45-1208. Inspections and investigations during construction; modifications; notice

A. During the construction, enlargement, repair, alteration or removal of a dam the director shall make such inspections, investigations or examinations as he deems necessary to enforce the provisions of his approval and the plans and specifications as approved. If thereafter as the work progresses the director believes amendments, modifications or changes are necessary to insure safety, he shall revise the approval.

B. If, during construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration or enlargement of any dam, the director finds the work is not being done in accordance with the provisions of the approval and the approved plans and specifications, he shall give written notice by registered mail or personal service to the person who received the approval and to the person in charge of construction at the dam. The notice shall state the particulars in which compliance has not been made, and shall order immediate compliance with the terms of the approval, and the approved plans and specifications. The director may order that no further construction work be undertaken until such compliance has been effected and approved by the director. A failure to comply with the approval and the approved plans and specifications shall render the approval revocable unless compliance is made after notice as provided by this section.