46-402. Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Absent parent" means the non-custodial natural or adoptive father or mother of a dependent child.

2. "Business day" has the same meaning prescribed in section 25-500.

3. "Court" means any court in this or any other state having jurisdiction to determine the liability of persons for the support of another person.

4. "Court order" means any judgment or order of any court that orders payment of a set or determinable amount of support money.

5. "Department" means the Arizona department of economic security.

6. "Dependent child" means a person under the age of eighteen who is eligible for temporary assistance for needy families as provided in chapter 2, article 5 of this title.

7. "Director" means the director of the department of economic security or the director's designee or authorized representative.

8. "Obligee" has the same meaning prescribed in section 25-500.

9. "Public assistance" or "assistance" means any money payments made by the department that are paid to or for the benefit of any dependent child as provided in chapter 2, article 5 of this title.

10. "State" includes a state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

11. "Title IV-D" has the same meaning prescribed in section 25-500.