49-461. Violations; order of abatement

When the director has reasonable cause to believe that any person has violated or is in violation of any provision of this article, any rule adopted pursuant to this article or any requirement of a permit issued pursuant to this article, he may serve upon such person by certified mail or in person an order of abatement or may file a complaint in superior court alleging a violation pursuant to section 49-463. The order shall state with particularity the act constituting the violation, shall state in its entirety the specific requirement, provision or rule violated, shall state the duration of the order and shall state that the alleged violator is entitled to a hearing, if such hearing is requested in writing within thirty days after the date of issuance of the order. The order may be conditional and require a person to refrain from particular acts unless certain conditions are met. An order issued under this section shall require the persons to whom it is issued to comply with the requirement, provision or rule as expeditiously as practicable. In the case of a source required to obtain a permit pursuant to this article and title V of the clean air act, the order shall require compliance no later than one year after the date the order was issued and may be renewable for no more than one additional year on a showing of good cause to the director.