
Arizona Revised Statutes

Chapter 1
Sec: 28-101-28-145
Article 1Definitions
Article 2General Penalties
  • 28-121
  • Violation; classification; exception; civil traffic violation; surcharge
Article 3General Provisions
  • 28-141
  • Prearranged ground transportation; applicability; definitions
  • 28-142
  • Livery vehicle, taxi, transportation network company vehicle, transportation network company and limousine regulation; state preemption
  • 28-143
  • Heavy and commuter rail; construction; definitions
  • 28-144
  • Driver license or permit restrictions
  • 28-145
  • Vehicle energy source; restrictions prohibited; exception
Chapter 2
Sec: 28-301-28-507
Article 1Transportation Board
  • 28-301
  • Transportation districts
  • 28-302
  • Transportation board; members; appointments; terms; compensation
  • 28-303
  • Powers and duties of the board; meetings
  • 28-304
  • Powers and duties of the board; transportation facilities
  • 28-305
  • Powers and duties of the board; rules
  • 28-306
  • Statewide transportation policy statement
  • 28-307
  • Long-range statewide transportation plan; board duties
Article 2Department of Transportation
  • 28-331
  • Department of transportation established
  • 28-332
  • Department of transportation jurisdiction; duties
  • 28-334
  • Acceptance and expenditure of federal monies; limitations
  • 28-335
  • Comprehensive financial management system
  • 28-336
  • REAL ID act; implementation prohibited
  • 28-337
  • High occupancy vehicle lane; lane degradation; priority use
  • 28-338
  • Enhanced driver license prohibition
  • 28-339
  • State match advantage for rural transportation fund; allocation of monies; definitions
Article 3Director of the Department of Transportation
  • 28-361
  • Director; appointment; compensation
  • 28-362
  • Deputy director of the department
  • 28-363
  • Duties of the director; administration
  • 28-368
  • Property acquisition; definition
  • 28-369
  • Law enforcement powers; ports of entry; violation; classification
  • 28-370
  • Oaths and acknowledgments; power of attorney; definition
  • 28-372
  • Returned checks; dishonored electronic payments; fees
  • 28-374
  • Fees and taxes; alternative payment methods; penalties
  • 28-375
  • Alternative office hours for motor vehicle division offices
  • 28-376
  • Employment of personnel; definition
Article 4Agreements
  • 28-401
  • Intergovernmental agreements
  • 28-402
  • Intergovernmental agreements; ports of entry
  • 28-403
  • Interstate agreements; commercial vehicle registration
  • 28-404
  • Interstate agreements; fee and tax exemptions
  • 28-405
  • Contract; civil penalty collection
  • 28-406
  • Interstate agreements; dealer or manufacturer plates
  • 28-407
  • Agreements with other jurisdictions; parking privileges
  • 28-408
  • Agreements with nonpublic entities
  • 28-409
  • Agreements with public and private entities; fund
  • 28-410
  • Computer software agreements
  • 28-411
  • Prompt payment; progress payment; consultants and contractors; subconsultants and subcontractors; design professional
  • 28-412
  • Agreements with other jurisdictions; exchange of records and reciprocal action for toll enforcement
  • 28-413
  • Reciprocal driver license agreement; foreign countries
Article 5Records
  • 28-443
  • Records; management; destruction
  • 28-444
  • Computer storage; evidence
  • 28-445
  • Seal; authentication of records
  • 28-446
  • Fees for copies; exemptions
  • 28-448
  • Notice of address or name change; address update; civil traffic violation; definition
  • 28-449
  • Information requests for public records
  • 28-453
  • Electronic transfer of information
  • 28-454
  • Records maintained by department of transportation; redaction; definitions
  • 28-455
  • Release of personal information; fees
  • 28-456
  • Subsequent sale or disclosure of record information by authorized recipient
  • 28-457
  • Unlawful acts; classification; civil actions
  • 28-458
  • Motor vehicle records release; department review panel
Article 6State Motor Vehicle Fleet
  • 28-472
  • Fleet operation services; records; rules; vehicle replacement rate; participating agencies; coordinator; public service announcements; annual report
  • 28-473
  • Agency requests for motor vehicles; neighborhood electric vehicles
  • 28-474
  • Statewide alternative fuels plan; coordinator; energy conservation; alternative and clean burning fuels requirements
  • 28-475
  • State fleet operations fund; exemption
  • 28-476
  • State vehicle replacement fund; exemption
Article 7Transportation Planning
  • 28-502
  • Transportation planning; uniform practices; requirements
  • 28-503
  • Performance based planning and programming
  • 28-504
  • Transportation system performance measures; data collection and reporting; methodologies
  • 28-505
  • Transportation system performance factors; weights
  • 28-506
  • Long-range statewide transportation plan; division duties
  • 28-507
  • Transportation system database
Chapter 3
Sec: 28-601-28-1228
Article 1Powers of Governor
  • 28-602
  • Powers of governor; federal highway safety act
  • 28-603
  • Drag racing prevention enforcement fund
Article 2Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws
  • 28-621
  • Applicability to vehicles on highways; exceptions
  • 28-622
  • Failure to comply with police officer; classification
  • 28-622.01
  • Unlawful flight from pursuing law enforcement vehicle; violation; classification; marked and unmarked vehicles
  • 28-623
  • Obedience by public officers and employees; exceptions
  • 28-624
  • Authorized emergency vehicles
  • 28-625
  • Persons riding animals or driving animal drawn vehicles
  • 28-626
  • Uniform application of laws throughout state; local ordinances or regulations
  • 28-627
  • Powers of local authorities
  • 28-628
  • Rights of real property owners
Article 3Traffic Signs, Signals and Markings
  • 28-641
  • Traffic control device manual and specifications
  • 28-642
  • Traffic control signs on state highways; rules
  • 28-643
  • Local traffic control devices
  • 28-644
  • Obedience to and required traffic control devices
  • 28-645
  • Traffic control signal legend
  • 28-646
  • Pedestrian control signals; loitering prohibited
  • 28-648
  • Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings
  • 28-649
  • Interference with official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal; possession of traffic preemption emitter; classification; definition
  • 28-650
  • Warning devices at construction sites
  • 28-651
  • Use of private property to avoid traffic control device prohibited
  • 28-652
  • State highway work zones; definition
  • 28-653
  • Flagger training and certification; exception
Article 4Accidents
  • 28-661
  • Accidents involving death or physical injuries; autonomous vehicles; neighborhood occupantless electric vehicles; failure to stop; violation; classification; driver license revocation; restricted privilege to drive; alcohol or other drug screening
  • 28-662
  • Accidents involving damage to vehicle; failure to stop; autonomous vehicles; neighborhood occupantless electric vehicles; violation; classification; driver license suspension; alcohol or other drug screening
  • 28-663
  • Duty to give information and assistance; autonomous vehicles; neighborhood occupantless electric vehicles; violation; classification; alcohol or other drug screening
  • 28-664
  • Duty on striking unattended vehicle; autonomous vehicles; neighborhood occupantless electric vehicles; violation; classification
  • 28-665
  • Striking fixtures on a highway; autonomous vehicles; neighborhood occupantless electric vehicles; violation; classification
  • 28-666
  • Notice of vehicle accident; autonomous vehicles; neighborhood occupantless electric vehicles
  • 28-667
  • Written accident report; definition
  • 28-668
  • Accidents involving death to drivers; testing alcohol concentration
  • 28-670
  • Accident report analysis
  • 28-671
  • Accident reports required by city or town
  • 28-672
  • Causing serious physical injury or death by a moving violation; time limitation; penalties; violation; classification; definition
  • 28-673
  • Traffic accidents; implied consent; tests
  • 28-674
  • Traffic accidents; quick clearance
  • 28-675
  • Causing death by use of a vehicle; violation; classification
  • 28-676
  • Causing serious physical injury by use of a vehicle; violation; classification
  • 28-677
  • Declaration of statewide concern; prohibition of emergency response services fees; exceptions
  • 28-678
  • City, town or county critical health information program; decal; emergency responders; fee; definitions
Article 5Reckless and Aggressive Driving
  • 28-693
  • Reckless driving; violation; classification; license; surrender; aiding and abetting
  • 28-694
  • Wrong-way driving; civil penalty; traffic survival school; definition
  • 28-695
  • Aggressive driving; violation; classification; definition
Article 6Speed Restrictions
  • 28-701
  • Reasonable and prudent speed; prima facie evidence; exceptions
  • 28-702
  • State highway speed limits
  • 28-702.01
  • Waste of a finite resource; civil penalties; urbanized areas; definition
  • 28-702.03
  • Maximum speed limit violation on interstate highway system in another state; effect
  • 28-702.04
  • Maximum speed limit on interstate highways outside urbanized areas and within certain counties; definition
  • 28-703
  • Alteration of speed limits by local authority
  • 28-703.02
  • Establishing speed on multiple lane highways
  • 28-704
  • Minimum speed limits; requirement to turn off roadway
  • 28-705
  • Special speed limitation; motor driven cycles
  • 28-706
  • Special speed limitations
  • 28-707
  • Charging speed violation; burden of proof; findings
  • 28-708
  • Racing on highways; aiding and abetting; violation; classification; exception; definitions
  • 28-709
  • Maximum speed limit for large vehicles and vehicles with trailers
  • 28-710
