.

F. If the board grants a central registry exception to a person, the board shall notify the department of child safety, the department of economic security or the department of health services, as appropriate, in writing.

G. A person who is granted a central registry exception is not entitled to have the person's report and investigation outcome purged from the central registry except as required pursuant to section 8-804, subsections H and I.

H. Pending the outcome of a central registry exception determination, a central registry exception applicant may not provide direct services to children pursuant to title 36, chapter 7.1.

I. The board is exempt from chapter 6, article 10 of this title.