41-1252. Powers and duties; staffing

A. The joint committee on capital review shall:

1. Develop and approve a uniform formula for computing annual building renewal funding needs and a uniform format for the collection of data for the formula pursuant to section 41-793.01.

2. Approve building systems for the purposes of computing and funding building renewal pursuant to section 41-793.01 and for preparing capital improvement plans pursuant to section 41-793.

3. Review the state capital improvement plan prepared pursuant to section 41-793 and make recommendations to the legislature concerning funding for land acquisition, capital projects and building renewal.

4. Review the expenditure of all monies appropriated for land acquisition, capital projects and building renewal.

B. In making its recommendations to the legislature, the joint committee on capital review should give priority to funding fire and life safety projects.

C. Before the release of monies for construction of a new capital project that has an estimated total cost of more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars, the joint committee on capital review shall review the scope, purpose and estimated cost of the project. A construction contract shall not divide a new capital project into projects with an estimated cost of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or less for the purpose of evading committee review. The joint committee on capital review may review any capital project regardless of its cost.

D. The joint committee on capital review has the powers conferred by law on legislative committees.

E. In performing its duties, the joint committee on capital review shall be staffed by the joint legislative budget committee staff.