45-2101. Declaration of policy
A. It is the declared policy of the legislature to provide for a coordinated effort for the restoration and conservation of the water resources of this state. This policy is designed to allow the people of this state to prosper while protecting and restoring this state's rivers and streams and associated riparian habitats, including fish and wildlife resources that are dependent on these important habitats. In support of this policy, financial resources shall be made available by this state to the appropriate public and private entities to assist in water resource management activities that protect this state's rivers and streams and associated riparian habitats.
B. The primary purpose of this chapter is to establish the Arizona water protection fund commission and the Arizona water protection fund that shall provide an annual source of monies for the development and implementation of measures to protect water of sufficient quality and quantity to maintain, enhance and restore rivers and streams and associated riparian habitats, including fish and wildlife resources that are dependent on these important habitats consistent with existing water law and water rights, and measures to increase water availability. The commission may also provide funding to develop and protect riparian habitats in conjunction with a man-made water resource project, if the man-made water resource water project directly or indirectly benefits a river or stream and includes or creates a riparian habitat. This funding shall occur primarily through the grant of monies from the Arizona water protection fund by the commission to entities that cooperate and work in conjunction with local residents and affected jurisdictions.
C. This declaration of policy and the use of the words "restore", "restoring" and "restoration" in this chapter does not imply an intent to prescribe the removal of dams, levees or other man-made structures.
D. This chapter does not limit or restrict the authority or opportunities of state or local governments or other political subdivisions to plan, develop or implement projects consistent with this chapter.