41-2812. Collection of maintenance for committed youth

A. When a youth is committed by the proper court to the department or to any facility under its jurisdiction, and an order is made by the proper court concerning the charges, expenses and maintenance payable by the committed youth or the youth's estate, parent or guardian, the director shall acknowledge receipt of the money received to the person concerned and shall deposit the money received in the department of juvenile corrections restitution fund established by section 41-2826 for the purpose of funding work restitution programs for juveniles.

B. When a youth is committed by the proper court to the department or to any facility under its jurisdiction, at the request of the parent or guardian, the charges, expenses and maintenance of the youth while in such custody, and the youth's transportation to a secure care facility, shall be paid by the parent or guardian unless the court or the department, for good cause shown, otherwise orders, in which case transportation shall be paid by the county where the commitment issues and the charges, expenses and maintenance, in whole or in part, shall be paid by this state. The department, on receipt of any payment, shall follow the procedure in subsection A of this section.

C. The director shall institute proceedings for the collection of delinquent payments to the department in the proper court on petition and notice to the party concerned.

D. When a youth is committed by the court to the department and ordered to pay a fee of not less than fifty dollars each month for the supervision of the committed youth, the parent or guardian of the youth may pay the fee directly to the department for deposit into the department of juvenile corrections restitution fund.