  • State highway work zone safety; civil penalty; fund
Article 7Driving on Right Side of Roadway, Overtaking and Passing
  • 28-721
  • Driving on right side of roadway; driving on shoulder; exceptions; education
  • 28-722
  • Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions
  • 28-723
  • Overtaking a vehicle on the left
  • 28-724
  • Overtaking on the right
  • 28-725
  • Limitations on overtaking on the left
  • 28-726
  • Limitations on driving to left of roadway center
  • 28-728
  • One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands
  • 28-729
  • Driving on roadways laned for traffic
  • 28-731
  • Driving on divided highways
  • 28-733
  • Restrictions on use of controlled access highway
  • 28-734
  • Driving through safety zone
  • 28-735
  • Overtaking bicycles; civil penalties
  • 28-736
  • Use of highway lanes; restrictions
  • 28-737
  • High occupancy vehicle lanes; civil penalty; definition
Article 8Turning, Starting and Signals on Stopping and Turning
  • 28-751
  • Required position and method of turning
  • 28-752
  • Limitations on turning around
  • 28-753
  • Starting parked vehicle
  • 28-754
  • Turning movements and required signals
  • 28-755
  • Hand or arm signals or mechanical signal
  • 28-756
  • Method of giving hand and arm signals
Article 9Right-of-Way
  • 28-771
  • Vehicle at intersection; exception; entering freeway
  • 28-772
  • Vehicle turning left at intersection
  • 28-774
  • Highway access from private road or driveway
  • 28-775
  • Authorized emergency vehicles; approaching; following fire apparatus; passing stationary vehicles; violation; civil penalties; defensive driving schools; driver license examinations
  • 28-776
  • Funeral or military procession right-of-way; funeral or military escort vehicles; certification; fee; definitions
  • 28-777
  • Golf carts and neighborhood electric vehicles; vehicles turning right
  • 28-778
  • Roundabouts; large trucks; definitions
Article 10Pedestrian Rights and Duties
  • 28-791
  • Pedestrians subject to traffic rules
  • 28-792
  • Right-of-way at crosswalk
  • 28-793
  • Crossing at other than crosswalk
  • 28-794
  • Drivers to exercise due care
  • 28-795
  • Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalk
  • 28-797
  • School crossings; civil penalty; assessment; definition
Article 11Operation of Bicycles
  • 28-811
  • Parent and guardian responsibility; applicability of article
  • 28-812
  • Applicability of traffic laws to bicycle riders
  • 28-815
  • Riding on roadway and bicycle path; bicycle path usage
  • 28-816
  • Carrying article on bicycle
  • 28-819
  • Electric bicycles; electric standup scooters
Article 12Special Stops Required
  • 28-851
  • Railroad crossing; safety
  • 28-852
  • Dangerous railroad grade crossing
  • 28-853
  • Railroad grade crossing; stop required of certain vehicles; other requirements
  • 28-854
  • Railroad grade crossing; moving heavy equipment; exception; definition
  • 28-855
  • Stop signs; yield signs
  • 28-856
  • Emerging from alley, driveway or building
  • 28-857
  • School bus signs; overtaking and passing school bus; violation; driver license suspension; civil penalty
  • 28-857.01
  • Overtaking and passing school bus; report by school bus operator; notification letter
  • 28-858
  • Approaching horses and livestock
Article 13Stopping, Standing or Parking
  • 28-871
  • Stopping, standing or parking outside business or residence district
  • 28-872
  • Removal of vehicles; notice; liability for costs; hearing
  • 28-873
  • Stopping, standing or parking prohibitions; exceptions; definition
  • 28-874
  • Additional parking rules
  • 28-875
  • Law enforcement exception
  • 28-876
  • Parking spaces for electric vehicles; civil penalty
  • 28-877
  • Alternative fuel vehicles; parking in carpool parking spaces
Article 14Parking for Persons with Physical Disabilities
  • 28-881
  • Parking restrictions; applicability
  • 28-882
  • Parking spaces for persons with physical disabilities
  • 28-883
  • Agreements with other jurisdictions; reciprocity
  • 28-884
  • Parking space for persons with physical disabilities; prohibition; access aisle
  • 28-885
  • Civil traffic violation; civil penalty; recall of placards and plates; defense
Article 15Miscellaneous Rules
  • 28-892
  • Riding on motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle
  • 28-893
  • Obstruction to view; interference with driving
  • 28-894
  • Driving on mountain highways
  • 28-896
  • Towing trailer; lateral sway
  • 28-898
  • Objects on roadway; prohibition
  • 28-900
  • School transportation rules
  • 28-901
  • Maximum number in school bus; stops at school
  • 28-902
  • Repainting government vehicle
  • 28-903
  • Operation of motorcycle on laned roadway; exceptions
  • 28-906
  • Mechanical raising and lowering devices
  • 28-907
  • Child restraint system; civil penalty; exemptions; notice; child restraint fund; definitions
  • 28-908
  • Persons in wheelchairs or on electric personal assistive mobility devices
  • 28-909
  • Vehicle restraints required; exceptions; civil penalty
  • 28-910
  • Liability for emergency responses in flood areas; definitions
  • 28-911
  • Electric personal assistive mobility devices
  • 28-912
  • Vehicles transporting equine; violation; classification; definitions
  • 28-914
  • Use of portable wireless communication device while driving; prohibition; civil penalty; state preemption; definitions
Article 16Equipment
  • 28-921
  • Applicability of equipment requirements
  • 28-923
  • Visibility distance; mounted height of lamps
  • 28-924
  • Motor vehicle head lamps
  • 28-926
  • New motor vehicles; reflectors
  • 28-927
  • Stop lamps; peace officers; warnings
  • 28-928
  • Applicability of lighting laws
  • 28-929
  • Additional lighting equipment required on certain vehicles
  • 28-930
  • School bus lighting equipment; standards and specifications
  • 28-932
  • Reflector and lamp mountings
  • 28-933
  • Reflector and lamp visibility
  • 28-934
  • Obstructed lights not required
  • 28-935
  • Lamp or flag on projecting load
  • 28-936
  • Lamps on parked vehicles
  • 28-937
  • Lamps on other vehicles and equipment
  • 28-938
  • Spot and auxiliary lamps
  • 28-939
  • Signal lamps and devices
  • 28-940
  • Additional lighting equipment
  • 28-941
  • Multiple beam road lighting equipment arrangement
  • 28-942
  • Multiple beam road lighting equipment usage
  • 28-943
  • Single beam road lighting equipment
  • 28-944
  • Lighting equipment on motor driven cycles
  • 28-945
  • Alternate road lighting equipment
  • 28-946
  • Number of driving lamps required or permitted
  • 28-947
  • Special restrictions on lamps
  • 28-948
  • Snow removal equipment lamps
  • 28-952
  • Required brake equipment
  • 28-953
  • Brakes on all-terrain vehicles and motor driven cycles
  • 28-954
  • Horns and warning devices
  • 28-955
  • Mufflers; noise and air pollution prevention; emissions control devices; civil penalty; exception
  • 28-955.01
  • Motorcycles; noise level equipment; unauthorized equipment
  • 28-955.03
  • Exemption for racing motorcycles; definition
  • 28-955.04
  • Exhaust system; visual inspection; requirements; civil penalty
  • 28-957
  • Windshield wipers required; exceptions
  • 28-958
  • Tire equipment restrictions
  • 28-959
  • Safety glass required; applicability; denial or suspension of registration; definition
  • 28-959.01
  • Materials on windows or windshield; exceptions; requirements; violation; definitions
  • 28-960
  • Flares; warning devices; requirements
  • 28-961
  • Display of warning devices; disabled vehicle
  • 28-962
  • Vehicles transporting explosives; rules
  • 28-963
  • Image display device; prohibition; exceptions; definition
  • 28-964
  • Motorcycles; all-terrain vehicles; motor driven cycles; equipment; exception; citations; civil penalty; community restitution
  • 28-966
  • Neighborhood electric vehicles; neighborhood electric shuttles; motorized quadricycles; neighborhood occupantless electric vehicles; speed; restrictions; exception; definition
Article 17Inspection of Vehicles
  • 28-981
  • Vehicle equipment; safety requirement
  • 28-982
  • Vehicle and equipment inspection; notice of repair or adjustment
  • 28-983
  • Compliance with inspection laws; operation prohibited
  • 28-984
  • School bus inspection; rules
  • 28-985
  • Interstate movement of household goods inspection; rules
Article 18Vehicle Size, Weight and Load
  • 28-1091
  • Violation; scope and effect
  • 28-1092
  • Reasonable access; definitions
  • 28-1094
  • Vehicle height; exceptions; special permits
  • 28-1095
  • Vehicle length; exceptions; permits; rules; definitions
  • 28-1096
  • Projecting loads on passenger vehicles
  • 28-1097
  • Maximum load extensions; length limitations for pole trailers
  • 28-1098
  • Vehicle loads; restrictions; exception; civil penalties
  • 28-1099
  • Single axle load limit; exceptions
  • 28-1100
  • Vehicles and loads; gross weight restrictions; exceptions
  • 28-1101
  • Weight violations; civil penalty; classification; procedures; evidence
  • 28-1102
  • Weighing of vehicles and loads; violation; classification; civil penalty
  • 28-1103
  • Excess size and weight special permits; definition
  • 28-1104
  • Issuance of special permits; rules
  • 28-1106
  • Restriction on highway usage; definitions
  • 28-1107
  • Liability; highway or structure damage
  • 28-1110
  • Escort vehicle operation; training and certification; insurance; exemption
  • 28-1111
  • Commercial and noncommercial vehicles and trailers; website publications
Article 19Envelope Permits
  • 28-1144
  • Issuing envelope permits; restrictions; requirements
  • 28-1145
  • Third party permit issuance
  • 28-1147
  • Revocation or suspension of envelope permits and privileges
  • 28-1150
  • Overdimensional permit council
Article 20Off-Highway Vehicles
  • 28-1172
  • Applicability; private and Indian lands
  • 28-1174
  • Operation restrictions; violation; classification; citation
