43-412. Returns of withholding to be filed with department

A. Every employer at the time of filing a reconciliation pursuant to section 43-401, subsection C shall deliver to the department a return in the form prescribed by the department showing the total amount of wages, salaries, bonuses or other emoluments paid to employees, the amount deducted pursuant to this chapter and such other information as the department may require.  The employer shall advise the employee of the amount of monies withheld, in accordance with such rules as the department may prescribe, using printed forms furnished by the department for such purposes or, when requested by the employer, on forms approved by the department.

B. The employer shall make an annual return for the calendar year to the department on forms provided by it summarizing the total compensation paid and the tax withheld for each employee during the calendar year and shall file the return with the department on or before January 31 of the year following the year for which the report is made. The department may extend the filing deadline on a showing of good cause by the employer. The return required by this section shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury.