5-327. Nonresident boating safety infrastructure fees

A. In accordance with section 5-326, the commission shall assess a nonresident boating safety infrastructure fee for each watercraft registered in this state by a nonresident as defined in section 5-301. The fees assessed pursuant to this section shall be paid in addition to the fees required pursuant to section 5-321. 

B. For the purposes of section 5-326, subsection A, the commission shall establish nonresident boating safety infrastructure fees.  After the effective date of this amendment to this section, the commission shall establish by rule a nonresident boating safety infrastructure fee for each watercraft registered in this state by a nonresident. 

C. The length of the motorized watercraft shall be measured in the same manner prescribed in section 5-321, subsection C.

D. Unless the person or watercraft qualifies for an exemption pursuant to section 5-326, no person who is subject to this section shall operate or grant permission to operate a watercraft within the boundaries of this state unless that watercraft displays a valid nonresident boating safety infrastructure decal in conformance with the rules adopted pursuant to section 5-326.