  • 28-1176
  • Off-highway vehicle recreation fund; annual reports; definition
  • 28-1177
  • Off-highway vehicle user fee; indicia; registration; state trust land recreational permit; exception
  • 28-1178
  • Operation of off-highway vehicles; exceptions
  • 28-1179
  • Off-highway vehicle equipment requirements; rule making; exception
  • 28-1180
  • Race or organized event; authorization required
Article 21Photo Enforcement Systems
  • 28-1201
  • Definition of photo enforcement system
  • 28-1202
  • Exemption; first responders
  • 28-1203
  • Photo enforcement system placement; speed limit change
  • 28-1204
  • Photo enforcement zones; signage; standards; citation dismissal
  • 28-1206
  • Photo enforcement system; prohibited use
Article 22Personal Delivery Devices
  • 28-1222
  • Applicability of laws to personal delivery devices
  • 28-1225
  • Areas of operation; speed limits
  • 28-1227
  • Local authority regulations; peace officers
Chapter 4
Sec: 28-1301-28-1469
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-1303
  • Oversight council on driving or operating under the influence abatement; report
  • 28-1304
  • Driving under the influence abatement fund
Article 2Implied Consent and Tests
  • 28-1321
  • Implied consent; tests; refusal to submit to test; order of suspension; hearing; review; temporary permit; notification of suspension; special ignition interlock restricted driver license
  • 28-1322
  • Preliminary breath tests; rules on approval of devices
  • 28-1323
  • Admissibility of breath test or other records
  • 28-1325
  • Breath test operator permits
  • 28-1327
  • Reproduction of records; admissibility; computer storage; definition
Article 3Driving Under the Influence
  • 28-1381
  • Driving or actual physical control while under the influence; trial by jury; presumptions; admissible evidence; sentencing; time limitation; violation; classification
  • 28-1382
  • Driving or actual physical control while under the extreme influence of intoxicating liquor; trial by jury; sentencing; time limitation; violation; classification
  • 28-1383
  • Aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence; county jail program; annual report; violation; classification; definitions
  • 28-1384
  • Aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence; forfeiture of vehicle
  • 28-1385
  • Administrative license suspension for driving under the influence or for homicide or assault involving a motor vehicle; report; hearing; summary review; ignition interlock device requirement
  • 28-1386
  • Operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, watercraft or water skis under the influence; emergency response costs; definitions
  • 28-1387
  • Prior convictions; alcohol or other drug screening, education and treatment; license suspension; supervised probation; civil liability; procedures
  • 28-1388
  • Blood and breath tests; violation; classification; admissible evidence
  • 28-1389
  • Waiver of fine, surcharge or assessment
  • 28-1390
  • Emergency personnel; law enforcement
Article 3.1Special Ignition Interlock Restricted Driver Licenses
  • 28-1401
  • Special ignition interlock restricted driver licenses; application fee
  • 28-1402
  • Issuance of special ignition interlock restricted driver license
  • 28-1403
  • Extension of interlock restricted licenses; hearing; scope
Article 4Judicial and Administrative Provisions
  • 28-1441
  • Driving under the influence; records
  • 28-1442
  • Driving under the influence; records; reporting
  • 28-1443
  • Minimum or medium security facility
  • 28-1444
  • Reimbursement of incarceration costs
  • 28-1445
  • Alcohol or other drug screening; license suspension
  • 28-1446
  • Calculating incarceration credit
Article 5Ignition Interlock Devices
  • 28-1461
  • Use of certified ignition interlock devices; reporting
  • 28-1462
  • Ignition interlock device certification and decertification; service provider bonds
  • 28-1463
  • Proof of compliance; suspension; hearings
  • 28-1464
  • Ignition interlock devices; violations; classification; definition
  • 28-1465
  • Rulemaking; ignition interlock service providers and manufacturers; civil penalty
  • 28-1466
  • Display of certification; transfer prohibited
  • 28-1467
  • Ignition interlock service provider contracts; cancellation; notice
  • 28-1468
  • Ignition interlock service provider application; denial; appeal; contract requirements; manufacturer reporting requirements; cease and desist order
  • 28-1469
  • Ignition interlock device fund
Chapter 5
Sec: 28-1501-28-1654
Article 1Definitions
Article 2Penalties and Violations
  • 28-1522
  • Injuring or preventing operation of vehicle; classification; emergency exception
  • 28-1523
  • Transporting hazardous material; violation; classification
  • 28-1524
  • Offense by person owning or controlling vehicle; classification
  • 28-1525
  • Assessment; failure to pay fine
Article 3Criminal Violations and Traffic Complaints
  • 28-1552
  • Jurisdiction of municipal and justice courts
  • 28-1553
  • Hearing officers; civil traffic violations
  • 28-1554
  • Disposition of fees, fines, forfeitures and civil penalties
  • 28-1555
  • Traffic violation charge; juveniles
  • 28-1556
  • Applicability of procedures; arrest without warrant
  • 28-1557
  • Traffic complaint form; use of social security number prohibited
  • 28-1558
  • Traffic complaints; disposition; records
  • 28-1559
  • Traffic case records; abstract of record; reports
  • 28-1560
  • Illegal cancellation of traffic citation; classification; audit
  • 28-1561
  • Certification of uniform traffic complaint forms; false certification
Article 4Procedures for Civil Traffic Violations
  • 28-1591
  • Traffic violations; civil matters; service
  • 28-1592
  • Commencement of action; original citation changes
  • 28-1593
  • Service of uniform traffic ticket and complaint
  • 28-1594
  • Authority to detain persons
  • 28-1595
  • Failure to stop or provide driver license or evidence of identity; violation; classification
  • 28-1596
  • Traffic complaint; proceedings
  • 28-1597
  • Witnesses; nonapplicability of rules of civil procedure
  • 28-1599
  • Admission; evidence of negligence
  • 28-1601
  • Failure to pay civil penalty; suspension or restriction of driving privilege; collection procedure
  • 28-1602
  • Photo enforcement violations; law enforcement review; violation; classification; service of process; no duty to identify photo or respond; definitions
  • 28-1603
  • Civil penalty mitigation or waiver
  • 28-1604
  • Community restitution in lieu of monetary obligation; definition
Article 5Traffic Ticket Enforcement Assistance Program
  • 28-1631
  • Traffic ticket enforcement assistance program; establishment
  • 28-1632
  • Refusal to renew registration; fees
Article 6Traffic Violations by Diplomats
  • 28-1652
  • Law enforcement officer duties
Chapter 6
Sec: 28-1851-28-1874
Article 3Driver License Compact
  • 28-1854
  • Compensation and expenses of administrator
  • 28-1855
  • Report by courts and agencies
Article 4Nonresident Violator Compact
  • 28-1874
  • Compensation and expenses of administrator
Chapter 7
Sec: 28-2001-28-2533
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-2002
  • Assessor or director as county agent
  • 28-2003
  • Fees; vehicle title and registration; identification plate; definitions
  • 28-2004
  • Disposition of fees; highway user revenue fund
  • 28-2005
  • Disposition of fees; county assessor's special registration fund
  • 28-2006
  • Contract to transfer duties and responsibilities
  • 28-2008
  • Duplicate certificate of title, permit, registration card or license plates
  • 28-2009
  • Certificate of title; validity
  • 28-2010
  • Motorcycle safety fund; administration
  • 28-2012
  • Vehicle inspection and certificate of title enforcement fund
  • 28-2013
  • Disposition of property; deposit of proceeds
Article 2Certificate of Title and Registration
  • 28-2051
  • Application for certificate of title; vision screening test
  • 28-2052
  • Title and registration of foreign vehicles
  • 28-2053
  • Certificate of title without registration
  • 28-2054
  • Certificate of title; application processing
  • 28-2055
  • Certificate of title; content requirements; transfer on death provision
  • 28-2056
  • Transfer or registration of vehicle; collection of use tax
  • 28-2057
  • Registration without certificate of title or bond; receipt; fee
  • 28-2058
  • Transfer of title; odometer mileage disclosure statement; education
  • 28-2059
  • Obtaining a certificate of title; refusal; revocation
  • 28-2060
  • Transfer of ownership by operation of law
  • 28-2061
  • All-terrain vehicles; off-highway vehicles; off-road recreational motor vehicles; certificates of title; exemption
  • 28-2062
  • Mobile home delinquent personal property tax list
  • 28-2063
  • Mobile home certificate of title; exceptions; fee
  • 28-2064
  • Electronic certificates of title system; applicability; rules
  • 28-2065
  • Electronic and digital signatures; documents
Article 3Salvage, Seizure and Dismantling of Vehicles
  • 28-2091
  • Salvage certificate of title; stolen vehicle certificate of title; nonrepairable vehicle certificate of title; recovered vehicles; violation; classification; definitions
  • 28-2093
  • Sale of seized vehicles or motors; disposition of proceeds
  • 28-2094
  • Dismantling motor vehicle; application fee; certificate of title; exemption
  • 28-2095
  • Restored salvage certificate of title; inspections; definitions
  • 28-2096
  • Flood or water damaged vehicles
  • 28-2097
  • Modular motor homes; definition
  • 28-2098
  • Vehicle sales; no certificate of title; violation; classification; penalties
Article 4Vehicle Liens and Encumbrances
  • 28-2131
  • Liens and encumbrances; validity
  • 28-2132
  • Indication of lien or encumbrance
  • 28-2133
  • Index and filing of liens, encumbrances or instruments; constructive notice
  • 28-2134
