5-558. Studies and investigations

A. The director shall conduct an ongoing study and investigation of the lottery for the following purposes:

1. To ascertain any defects in this chapter or in the rules through which any abuses in the administration and operation of the lottery or any evasion of this chapter or the rules may arise or be practiced.

2. To formulate recommendations for changes in this chapter.

3. To guard against the use of this chapter and the rules as a cloak for organized gambling and crime.

4. To insure that this chapter and the rules are in a form and are administered to serve the true purposes of this chapter.

B. The director shall conduct an ongoing study and investigation of the operation and the administration of lottery laws in effect in other states or countries, any literature on the subject that may be published or available, any federal laws that may affect the operation of the lottery and the reaction of citizens to existing and potential features of the lottery with a view to recommending or effecting changes that will tend to serve the purposes of this chapter.