48-2943. Completion of inclusion of lands; terms and conditions of inclusion for certain lands; amendment of terms

A. Upon allowance of the petition wholly or in part, and if no protest is filed with the board within thirty days after entry of the order of inclusion, a certified copy of such order shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder and filed in the office of the board of supervisors in each county in which any of the lands of the district are located, and the district and the boundaries thereof shall be deemed modified and changed accordingly. The district as changed and all lands included under the order of the board of directors shall be liable for all existing obligations and indebtedness of the district.

B. If such included lands cannot because of physical conditions participate in, secure the benefits of or enjoy all the rights and privileges of lands previously included in the district, and when the board of directors does not deem it advisable to admit the lands upon terms of equality with lands previously included within the district, the board may differentiate the lands by designating them as specified units or additions and may prescribe the terms and conditions under which the lands may be included, the rights and privileges to be accorded them, and the obligations to be attached thereto, but no lands shall be admitted under terms or conditions, rights or privileges more favorable than those attaching to lands originally included within the district, nor which shall interfere with any existing rights or privileges or decrease the water supply of any lands previously included, nor shall any inclusion be made which shall reduce or impair the security of bonds issued by the district.

C. The terms and conditions of the order of inclusion may be amended with consent of the board of directors and the persons affected, but the amendment shall be subject to all restrictions of the initial inclusion and the details thereof shall be similarly recorded.