  • Satisfaction of lien or encumbrance; assignment of obligation by lienholder; civil penalty
  • 28-2135
  • Perfection of security interest in inventory and mobile homes
  • 28-2138
  • Return of a motor vehicle that is subject to a security interest; suspended registration and license plate
Article 5Registration Requirements Generally
  • 28-2151
  • Registration by mail; postage fund
  • 28-2152
  • Registration in county of residence; violation; classification; civil penalty; fee transfer
  • 28-2153
  • Registration requirement; exceptions; assessment; violation; classification
  • 28-2154.01
  • Special ninety day nonresident registration permits; procedures
  • 28-2155
  • One trip registration permit
  • 28-2156
  • Temporary general use registration
  • 28-2157
  • Application for registration; exception
  • 28-2161
  • Nonpayment of fees, taxes and assessments; consequences
  • 28-2162
  • Delinquent registration; penalty; lien; failure to apply for certificate of title; waiver
  • 28-2163
  • Cancellation of registration; refusal to renew registration
  • 28-2164
  • Reregistration on becoming liable for weight fee; exceptions
  • 28-2165
  • Special serial or identification number
  • 28-2166
  • Registration of vehicle rented without a driver; liability insurance; joint liability; violation; classification; definition
  • 28-2167
  • Commercial vehicle registration; financial responsibility
  • 28-2168
  • Federal heavy vehicle use tax; enforcement assistance
  • 28-2169
  • Intrastate commercial vehicle registration; required numbers
Article 6Fleet Registration
  • 28-2202
  • Fleet registration; requirements
  • 28-2204
  • Department as registering officer; vehicle license tax distribution; definition
  • 28-2205
  • New fleet registrant; fees; taxes
  • 28-2207
  • Renewal of fleet registration; deletion of vehicle
  • 28-2208
  • Fleet utility trailers; five year registration; definition
  • 28-2209
  • Commercial vehicle fleet license plates; fund
Article 7International Proportional Registration
  • 28-2232
  • International proportional registration authority; rules; definition
  • 28-2233
  • Interstate commercial fleet registration; application; restrictions
  • 28-2235
  • Interstate commercial fleet registration; trailers; fees
  • 28-2236
  • Interstate commercial fleet registration; identification; fee; registration card
  • 28-2238
  • Records; audits; interest; penalty
  • 28-2239
  • Temporary proportional registrations; temporary registration; fee
Article 8Alternative Proportional Registration
  • 28-2261
  • Alternative proportional registration agreements; authority
  • 28-2262
  • Alternative proportional registration agreements; restriction; contents
  • 28-2266
  • Registration requirements; fees; registration card
  • 28-2267
  • Temporary registrations; fee
  • 28-2269
  • Proportional registration or alternative procedure agreements; transfer of license plates
Article 9Nonresident Daily Commuter
  • 28-2291
  • Definition of nonresident daily commuter
  • 28-2292
  • Nonresident daily commuter vehicle operation
  • 28-2294
  • Nonresident daily commuter; identification card; fee
Article 10Nonresident Responsibility
  • 28-2321
  • Registration requirement for nonresident's vehicle
  • 28-2322
  • License plate requirement for nonresident's foreign vehicle
  • 28-2323
  • Exemptions from fees; special registration permit
  • 28-2324
  • Limited registration; fees; violation
  • 28-2326
  • Acceptance of rights and privileges; appointment for service of process
  • 28-2327
  • Service on director; notice to nonresident; fee; proof of service
Article 11License Plates Generally
  • 28-2351
  • License plate provided; design
  • 28-2352
  • License plate; return; replacement; fee
  • 28-2353
  • Special license plate replacement fee
  • 28-2354
  • License plates; attachment; civil penalty
  • 28-2355
  • License plates; tabs; stickers
  • 28-2356
  • Transfer of license plates to another vehicle; credit
Article 12Special Plates
  • 28-2403
  • Special plates; transfers; violation; classification
  • 28-2404
  • Special organization license plates
  • 28-2406
  • Personalized special plates
  • 28-2407
  • Amateur radio operator special plates; fund
  • 28-2408
  • Special plates for hearing impaired persons; placard; definition
  • 28-2409
  • International symbol of access special plates; placard; update of records; invalid placard or plate; definitions
  • 28-2410
  • Honorary consular official special plates
  • 28-2411
  • Personalized street rod vehicle special plates
  • 28-2412
  • Collegiate special plates; definition
  • 28-2413
  • Environmental special plates
  • 28-2415
  • National guard special plates
  • 28-2416
  • Alternative fuel vehicle special plates; stickers; use of high occupancy vehicle lanes; definition
  • 28-2416.01
  • Low emission and energy efficient vehicle special plates; use of high occupancy vehicle lanes; civil penalty
  • 28-2417
  • Child abuse prevention special plates
  • 28-2418
  • Navajo nation special plates
  • 28-2419
  • Transplantation awareness special plates; fund
  • 28-2420
  • San Carlos Apache tribe special plates
  • 28-2421
  • Character education special plates
  • 28-2422
  • Spaying and neutering of animals special plates
  • 28-2422.01
  • Companion animal spay and neuter committee
  • 28-2422.02
  • Spaying and neutering of animals fund; applications; award of fund monies; report; definitions
  • 28-2423
  • Breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic special plates
  • 28-2425
  • White Mountain Apache tribe special plates
  • 28-2426
  • Arizona professional baseball club special plates; fund
  • 28-2427
  • Families of fallen police officers special plates
  • 28-2428
  • Military support special plates
  • 28-2429
  • Arizona highways special plates
  • 28-2430
  • In God we trust special plates
  • 28-2431
  • Gold star family special plates
  • 28-2432
  • Arizona professional basketball clubs special plates; fund
  • 28-2433
  • Arizona professional football club special plates; fund
  • 28-2434
  • Emergency medical services special plates
  • 28-2435
  • Arizona masonic fraternity special plates; fund
  • 28-2436
  • Arizona agricultural youth organization special plates
  • 28-2437
  • Law enforcement special plates; fund
  • 28-2438
  • Youth development organization special plates; fund
  • 28-2439
  • Don't tread on me special plates
  • 28-2439.02
  • Don't tread on me special plates fund; grants; definition
  • 28-2440
  • Multiple sclerosis awareness special plates
  • 28-2441
  • Hunger relief special plates; fund
  • 28-2442
  • Childhood cancer research special plates
  • 28-2443
  • Litter prevention and cleanup special plates; fund
  • 28-2444
  • Arizona professional hockey club special plates; fund
  • 28-2445
  • Arizona public broadcast television special plates; fund
  • 28-2446
  • Global graduate management school special plates; fund
  • 28-2447
  • Women veteran special plates
  • 28-2448
  • Arizona centennial special plates; fund
  • 28-2449
  • All in for Arizona schools special plates; fund
  • 28-2450
  • Girls' youth organization special plates; fund
  • 28-2451
  • Arizona motorsports commemorative special plates; fund
  • 28-2452
  • Firefighter special plates; fund
  • 28-2453
  • Arizona professional golf special plates; fund
  • 28-2454
  • Military scholarship special plates
  • 28-2455
  • Health sciences educational institution special plates; fund
  • 28-2456
  • Historic federal highway preservation special plates; fund
  • 28-2457
  • First responder special plates; fund
  • 28-2458
  • Play unified special plates; fund
  • 28-2459
  • Regionally accredited institution of higher education special plates; fund
  • 28-2460
  • Collector car auction special plates; fund
  • 28-2461
  • Active duty military installation support special plates; fund
  • 28-2462
  • Science education special plates; fund
  • 28-2463
  • Alzheimer's disease research special plates
  • 28-2464
  • Share the road special plates; fund
  • 28-2465
  • Affordable homeownership special plates; fund
  • 28-2466
  • Collegiate football bowl game special plates; fund
  • 28-2467
  • Community services special plates; fund
  • 28-2468
  • Humanitarian services special plates; fund
  • 28-2469
  • Support cancer victims special plates; fund
  • 28-2470
  • Real estate professional special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.01
  • Empowering today's youth special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.02
  • Congenital heart defect special plates
  • 28-2470.03
  • Veterans of overseas conflicts special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.04
  • Wishes for children with critical illnesses special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.05
  • Veterans of overseas conflicts auxiliary special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.06
  • Education and community enrichment special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.08
  • Children and families special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.09
  • Empowering charitable organizations special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.12
  • Youth music and art special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.15
  • Ovarian cancer awareness special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.16
  • Tribally accredited institution of higher education special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.17
  • Arizona beekeepers special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.18
  • Gila River Indian community special plates
  • 28-2470.19
  • Ak-Chin Indian community special plates
  • 28-2470.20
  • Humanitarian service organization special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.22
  • Arizona professional soccer club special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.23
  • Northern Arizona wine trail special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.24
