45-563. Management plans in active management areas; management periods; general provisions

A. The director shall develop a management plan for each initial active management area for each of five management periods pursuant to the guidelines prescribed in sections 45-564 through 45-568 and shall adopt the plans only after public hearings held pursuant to sections 45-570 and 45-571. The plans shall include a continuing mandatory conservation program for all persons withdrawing, distributing or receiving groundwater designed to achieve reductions in withdrawals of groundwater.

B. The director shall develop a management plan for the Santa Cruz active management area for the third, fourth and fifth management periods pursuant to the guidelines prescribed in sections 45-566, 45-566.01, 45-567, 45-567.01, 45-568 and 45-568.01 and shall adopt the plans only after public hearings held pursuant to sections 45-570 and 45-571. The plans shall include a continuing mandatory conservation program designed to achieve the management goal of the active management area for all persons withdrawing water, other than stored water, from a well and all persons distributing or receiving water, other than stored water, from a well. The plans shall also include criteria for the location of new wells and replacement wells in new locations consistent with the management goal of the active management area.