45-414. Findings upon hearing; order for active management area; publication

A. Within thirty days after the hearing, the director shall make and file in the director's office written findings with respect to matters considered during the hearing. If the director decides to declare an area an active management area, the director shall make and file an order designating the active management area.

B. The findings and order shall be published in the manner and for the length of time prescribed for the publication of notice of the public hearing, and the order is effective when published for the final time. All factual data compiled by the director, a transcript of the hearing, a copy of the findings and a map identifying the lands included in the active management area are public records of the department and shall be available for examination by the public during regular business hours. The findings and order of the director are subject to rehearing or review and to judicial review as provided in section 45-114, subsection C.

C. The director shall file a true copy of the map in the office of the county recorder of the county or counties in which the active management area is located.