  • Neurodiversity services and research special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.25
  • Wildland fire prevention special plates; fund
  • 28-2470.26
  • Teen suicide awareness special plates; fund
Article 13Honored Military License Plates
  • 28-2471
  • Honored military license plates; procedures; transfers; violation; classification
  • 28-2472
  • Congressional medal of honor license plates
  • 28-2473
  • Former prisoner of war license plates; fees
  • 28-2474
  • Purple heart medal recipient license plates; fees
  • 28-2475
  • Pearl Harbor survivor license plates; fees
  • 28-2476
  • Distinguished flying cross license plates; fees
Article 14License Plates for Vehicles of Historic Value
  • 28-2481
  • Historic value license plate fees
  • 28-2482
  • License plates for horseless carriages; definition
  • 28-2483
  • License plates for classic cars; definition
  • 28-2484
  • License plates for historic vehicles; definition
  • 28-2485
  • Safety requirements; compliance
  • 28-2486
  • Retention of old certificate of title
  • 28-2487
  • Model year date license plates
  • 28-2488
  • Relinquishment of special plates
Article 15Distinctive Vehicles
  • 28-2511
  • Official vehicles; registration exemption; definitions
  • 28-2512
  • All-terrain motor vehicles; off-highway vehicles; off-road recreational motor vehicles; license plates
  • 28-2514
  • Farm vehicle license plates; reciprocity; definitions
  • 28-2516
  • Motorized gas powered bicycles or tricycles; definition
Article 16Violations
  • 28-2531
  • Registration; violation; classification; exceptions
  • 28-2532
  • Registration; violation; civil penalty; dismissal
  • 28-2533
  • Registration; violation; additional civil penalty; disposition of civil penalty
Chapter 8
Sec: 28-3001-28-3515
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-3002
  • Fees; driver licenses; disposition; exemption
  • 28-3003
  • Driver license fees; deposit
  • 28-3005
  • Medical or psychological reports; immunity; definitions
  • 28-3006
  • Driver license and nonoperating identification license applications; organ or tissue donation preference; reimbursement; definition
Article 2School Bus Advisory Council
  • 28-3053
  • Student transportation advisory council
Article 3Driver License Classes and Endorsements
  • 28-3102
  • Exceptions to driver license classes; definitions
  • 28-3103
  • Driver license endorsements
Article 4General Licensing Provisions
  • 28-3151
  • Driver license requirement; definition
  • 28-3152
  • Driver license; exemptions; limitation
  • 28-3153
  • Driver license issuance; prohibitions
  • 28-3154
  • Instruction permit for a class D or G license
  • 28-3155
  • Restricted instruction permit
  • 28-3158
  • Driver license or instruction permit application
  • 28-3160
  • Applications of minors; liability
  • 28-3161
  • Application of student minor; instructor liability
  • 28-3162
  • Cancellation of minor's driver license; release from liability
  • 28-3163
  • Unlicensed minor; liability
  • 28-3164
  • Original applicants; examination
  • 28-3165
  • Nonoperating identification license; immunity; rules; emancipated minors; definition
  • 28-3166
  • Driver license content and application; marked licenses; emancipated minors
  • 28-3167
  • Medical code information on license; rules; immunity
  • 28-3168
  • Driver license and nonoperating identification license applications; selective service registration; reimbursement
  • 28-3169
  • Possession and display of driver license; defense
  • 28-3170
  • Duplicate permit or license
  • 28-3171
  • Driver license expiration and renewal; exception; extension
  • 28-3174
  • Class G driver licenses; restrictions; civil penalties; motorcycles
  • 28-3175
  • Driver licenses; nonoperating identification licenses; use for boarding aircraft; accessing restricted areas; rules
Article 5Commercial Driver Licensing
  • 28-3223
  • Original applicant; requirements; expiration; renewal examination
  • 28-3224
  • Nondomiciled commercial driver license
  • 28-3225
  • Commercial learner's permit
  • 28-3226
  • Limitation on number of driver licenses
  • 28-3227
  • Commercial drivers; convictions; notification requirements; violation
  • 28-3228
  • School bus drivers; student transportation requirements; rules; cancellation of certificate
  • 28-3229
  • Military applicants; driving test waiver; requirements
  • 28-3230
  • Federal motor carrier safety administration commercial driver's license drug and alcohol clearinghouse; driving privilege denial; expungement
Article 6Regulation
  • 28-3301
  • License or permit cancellation
  • 28-3302
  • Nonresident driver privilege; suspension or revocation; reporting convictions
  • 28-3303
  • Suspension or revocation of driver license or privilege for actions outside of state
  • 28-3304
  • Mandatory revocation of license; definition
  • 28-3306
  • Discretionary license suspension or revocation; traffic survival school; hearing
  • 28-3307
  • Order to complete traffic survival school educational sessions
  • 28-3308
  • Mandatory suspension; failure to appear
  • 28-3309
  • License suspension and denial; improper use by persons under legal drinking age; improper use by persons under eighteen years of age; providing spirituous liquor to a minor; exceptions
  • 28-3310
  • Improper use of license; peace officer affidavit; license suspension; hearing
  • 28-3312
  • Mandatory disqualification of commercial driver licenses; definition
  • 28-3315
  • Period of suspension, revocation or disqualification; unlicensed drivers; definitions
  • 28-3316
  • Operation of vehicle under a foreign license prohibited during suspension or revocation
  • 28-3318
  • Service of notice; definitions
  • 28-3319
  • Action after license suspension, revocation or denial for driving under the influence or refusal of test; ignition interlock device requirement; definition
  • 28-3320
  • Suspension of license for persons under eighteen years of age; notice; definition
  • 28-3321
  • Moving violations by persons under eighteen years of age; traffic survival school; suspension
  • 28-3322
  • Suspension of license for persons eighteen, nineteen and twenty years of age; definition
  • 28-3323
  • Notification to the superintendent of public instruction
Article 7Defensive Driving School
  • 28-3392
  • Defensive driving school; eligibility
  • 28-3393
  • Defensive driving school attendance; discrimination prohibited; notice requirements
  • 28-3394
  • Successful course completion
  • 28-3395
  • Supreme court authority and duties; rules; record
  • 28-3397
  • Additional fees; disposition
  • 28-3398
  • Defensive driving school fund
Article 7.1Traffic Survival Schools
  • 28-3411
  • Enforcement; contract with private entity
  • 28-3413
  • License for schools; requirements; fingerprint clearance card
  • 28-3414
  • Refusal to issue or renew license of school
  • 28-3415
  • License expiration; fees; disposition
  • 28-3416
  • Civil penalty; cancellation, suspension or revocation of license; appeal
Article 8License Violations
  • 28-3472
  • Renting or leasing motor vehicle; restrictions
  • 28-3473
  • Driving on a suspended, revoked or canceled license; violation; classification
  • 28-3474
  • Permitting unauthorized minor to drive; classification
  • 28-3475
  • Permitting unauthorized person to drive
  • 28-3476
  • Falsification of license; classification
  • 28-3478
  • Unlawful use of license; classification
  • 28-3480
  • Operation in violation of restriction; classification; civil traffic violation
  • 28-3481
  • Commercial motor vehicle drivers; violations; classification
  • 28-3482
  • Driving on a license suspended for failure to appear; restricted privilege to drive; civil penalty; dismissal
  • 28-3483
  • Driving on a suspended license conviction; restricted driving privilege
Article 9Vehicle Immobilization, Impoundment and Storage
  • 28-3511
  • Removal and immobilization or impoundment of vehicle; Arizona crime information center database
  • 28-3512
  • Release of vehicle; civil penalties; definition
  • 28-3514
  • Hearings; notice of immobilization or storage; definition
Chapter 9
Sec: 28-4001-28-4153
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-4009
  • Motor vehicle liability policy requirements
  • 28-4010
  • Motor vehicle liability policy; primary and excess coverage
  • 28-4011
  • Bonds; motor carriers; amount; failure of security
Article 2Transportation Financial Responsibility
  • 28-4032
  • Persons subject to financial responsibility requirements
  • 28-4033
  • Financial responsibility requirements
  • 28-4034
  • Maintenance, certification and verification of financial requirements
  • 28-4037
  • Foreign vehicles; exception
  • 28-4038
  • Transportation network services; financial responsibility requirements; survey
  • 28-4039
  • Taxi, livery vehicle or limousine; financial responsibility
Article 3Proof of Financial Responsibility for the Future
  • 28-4071
  • Nonpayment of judgments; report
  • 28-4072
  • Nonpayment of judgments; suspension; exceptions
  • 28-4073
  • Suspension length; reinstatement; designated fund
  • 28-4074
  • Payments; satisfaction of judgments
  • 28-4075
  • Installment payment of judgments; default
  • 28-4081
  • Notice; cancellation or termination of policy
  • 28-4082
  • Applicability to other policies
  • 28-4084
  • Monies or certificates of deposit as proof; exception
  • 28-4088
  • Duration, cancellation and return of proof
Article 4Mandatory Motor Vehicle Insurance
  • 28-4132
  • Financial responsibility requirement exemptions
  • 28-4133
  • Insurance identification cards; documentary evidence; exception
  • 28-4134
  • Law enforcement officer responsibilities
  • 28-4135
  • Motor vehicle financial responsibility requirement; civil penalties; restricted driving privilege; evidence at hearing
  • 28-4137
  • Reduction or waiver of penalty; rules
  • 28-4139
  • License plate display violation; civil penalty; disposition
  • 28-4140
  • Commencement of action for violation
