41-1967. Child care resource and referral system; immunity

A. The department shall establish and maintain a statewide child care resource and referral system, including a child care home provider registry, through community-based organizations to:

1. Provide families with:

(a) Information on all types of child care.

(b) Referrals to child care providers and programs.

(c) Information about child care resources and services.

(d) Information about choosing child care.

(e) Information about registered child care home providers.

2. Assist child care providers and programs with:

(a) Information on training related to child care issues.

(b) Technical assistance that relates to initiating or providing child care services.

(c) Parent referrals.

(d) Becoming registered as a child care home provider.

3. Coordinate with the community to:

(a) Develop statistics of the demand for and supply of child care.

(b) Maintain ongoing relationships with all local groups interested in child care.

B. The child care resource and referral system shall:

1. Identify all available child care providers and programs through coordination with public and private agencies.

2. Collect in a uniform method provider information for the referral database that includes:

(a) The type of program.

(b) The hours of service.

(c) The ages of children served.

(d) Fees for service.

(e) The licensure, certification and registration status of providers.

(f) Other significant provider and program information.

3. Establish and maintain a referral process that responds to parental need for information. The child care resource and referral system shall make referrals to child care providers and programs that:

(a) Promote parental choice and meet the needs of families.

(b) Are included in the resource and referral database.

4. Collect in a uniform method family information for the referral database that includes the:

(a) Number of calls and contacts.

(b) Ages of children in need of care.

(c) Days and times of care requested.

(d) Type of care requested.

(e) Special needs and requests made by the family.

(f) Reason that the care is needed.

5. Provide outreach services that include:

(a) Efforts to reach parents and providers in local communities.

(b) Involvement in the local communities.

(c) Publication of services through all available media sources, agencies and other appropriate channels.

(d) Public awareness information to parents and providers about the child care home provider registry and the benefits of using the registry or becoming registered.

6. Provide technical assistance to existing and prospective child care providers and programs that include:

(a) Information on all aspects of initiating new child care services including child care regulations, zoning, program and budget development and assistance in finding information from other sources.

(b) Educational information and resources that assist existing child care providers and programs to better serve the children and parents in their community.

(c) Local coordination of existing child care and child related services.

7. Establish and maintain a child care home provider registry that includes:

(a) Child care home providers that are registered pursuant to section 41-1967.01.

(b) A complaint tracking system that contains written complaints concerning providers and written provider responses.  The complaints and responses are available to the public.

(c) A system for notifying a provider that is excluded or removed from the registry that the provider may appeal directly to the entity making the determination resulting in the exclusion or removal.

(d) Information provided by registered providers relating to the services provided and child care environment.

C. The following child care providers are eligible to be considered for inclusion in the child care resource and referral database, unless barred by other provisions of law:

1. Child care providers licensed or certified by a government agency that is authorized by law to license, certify or approve child care providers.

2. Child care home providers that are registered pursuant to section 41-1967.01.  These providers shall submit and amend when necessary sworn, written statements to the department or its designees, on forms approved by the department, attesting that the provider is not subject to exclusion or removal from the child care resource and referral database under any of the grounds specified in subsection E of this section.

D. Child care providers identified in subsection C, paragraph 1 of this section may be excluded or removed from the child care resource and referral database whenever the provider's license or certification is revoked, terminated or suspended, or when a child care facility is closed for cause.

E. Child care home providers identified in subsection C, paragraph 2 of this section may be excluded or removed from the child care home provider registry and the child care resource and referral database if:

1. The provider fails to obtain a fingerprint clearance card or the provider's fingerprint clearance card is revoked or suspended.

2. The provider has been denied a license to operate a facility for the care of children or had a license or certificate to operate a facility revoked or has been removed for cause from participation in the child and adult food program in this state or in any other state or jurisdiction.

3. The provider, the provider's employees or any person eighteen years of age or older who resides in the provider's child care facility has been convicted of or is awaiting trial on any of the criminal offenses listed in section 41-1758.07, subsections B and C in this state or similar criminal offenses in any other state or jurisdiction.

4. The provider, the provider's employees or any person who resides in the provider's child care facility has been the subject of an investigation where a report of child abuse or neglect has been substantiated by the department of child safety or a child safety services agency or a law enforcement agency in this state or in any other state or jurisdiction.

5. The provider fails to maintain current training and certification in first aid and infant and child cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

6. The provider fails to enclose a pool pursuant to section 36-1681, subsections A, B and C.

7. The provider fails to separately store firearms and ammunition under lock and key or combination lock.

F. This section and section 41-1967.01 do not create an affirmative obligation on the part of any state agency or any child care resource and referral agency to review, monitor or investigate child care providers and programs.

G. Neither this state nor its officers or employees, acting within the scope of their employment, are liable for any damage or injury caused by their conduct pursuant to this section or section 41-1967.01, except for gross negligence or conduct intended to cause injury.

H. Neither a child care resource and referral agency nor its officers and employees, acting within the scope of their employment, are liable for any damage or injury caused by their conduct pursuant to this section or section 41-1967.01, except for gross negligence or conduct intended to cause injury.

I. The department shall adopt rules that are consistent with the terms of this section.