45-253. Service of summons; statement of claimant form; record

A. Personal service of the summons and petition shall not be required. The court shall order that:

1. The clerk of the court issue the summons which shall specify the date by which the statement of claimant must be filed, generally describe the nature of the general adjudication and set forth such other information as may be necessary or desirable in the circumstances. The form of the summons shall be approved by the court.

2. The clerk of the court deliver the summons to the director who shall make such copies and prepare such documents as may be necessary to effect service. The director shall assist the court in determining the scope of adjudication by recommending the portions of the river, its tributaries and any other relevant sources subject to the adjudication and in development of a statement of claimant form which shall include such duplicates as may be necessary. Upon identifying the potential claimants pursuant to section 45-256, subsection A, paragraph 1, the director shall effect service on all known potential claimants by mailing a copy of the summons by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to such known potential claimants.

3. When the superior court determines that the services of a master or masters appointed pursuant to section 45-255 are no longer necessary and enters an order terminating the appointment the clerk of the court shall reimburse the director from the fund of fees paid by the claimants pursuant to section 45-254 for funds expended by the director in effecting service of process and any subsequent notices to claimants. Reimbursement shall only be from monies remaining in the fund after payment of the costs and expenses attributable to the appointment of a master or masters in accordance with section 45-255, subsection B.

B. At the time of commencement of mailing of service of process on known potential claimants, the director shall effect service on all unknown potential claimants by publication of the summons at least once a week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in each of the counties within which interests in and to the use of water may be affected by the general adjudication.

C. The director shall publicize the general adjudication through the electronic media and in general circulation newspapers.

D. The court shall direct the director:

1. To return the original summons to the clerk of the court with an endorsement of the dates on which mailing and publication were completed.

2. To maintain a true and accurate record of the names and addresses of all persons who have in fact been served by registered mail, return receipt requested. Any such record, together with all supporting documents, shall constitute the records of the court which shall be subject as such to the supervision and control of the court.