  • 28-4141
  • Suspension of license, registration and license plates
  • 28-4142
  • Vehicle registration; financial responsibility verifications; exception; violation; classification
  • 28-4143
  • Vehicle accident; financial responsibility verification; suspension
  • 28-4144
  • Notice; suspension; reinstatement fees
  • 28-4145
  • Restricted license and registration
  • 28-4147
  • Service of notice; definition
  • 28-4148
  • Notice of insurance cancellation or nonrenewal
  • 28-4149
  • Suspension; notice of intent
  • 28-4150
  • Effect of suspension on contract
  • 28-4151
  • Reinstatement fee; motor vehicle liability insurance enforcement fund
  • 28-4152
  • Nonoperation of vehicle on highways of this state; exception; certification
  • 28-4153
  • False certification or affirmation; violation; classification; suspension; fees
Chapter 10
Sec: 28-4301-28-4655
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-4304
  • Dealer and registration monies; deposit
  • 28-4306
  • Jurisdiction; service of process; arbitration; venue
Article 2Licensing Requirements
  • 28-4332
  • Limited exemption; definitions
  • 28-4333
  • Licensing requirement; exemptions
  • 28-4334
  • License requirement; established place of business; unimproved lots and premises; violation; classification
  • 28-4335
  • Wholesale motor vehicle dealer or broker
  • 28-4336
  • Separate licenses and permits
Article 3Licensing Procedures
  • 28-4361
  • License application; criminal records check; education and training
  • 28-4363
  • Franchises; filing agreement; violation; classification
  • 28-4364
  • Investigations; inspections
  • 28-4365
  • Action on application; denial; immunity from costs
  • 28-4366
  • Hearing on application; appeal
Article 4Vehicle Dealer Requirements and Restrictions
  • 28-4401
  • Off-premises exhibition, off-premises display and sales and special event permits; parking motor vehicle for sale on public property; prohibition; defaced vehicle identification number; mandatory immobilization or impoundment
  • 28-4402
  • Recreational vehicles; public events; permits
  • 28-4403
  • Record requirements; motor vehicle information; inspection; liability; electronic submission
  • 28-4404
  • Record requirements; vehicles and parts; electronic submission; violation; classification
  • 28-4405
  • Display of license; continuation date; late penalty
  • 28-4407
  • Business hours; notice of change
  • 28-4408
  • Change in place of business
  • 28-4409
  • Evidence of ownership requirement; exception
  • 28-4410
  • Consignment contracts; definitions
  • 28-4410.01
  • Public consignment auction dealers; exemptions; notices; requirements; penalties; payment of taxes; wholesale motor vehicle dealer prohibition
  • 28-4411
  • Damage to new motor vehicles; disclosure; definition
  • 28-4412
  • Guaranty disclosure; used motor vehicles; definition
  • 28-4413
  • Prohibiting ownership, operation or control of a warranty service facility; exception; objections
  • 28-4414
  • Alternative fuel vehicles; definition
  • 28-4417
  • Required disclosures on sales contracts
  • 28-4418
  • Warranties and rebates in broker transactions
  • 28-4419
  • Required and prohibited activities
  • 28-4420
  • Contents of brokering agreement
  • 28-4422
  • Resale of new motor vehicles
  • 28-4423
  • Wholesale motor vehicle auction dealers; sign; title stamp
  • 28-4424
  • Motor vehicle sale rescission or cancellation
Article 5Franchise Regulation
  • 28-4451
  • Product liability; warranty obligations; audits; vehicle exports; used vehicle recall obligations; definitions
  • 28-4452
  • Limitations; franchise establishment, cancellation, termination or nonrenewal
  • 28-4453
  • Franchise; notice of intention
  • 28-4454
  • Objection to approval of notice
  • 28-4455
  • Determination of standing; failure to object
  • 28-4456
  • Hearing on objection; appeal
  • 28-4457
  • Franchise termination, cancellation or nonrenewal; good cause; changes
  • 28-4458
  • Coercion prohibited; definition
  • 28-4459
  • Manufacturer or distributor right of first refusal
  • 28-4460
  • Factories; competition or unfair discrimination prohibited; definitions
  • 28-4461
  • Right of designated family member to succeed in ownership
  • 28-4462
  • Refusal to honor succession to ownership; notice required
  • 28-4463
  • Burden of proof and consideration
Article 6License Regulation
  • 28-4493
  • Cancellation or suspension; grounds
  • 28-4494
  • License suspension or cancellation; hearing
  • 28-4495
  • Permits; cancellation; cease and desist order; hearing
  • 28-4496
  • Licensed dealer or automotive recycler; hearing; civil penalty
  • 28-4497
  • Action to restrain violation by licensee
  • 28-4498
  • Licensed dealer and automotive recycler; cease and desist order; request for hearing
  • 28-4499
  • Unlicensed dealer and automotive recycler; cease and desist order; hearing
  • 28-4500
  • Unlicensed dealer and automotive recycler; hearing; civil penalty; suspension of motor vehicle registrations; reinstatement fee
  • 28-4501
  • Licensed or unlicensed dealer and automotive recycler; civil penalty; transaction privilege taxes
  • 28-4502
  • Used motor vehicle dealer; violation; classification
  • 28-4503
  • Out-of-business cancellations; hearing
  • 28-4504
  • Motor vehicle dealer enforcement fund
  • 28-4505
  • Unlicensed motor vehicle dealer enforcement task force; report
Article 7Dealer and Manufacturer License Plates
  • 28-4532
  • Dealer owned vehicles; registration exemption; use of dealer plates; civil penalty
  • 28-4533
  • Dealer's certificate; dealer license plates; fees
  • 28-4534
  • Continuation date; delinquent fee; penalty
  • 28-4535
  • Dealer records; replacement; fee
  • 28-4536
  • Authority to operate vehicle with cargo
  • 28-4538
  • Suspension of dealer and manufacturer license plates
  • 28-4539
  • Manufacturer unladen truck and passenger vehicles; registration exemption
  • 28-4540
  • Manufacturer unladen vehicle test license plates and certificate; fee
  • 28-4541
  • Continuation date; delinquent fee due from manufacturer; penalty
  • 28-4542
  • Manufacturer records; replacement; fee
  • 28-4544
  • Manufacturer laden vehicle test license plates; fees
  • 28-4545
  • Manufacturer's and dealer's permit to move without license plates
  • 28-4546
  • Temporary registration plates
  • 28-4547
  • Requirements for temporary registration plates
  • 28-4548
  • Issuance of temporary registration permits by manufacturers or dealers
  • 28-4549
  • Electronic record of temporary registration as notice of transfer; fee
  • 28-4550
  • Temporary registration plate
  • 28-4551
  • Expiration of temporary registration
  • 28-4552
  • Dealer records; temporary registration plates
  • 28-4553
  • Temporary registration plates; violation; classification
  • 28-4554
  • Suspension of issuance of temporary registration plates
  • 28-4556
  • Disposition of fees; highway user revenue fund
Article 8Violations
  • 28-4592
  • License assignment prohibited; classification
  • 28-4593
  • Altering a serial or identification number; classification; exception
  • 28-4594
  • Altered serial or identification number; contraband; seizure; disposition
  • 28-4595
  • Verified claim disputing contraband status; hearing; disposition
Article 9Transporter License Plates
  • 28-4623
  • Transporter certificate; transporter license plates and tabs
  • 28-4624
  • Vehicles with transporter license plates; registration exemption
  • 28-4625
  • Display of transporter license plates
  • 28-4627
  • Suspension or revocation; reissue
  • 28-4630
  • Election for limited operation transporters
Article 10Protected Data
  • 28-4652
  • Dealers; data submission to manufacturers or third parties
  • 28-4653
  • Manufacturers and third parties; prohibitions; requirements
  • 28-4654
  • Dealer data vendors; authorized integrators; requirements
Chapter 11
Sec: 28-4801-28-4884
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-4803
  • Public vehicle; fee exemption
  • 28-4804
  • Abandoned vehicle administration fund
  • 28-4805
  • Towing company; partial reimbursement; registration; payment forfeiture
  • 28-4806
  • Abandoned vehicle fee monies; deposit; towing companies; payment system
Article 2Regulation
  • 28-4835
  • Presumption of responsibility
  • 28-4836
  • Towed vehicles; notification; Arizona crime information center database; violation; classification
  • 28-4838
  • Report; abandoned and seized vehicles; violation; classification
  • 28-4839
  • Report; vehicle abandoned in storage; violation; classification; disposition
  • 28-4840
  • Report; vehicle abandoned in repair facility; disposition
  • 28-4841
  • Abandoned vehicle; notice of intent to transfer vehicle
  • 28-4842
  • Unclaimed vehicle; transfer of ownership; immunity; towing companies
  • 28-4843
  • Reclaimed vehicle; payment of costs
  • 28-4844
  • Affidavit; stolen vehicle; suspension of registration
  • 28-4845
  • Stolen and recovered vehicles; record and report; distribution
  • 28-4846
  • Stolen vehicles; inspection; violation; classification
  • 28-4847
  • Owners; insurance companies; release; fees; vehicle repair facilities; applicability; violation; classification; business practices; unlawful practices; definition
  • 28-4848
  • Access to vehicle; ignition interlock service provider; lienholder; fee prohibited; violation; classification
Article 3Junk Vehicles
  • 28-4884
  • Destroyed vehicles; certificates of title
Chapter 13
Sec: 28-5100-28-5111
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-5101.01
  • Authorized third party driver license providers; requirements
  • 28-5101.02
  • Authorized third party driver license training providers; requirements; applicability
  • 28-5101.03
  • Authorized third party commercial driver license examiners; requirements
  • 28-5102
  • Powers and duties of director
  • 28-5105
  • Criminal records check; denial of application; immunity from costs
  • 28-5107
