41-1304.02. Preparing the statutes for publication; revisions

A. The director of the Arizona legislative council, in carrying out section 41-1304.01, subsection A, paragraphs 4 and 5, shall not alter the sense, meaning or effect of any law but may:

1. Renumber sections and parts of sections of newly enacted text.

2. Rearrange sections, parts of sections, articles, chapters and titles.

3. Change reference numbers to agree with renumbered sections, parts of sections, articles, chapters or titles.

4. Substitute the proper section, article, chapter or title for the terms "the preceding section", "this article" and "this act" and similar terms.

5. Substitute the actual date for the terms "the effective date of this section" and "the effective date of this amendment to this section" and similar terms.

6. Strike out figures where they are merely a repetition of written words.

7. Change capitalization for the purpose of uniformity.

8. Correct manifest clerical, typographical and electronic database errors in statutory and nonstatutory text.

B. The director shall:

1. Omit from the statutes all temporary laws, all titles to acts, all enacting and repealing clauses, all declarations of emergency, and all purpose, validity and construction clauses unless, from their nature, it may be necessary to retain some of them to preserve the full meaning and intent of the law.

2. Include in the statutes any provision that was enacted as temporary law but that, by its nature, will have continuing application or effect.

C. The director shall not undertake to make any change of:

1. Existing laws, it being the intention of this section that the director shall in no manner assume to exercise legislative power.

2. A provision that is subject to a referendum until the provision becomes law as provided in the Constitution of Arizona.