41-1044. Attorney general review of certain exempt rules

A. The attorney general shall review rules that are exempt pursuant to section 41-1057.

B. Rules that are exempt pursuant to section 41-1057 shall not be filed with the secretary of state unless the attorney general approves the rule as:

1. To form.

2. Clear, concise and understandable.

3. Within the power of the agency to make and within the enacted legislative standards.

4. Made in compliance with the appropriate procedures.

C. The attorney general shall not approve a rule with an immediate effective date unless the attorney general determines that the rule complies with section 41-1032.

D. Within sixty days of receipt of the rule the attorney general shall endorse the attorney general's approval on the rule package. After approval, the attorney general shall file the rule package with the secretary of state.

E. If the attorney general determines that the rule does not comply with subsection B of this section, the attorney general shall endorse the attorney general's disapproval of the rule on the rule package, state the reasons for the disapproval and within sixty days after receipt of the rule return the rule package to the agency that made the rule.