  • Application denial; hearing; appeal
  • 28-5108
  • Cancellation or suspension of authorization or certification; hearing; appeal
  • 28-5110
  • Action to restrain violation
  • 28-5111
  • Electronic transmission and recording of title, registration and driver license; program; authorized third party
Chapter 14
Sec: 28-5201-28-5244
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-5203
  • Motor carrier safety revolving fund
  • 28-5204
  • Administration and enforcement; rules
Article 2Regulation
  • 28-5231
  • Records requirements; inspection
  • 28-5232
  • Danger to public safety; suspension of registration or license; civil penalty; hearing; reinstatement
  • 28-5234
  • Exemption from rules on drivers' qualification and hours of service; definitions
  • 28-5235
  • Notification; denial of vehicle registration and operating privileges; audits
  • 28-5236
  • Violations; inspection; material containment
  • 28-5237
  • Noncompliance; hearing; suspension of registration or license; civil penalty
  • 28-5238
  • Civil penalty schedule; suspension of registration or license; reinstatement; enforcement
  • 28-5240
  • Civil traffic violation; civil penalty
  • 28-5241
  • Out-of-service orders; violation; classification; civil penalty; attorney general enforcement; definition
  • 28-5242
  • Registration requirements; interstate or foreign commerce; enforcement; violations; classification
  • 28-5243
  • Railroad crossing violations; civil penalty
  • 28-5244
  • Motor carriers; civil penalty; definition
Chapter 15
Sec: 28-5401-28-5492
Article 1General Provisions
Article 2Gross Weight Fees
  • 28-5432
  • Gross weight fees; application; exceptions
  • 28-5433
  • Gross weight fees; additional registration fees; farm vehicle reduction; consolidation
  • 28-5434
  • Proration of gross weight fees
  • 28-5435
  • Increase in gross vehicle weight; additional fee
  • 28-5436
  • Reduced gross weight fees; seasonal agricultural work
  • 28-5437
  • Operation with excess weight; violation; classification
  • 28-5438
  • Weight violations; civil penalty; classifications; procedures; evidence
Article 3Highway Use Fees
  • 28-5471
  • Highway use fees; commercial motor vehicles; definition
  • 28-5472
  • Additional highway use fees; nonresident owners
  • 28-5473
  • Highway use fee; reduction; basis; proration; exemption
  • 28-5474
  • Axle fees; commercial vehicles; border crossing; definition
Article 4Light Motor Vehicle Fee
  • 28-5492
  • Light motor vehicle fee imposed
Chapter 16
Sec: 28-5601-28-6008
Article 1Motor Fuel Taxes
  • 28-5604
  • Reward for detecting violations
  • 28-5605
  • Use fuel tax collection; fuel dispenser labels; civil penalty
  • 28-5606
  • Imposition of motor fuel taxes
  • 28-5607
  • Fuel imported by other than licensed supplier; payment of tax; fee; import limitation
  • 28-5608
  • Fuel imported in fuel tanks; violation; classification
  • 28-5609
  • Railroad common carrier exemption; exception; report
  • 28-5611
  • Refunds; motor vehicle fuel
  • 28-5612
  • Refund procedure; violation
  • 28-5613
  • Licensee refunds; definition
  • 28-5619
  • Records required; violation; classification
  • 28-5620
  • Records and equipment inspections; hearings; use restrictions; violation; costs
  • 28-5621
  • Failure to report or pay tax; penalties; interest; transmittal date
  • 28-5623
  • Civil penalty; use fuel purchaser; vendor refund; financial penalty prohibited; subsequent violations
  • 28-5624
  • Transportation of fuel by motor vehicle; documentation; violation; penalties
  • 28-5625
  • Restricted distributor licenses; reports; violation; classification
  • 28-5626
  • Suppliers; vendors; licenses required
  • 28-5630
  • License; assignability; display; duplicates
  • 28-5631
  • Bonds; amount; failure of security
  • 28-5635
  • Discontinuance, sale or transfer of business; violation; classification
  • 28-5637
  • Collection of fuel tax from purchaser; deferred remittance election
  • 28-5638
  • Deferred remittance election eligibility
  • 28-5643
  • Reliance on representations
  • 28-5644
  • Terminal operator; joint and several liability
  • 28-5645
  • Dyed diesel use; violation; classification
  • 28-5647
  • Dyed diesel; prohibited acts; joint and several liability
  • 28-5648
  • Inspection of fuel and shipping papers
  • 28-5649
  • Dyed diesel; permissible highway use
Article 2Interstate User Fuel Tax Reponsibilities
  • 28-5702
  • Use fuel tax payment if not precollected
  • 28-5703
  • Cooperative agreements; definitions
  • 28-5722
  • Additional assessment; time limit
  • 28-5724
  • Failure to file report; assessment; license revocation or suspension
  • 28-5725
  • Interstate user credits or refunds
  • 28-5727
  • Erroneous assessment; cancellation in records
  • 28-5734
  • Interstate user license requirement
  • 28-5739
  • Single trip and other limited use fuel tax permits
  • 28-5745
  • License revocation; hearing
Article 3Vehicle License Tax
  • 28-5801
  • Vehicle license tax rate; definitions
  • 28-5802
  • Vehicle license tax exemption; veterans
  • 28-5803
  • Vehicle license tax exemption; individuals with disabilities
  • 28-5803.01
  • Vehicle license tax and registration fee exemption; spouse or dependents of first responder or military member; applicability; definitions
  • 28-5804
  • Privately owned motor vehicle used as school bus; classification; vehicle license tax
  • 28-5805
  • Motor vehicle powered by alternative fuel; classification; vehicle license tax; definitions
  • 28-5806
  • Privately owned motor vehicle used for ambulance or fire fighting services; classification; vehicle license tax; definition
  • 28-5807
  • Registration period; proration; retroactive collection
  • 28-5808
  • Vehicle license tax distribution
  • 28-5810
  • Rental vehicle surcharge; reimbursement; definition
  • 28-5811
  • Vehicle license tax and registration fee exemption; United States armed forces members
  • 28-5812
  • Incorrect distributions; adjustments
Article 4Motor Carrier Fee
  • 28-5853
  • Motor carrier fee exemptions
  • 28-5854
  • Motor vehicle; motor carrier fee rate
  • 28-5855
  • Motor vehicle; reduced motor carrier fee; load restrictions; civil traffic violation
  • 28-5856
  • Motor vehicle; reduced motor carrier fee; less than full load capacity; civil traffic violation
  • 28-5857
  • Motor vehicle; reduced motor carrier fee; agricultural products; civil traffic violation; definition
  • 28-5858
  • Gross vehicle weight change
  • 28-5861
  • Motor carrier fee compliance requirement
  • 28-5863
  • Single trip motor carrier fee trip permit; fee; expiration
  • 28-5864
  • Special thirty day motor carrier fee permit
  • 28-5867
  • Motor vehicle; reduced motor carrier fee; limited mileage; transporters; civil traffic violation
Article 5Tax Administration
  • 28-5921
  • Violations; classification; civil penalty
  • 28-5926
  • Transfer; state lake improvement fund; administrative expenses
  • 28-5927
  • Transfer; off-highway vehicle recreation fund
  • 28-5930
  • Electronic report filing; rules; payment availability
  • 28-5932
  • Jeopardy assessment; definition
  • 28-5933
  • Contingent fee collection contracts
  • 28-5934
  • Abatement of uncollectible taxes, penalties and fees
  • 28-5935
  • Confidential information; disclosure prohibited
  • 28-5936
  • Confidential information; disclosure allowed
  • 28-5943
  • Transfer of vehicle subject to lien
  • 28-5947
  • Property surrender; definition
  • 28-5951
  • Seized property; notice and sale
  • 28-5952
  • Levy release; property return
Article 6Underground Storage Tank Tax
  • 28-6001
  • Underground storage tank tax; payments
  • 28-6003
  • Payment procedure; return form
  • 28-6006
  • Administration same as for motor vehicle fuel tax
  • 28-6007
  • Underground storage tank tax clearing account
  • 28-6008
  • Distribution; administration costs
Chapter 17
Sec: 28-6301-28-6392
Article 1Transportation Excise Tax Distribution in Highly Populated Counties
  • 28-6302
  • Transportation excise tax distribution; counties with three million or more persons; regional area road fund
  • 28-6303
  • Regional area road fund; separate accounts
  • 28-6305
  • Construction account; expenditures; construction contracts
  • 28-6306
  • Account expenditures; elections
  • 28-6308
  • Regional planning agency transportation policy committee
  • 28-6313
  • Performance audits of proposed transportation projects and systems
Article 2County Transportation Excise Tax Plan
  • 28-6352
  • County transportation excise tax; budget process; annual report
  • 28-6353
  • Public transportation farebox recovery audit; ratio; exemption
Article 3Transportation Excise Tax Distribution in Less Populated Counties
  • 28-6391
  • Transportation excise tax distribution in counties with five hundred thousand persons or less; county regional area road fund
  • 28-6392
  • County regional area road fund; distribution; repayment of misused monies; investment
Chapter 18
Sec: 28-6501-28-6546
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-6501
  • Definition of highway user revenues
  • 28-6502
  • Record of highway user revenues; minimum dollar distribution
Article 2Specific Distributions
  • 28-6532
  • Population determination; decennial or special census; population estimates
  • 28-6533
  • Arizona highway user revenue fund; reports
  • 28-6534
  • Arizona highway user revenue fund distribution; economic strength project fund
  • 28-6537
  • Arizona highway user revenue fund distribution; highway patrol costs
  • 28-6538
  • Arizona highway user revenue fund distribution; remaining monies; highway fund distribution; contract authorization; plan requirements
  • 28-6540
  • Arizona highway user revenue fund distribution; county, city and town proportions
  • 28-6541
  • Arizona highway user revenue fund distribution; limitations
  • 28-6542
  • Incorrect distributions; adjustments
  • 28-6546
  • Arizona highway user revenue fund; investment
Chapter 19
Sec: 28-6701-28-6808
