45-110. Duties of superintendent; injunctive relief of injured water user

A. The superintendent of each water district shall:

1. Divide the water of the sources of supply of his district among the several ditches and reservoirs taking water therefrom, and among the laterals and ditches according to the rights of each.

2. Shut and fasten the head gates of ditches, and regulate the controlling works of reservoirs in time of scarcity of water as is necessary by reason of the rights existing from the supply of his district.

3. Regulate the distribution of water among the users under a partnership ditch or reservoir in accordance with existing judgments or decrees where the rights have been determined.

4. As far as practicable, divide, regulate and control the use of waters in his district by closing head gates to prevent the waste of water or its use in excess of the volume to which the owner of the right is lawfully entitled.

B. When the superintendent regulates a head gate to a ditch or the controlling works of reservoirs, he shall attach to the head gate or controlling works a written notice, dated and signed, stating that the head gate or controlling works has been regulated by him and is wholly under his control, and the notice shall be legal notice to all parties interested in the division and distribution of the water of the ditch or reservoir.

C. Any person injured by such action by the superintendent may apply to the superior court for an injunction against the superintendent, but the injunction shall not be issued unless it appears that the superintendent has failed to carry into effect the order of the director or a judgment or decree of court determining existing rights to the use of the water.