41-1981. Economic security council; special purpose councils

A. In order to form a council advisory to the governor and the department and representative of the needs of the people of this state and with respect to manpower, economic security, social welfare and vocational rehabilitation, there is established an economic security council. The economic security council shall also serve the requirements of the Wagner-Peyser act, as amended, the social security act, as amended, the vocational rehabilitation act, as amended, the manpower development and training act, as amended, the vocational education act, as amended, the economic opportunity act, as amended, and future federal and state legislation relating to economic security, for planning, funding or implementing programs related to such acts.

B. The governor shall appoint the members of the council.  Membership shall correspond to pertinent federal regulations concerning advisory and planning councils or committees. The governor shall annually select the council chairman from the membership of the council.

C. The council should have eighteen members representing the public and relevant professional, business, manufacturing, labor and educational organizations.

D. Council members serve for a term of three years.

E. The director shall establish any special purpose councils as are required by state or federal law, rules or regulations or determined to be essential to the public's interest. These councils shall include an intellectual disabilities advisory council, a rehabilitation advisory council, an income maintenance advisory council, an apprenticeship advisory council, an Indian affairs advisory council and an advisory council on hunger. Membership qualifications shall be in accordance with the appropriate law, rule or regulation. The director shall appoint, with the approval of the governor, the members of each council after consultation with members of the economic security council.

F. Appointment to fill a vacancy on the council or any special purpose council resulting from other than expiration of term shall be for the unexpired portion of a term only.

G. The department shall provide secretarial and staff support services to the councils.

H. The members of the economic security council are eligible to receive compensation pursuant to section 38-611. The members of any special purpose council are not eligible to receive compensation but are eligible for reimbursement of expenses pursuant to title 38, chapter 4, article 2.