43-1097. Change of residency status

A. During the tax year in which a taxpayer changes from a resident to a nonresident, Arizona taxable income shall include all of the following:

1. All income and deductions realized or recognized, or both, depending on the taxpayer's method of accounting, during the period the individual was a resident, and any income accrued by a cash basis taxpayer prior to the time the taxpayer became a nonresident of this state.

2. All income and deductions earned in Arizona or derived from Arizona sources after the time the taxpayer became a nonresident of this state.

B. During the tax year in which a taxpayer changes from a nonresident to a resident, Arizona taxable income shall include all of the following:

1. All income and deductions realized or recognized, or both, depending on the taxpayer's method of accounting, during the period the individual was a resident, except any income accrued by a cash basis taxpayer prior to the time the taxpayer became a resident of this state.

2. All income and deductions earned in Arizona or derived from Arizona sources prior to the time the taxpayer became a resident of this state.

C. Income received while a nonresident from the wages or salary received by an employee who is in this state on a temporary basis for the purpose of performing disaster recovery from a declared disaster during a disaster period as defined in section 42-1130 is not considered income derived from sources within this state.