48-574. Improvement districts for operation, maintenance, repair and improvement of pedestrian malls, off-street parking facilities, retention and detention basins and parkings and parkways

A. In addition to the purposes for which an improvement district may be formed under the provisions of section 48-572, an improvement district may be formed for the sole purpose of the operation, maintenance, repair and improvements of pedestrian malls, off-street parking facilities, retention and detention basins and parkings and parkways.

B. Subject to the powers granted and the limitations contained in this section, the powers and duties of the governing body of the municipality and the procedure to be followed shall be as provided in this article for other types of special improvement districts.

C. If a petition for the formation of an improvement district under the provisions of this section is presented to the governing body purporting to be signed by all of the real property owners in the proposed district, exclusive of mortgagees and other lienholders, the governing body, after verifying the property ownership and making a finding of that fact, shall adopt a resolution of intention to order the improvement pursuant to the provisions of section 48-576 and shall have immediate jurisdiction to adopt the resolution ordering the improvement pursuant to the provisions of section 48-581, without the necessity of the publication and posting of the resolution of intention provided for in section 48-578.

D. The governing body shall make annual statements and estimates of the expenses of the district, which shall be provided for either:

1. By the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes upon the assessed value of all the real and personal property in the district.

2. By assessment of the total sum upon the several lots, each respectively in proportion to the benefits to be received by each lot.

E. If the expenses of the district are provided for by ad valorem taxes, the governing body shall publish notice, have hearings and adopt the taxes at the times and in the manners provided for incorporated cities and towns by the applicable portions of title 42, chapter 17, article 3. The governing body, on or before the third Monday in August of each year, shall fix, levy and assess the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes upon all of the property of the district. If the expenses of the district are assessed upon the several lots in proportion to the benefits received by each lot, the governing body shall follow the procedures established in section 48-575 for the assessment and collection of the assessments. All statutes providing for the levy and collection of general county taxes, including the collection of delinquent taxes and sale of property for nonpayment of taxes, shall be applicable to the district taxes provided for under this section.

F. An improvement district formed under the provisions of this section shall not be authorized to issue improvement bonds.

G. No improvement district formed under the provisions of this section shall be authorized to engage in any activity other than as provided in subsection A of this section. If the municipality is willing to participate in the cost of the district, the governing body may, by resolution, summarily order such participation.

H. The formation of an improvement district under the provisions of this section shall not prevent the subsequent establishment of improvement districts for any other purpose authorized by law.

I. If, in the opinion of the governing body, any portion of the territory of a district formed under this section is no longer benefited by being a part of the district, the governing body may, by resolution, summarily delete from the district formed under this section any area and may form a new district from the balance of the original district formed under this section.

J. If, in the opinion of the governing body, territory adjacent to a district formed under this section would benefit from being a part of the district, the governing body, by resolution, may include the territory in the district formed under this section if the following conditions are met:

1. Improvements that meet the standards and specifications established by the governing body have been constructed in the territory and will be used for the purposes of the district.

2. Any required public dedications of property have been made or will be made before the inclusion of the territory in the district.

3. Including the territory in the district will not adversely affect the district.

4. Notice of the proposed inclusion of the territory in the district has been published in five consecutive issues of a daily newspaper or two consecutive issues of a weekly or semiweekly newspaper of general circulation published in the municipality and a public hearing has been held to consider the inclusion of the territory in the district.

5. Notice has been sent by first class mail at least ten days prior to the hearing specified in paragraph 4 of this subsection with an accurate map of the territory proposed for inclusion in the district to each owner of real and personal property within the district and in the proposed area of inclusion as shown on the statement furnished pursuant to subsection K of this section that is now or would be subject to taxation by the district in the event of inclusion of the proposed area.

K. The county assessor and the department of revenue, respectively, shall furnish to the district within thirty days after a request a statement in writing showing the name and the address of each owner of real and personal property within the district and in the proposed area of inclusion that is now or that would be subject to taxation by the district in the event of inclusion of the proposed area.

L. Within ten days after the governing body adopts a resolution pursuant to subsection J of this section, the municipality shall record the resolution in the office of the county recorder in the county in which the district is located to give notice of the inclusion of the territory in the district to all property owners in the district. If, before the governing body adopts the resolution pursuant to subsection J of this section, a majority of the property owners, by area, of either the original district formed under this section or the territory proposed to be included in the district files with the governing board written objections to the proposed inclusion of the territory, the territory shall not be included in the district.

M. Within ten days after adoption of the resolution of intention to order the improvement pursuant to section 48-576, the municipality shall record the resolution in the office of the county recorder in the county in which the district is located to give notice of formation of the district to all property owners within the district.

N. For the purposes of this subsection, a property owner is an owner of real property, exclusive of mortgagees and other lienholders, that is within an improvement district that was formed as prescribed by this section. A property owner may petition the governing body to dissolve the district pursuant to the following procedures:

1. A property owner shall file with the clerk of the governing body in which the district is located a written notice of the property owner's intent to circulate a petition to dissolve the district. The notice shall include the name, address and telephone number of at least one property owner living within the district who intends to circulate the petition, the name, location and general purpose of the district which is to be dissolved and a true and concise statement of two hundred words or less explaining the advantages of dissolving the district. A petition shall not be circulated for thirty days after the property owner files with the governing body the notice of intent to circulate a dissolution petition.

2. The governing body may provide a form of petition to be used to dissolve the district. Any petition shall include the statement provided in the notice of intent to circulate a petition regarding the advantages of dissolving the district.

3. The governing body may provide a true and concise written statement of two hundred words or less regarding the petition or dissolution of the district. If so provided, the property owner must circulate this statement affixed to the petition.

4. Property owners shall submit to the clerk of the governing body a petition for the dissolution of an improvement district formed under this section that purports to be signed by more than fifty per cent of the property owners in the district.

5. Within twenty days of receipt of the signed petition, the governing body shall verify that the petition is signed by more than fifty per cent of the property owners as set forth in paragraph 4 of this subsection.

6. If the governing body finds the petition contains valid signatures of more than fifty per cent of the property owners, the governing body shall set the date for dissolution of the district within ninety days. The district may continue to operate after dissolution only as needed to collect money and make payments on any outstanding district obligations.

7. Each property in the district with outstanding assessments or liens attached shall remain subject to those assessments or liens for payment of the existing obligations of the district, notwithstanding dissolution of the district.

8. If a district formed under this section subsequently dissolves as prescribed in this subsection, the governing body may not attempt to form any district for the same purpose for at least two years after the date the district is dissolved if the proposed district includes lands formerly located within the dissolved district.

O. Districts that are located in slum or blighted areas as defined in section 36-1471 are exempt from subsection N of this section.