Article 1County Highway Construction, Maintenance and Abandonment
  • 28-6701
  • Establishing, altering or abandoning local highway
  • 28-6702
  • Proposed highway survey; notice of hearing
  • 28-6704
  • Condemnation; federal-county highway; exception
  • 28-6705
  • Public road and street maintenance
  • 28-6707
  • Highway improvement within city or town limit
  • 28-6708
  • Jurisdiction of streets; unincorporated town
  • 28-6709
  • Street and alley abandonment
  • 28-6711
  • Railroad construction along improved highway prohibited; exception
  • 28-6712
  • Tax levies for county roads
  • 28-6713
  • Bids for construction, reconstruction, equipment or supplies; procedure; bond; exceptions
Article 2Bonds and County Highway Commission
  • 28-6743
  • County highway commission powers and duties
  • 28-6744
  • Semiannual report; publication
  • 28-6746
  • Road bond election precincts; election
  • 28-6747
  • Sale of bonds; highway improvement fund; disposition of proceeds; use of surplus monies
  • 28-6749
  • Cooperative contracts with federal government
Article 3County Bridges
  • 28-6772
  • Bridge joint use; railroad; petition; contract limitations
Article 4Toll Roads, Ferries and Bridges
  • 28-6802
  • Toll road construction; notice; application; hearing
  • 28-6803
  • Application approval or rejection; effective date; franchise term and reversion
  • 28-6804
  • Toll road; interference prohibited
  • 28-6805
  • Toll road; condemnation; construction; guideposts
  • 28-6806
  • Toll road construction and completion
  • 28-6807
  • Toll rates; violation; classification
Chapter 20
Sec: 28-6901-28-7387
Article 1General Provisions
Article 2Highway Division
  • 28-6921
  • State engineer; qualifications; compensation
  • 28-6922
  • Director; powers and duties
  • 28-6923
  • Bid requirements; procedure; bond
  • 28-6924
  • Progress payments; changed or additional work; attorney fees; definitions
  • 28-6925
  • Contract counsel fund; appropriation; exemptions; disbursements; reimbursement
  • 28-6926
  • Construction contracts; void provisions
Article 3Five Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program
  • 28-6951
  • Five year transportation facilities construction program; departmental committee
  • 28-6952
  • Five year transportation facilities construction program; publication; hearing
  • 28-6953
  • Updated program; annual report
Article 4State Highway Fund and Budget
  • 28-6991
  • State highway fund; sources
  • 28-6992
  • Director of department of administration; comptroller of fund
  • 28-6993
  • State highway fund; authorized uses
  • 28-6994
  • Highway damage recovery account
  • 28-6996
  • State highway fund; investment
  • 28-6999
  • Expenditure; appropriation limitation; violation; classification; civil action
  • 28-7001
  • Right-of-way purchase; financing
  • 28-7002
  • Right-of-way acquisitions; applicability; limitation
  • 28-7003
  • Construction program account transfers
  • 28-7005
  • Revolving account; small expenses
  • 28-7006
  • Department fleet operations fund; definitions
  • 28-7007
  • State highway fund; claims; payment
  • 28-7008
  • State highway fund reimbursement; nonhighway costs
  • 28-7009
  • Statewide transportation acceleration needs account; establishment; definition
  • 28-7010
  • Transportation acceleration interest reimbursement account
Article 5State Highways and Routes
  • 28-7041
  • State highways and routes defined
  • 28-7042
  • Width of public highways; exception
  • 28-7043
  • Designation of state route as state highway
  • 28-7045
  • Director; state highway and route use; rules
  • 28-7046
  • Opening, altering or vacating highway; review of order
  • 28-7047
  • Mountain preserve; limitation; definition
  • 28-7048
  • Lease of areas above and below highways; exceptions
  • 28-7049
  • Classification of streets that connect highways and routes
  • 28-7050
  • Federal aid secondary highways; definition
  • 28-7051
  • Roadside parks; historical markers
  • 28-7052
  • Action concerning lands taken or damaged in construction of highway or airport; statute of limitations
  • 28-7053
  • Misuse of public highway or airport; violation; classification; injunction; definition
  • 28-7054
  • Highway or airport encroachments; additional remedies
  • 28-7055
  • Leaving gate open on fenced land; classification
  • 28-7056
  • Dumping trash on highways or airports; classification
  • 28-7057
  • Publication of law relating to dumping trash on highways
  • 28-7058
  • Privatization of rest areas; state certified rest area program; definitions
  • 28-7059
  • Rest area sponsorship sign program; revenue sharing agreement
Article 6Land Purchase, Sale and Condemnation
  • 28-7092
  • Land acquisition; transportation purposes
  • 28-7094
  • Property acquisition; future needs; highway properties fund; rental revenue
  • 28-7095
  • Conveyance of property not needed for transportation purposes
  • 28-7096
  • Appraisal reports; market analyses
  • 28-7097
  • Before condition; market value change
  • 28-7098
  • Appraisal; condemnation; initial offer
  • 28-7099
  • Property repurchase; right of first refusal
  • 28-7100
  • Dismissal of condemnation action
  • 28-7102
  • Inverse condemnation; resolution of necessity; alternatives; limitations; action; extension
Article 7Relocation Assistance
  • 28-7142
  • Relocation assistance advisory services
  • 28-7143
  • Moving and related expenses; payment; substitute payments
  • 28-7144
  • Replacement dwelling; additional payment
  • 28-7145
  • Expenses incidental to transfer of property
  • 28-7146
  • Replacement housing for tenants
  • 28-7147
  • Application review by director
  • 28-7150
  • Effect on eminent domain proceedings
  • 28-7151
  • Negotiation and purchase of property for future transportation facilities
  • 28-7153
  • Condemnation; litigation expenses
  • 28-7154
  • Buildings, structures and improvements
  • 28-7155
  • Acquired property; maintenance
  • 28-7156
  • Utility relocation; cost reimbursement
Article 8Disposition of Public Roadways
  • 28-7202
  • Disposition of unnecessary public roadways
  • 28-7205
  • City, town or county road vacated
  • 28-7206
  • Planned development roadway vacated
  • 28-7209
  • Vacated or abandoned highway; affected jurisdiction; procedure
  • 28-7214
  • Extinguishment of easements
  • 28-7215
  • Public road access; vacating public roadway without compensation
Article 9Bridges
  • 28-7251
  • Construction of bridge or dam; violation; classification
  • 28-7252
  • Failure to construct or repair bridge or crossing; classification
Article 10Economic Strength Projects
  • 28-7282
  • Economic strength project fund
  • 28-7283
  • Construction and maintenance of economic strength projects
  • 28-7286
  • Board authority; construction standards; priority list date
Article 11Advertising
  • 28-7311
  • Urban and rural logo sign programs; rules; definitions
  • 28-7312
  • Tourism encouragement; Arizona highways magazine
  • 28-7313
  • Publication section; publisher
  • 28-7314
  • Publisher powers and duties; award of contract
  • 28-7315
  • Arizona highways magazine fund
  • 28-7316
  • Assets and facilities advertising and sponsorship program; definitions
Article 12Cooperative National Highway Aid Agreements
  • 28-7341
  • Agreements between department and federal agencies
  • 28-7342
  • Cooperative agreement provisions
  • 28-7343
  • Authority of director relating to monies
  • 28-7344
  • Reimbursement by federal agency
Article 13Alternative Contracting Procedures
  • 28-7363
  • Design-build method of project delivery
  • 28-7365
  • Design-build; two-phase solicitation
  • 28-7366
  • Construction-manager-at-risk construction services and job-order-contracting construction services
  • 28-7367
  • Multiple contracts for the same job-order-contracting construction services to be awarded to separate persons or firms in a single procurement; contract requirements
  • 28-7368
  • Multiterm contracts for job-order-contracting construction services
  • 28-7369
  • Insurance requirements in procurements
Article 14Telecommunication Facility Installation
  • 28-7382
  • Telecommunication facility installation; highway construction projects; expanded use; action for just compensation; excavation; notice
  • 28-7383
  • Management of state-owned telecommunication facilities
  • 28-7384
  • Longitudinal telecommunication access in the highway system; agreements; restrictions; rulemaking
  • 28-7385
  • Longitudinal telecommunication access to highway system right-of-way; compensation
  • 28-7386
  • Use and access to state-owned conduit; compensation
  • 28-7387
  • Smart highway corridor trust fund; purpose
Chapter 21
Sec: 28-7501-28-7697
Article 1State Highway Fund Bonds
  • 28-7506
  • Bond purchase; cancellation
  • 28-7508
  • Financial interest prohibited; violation; classification
  • 28-7509
  • Highway bond proceeds fund; investment
  • 28-7511
  • Bonds; freeway mitigation; matching amount
  • 28-7514
  • Attorney general bond certification
  • 28-7515
  • Bond obligations of the board
Article 2Regional Area Road Fund Bonds
  • 28-7561
  • Bonds payable from transportation excise taxes
  • 28-7568
  • Bond proceeds; distribution; expenditures
  • 28-7569
  • Agreement of state and county
  • 28-7571
  • Attorney general bond certification
  • 28-7572
  • Bond obligations of the board
Article 3Grant Anticipation Notes
  • 28-7615
  • Application of grant revenues; grant anticipation notes fund; payment of notes
  • 28-7617
  • Nature of grant anticipation notes; limited obligation
  • 28-7618
  • Attorney general note certification
Article 4Bonds Secured by Bridge Construction or Highway Improvement Revenues
  • 28-7652
  • Agreement for construction of bridge or highway improvements
  • 28-7653
  • Bonds secured by bridge construction revenues; bonds secured by highway improvement revenues
  • 28-7656
  • Interest fund; redemption fund
  • 28-7657
  • Pledge of revenues to secure debt instruments
Article 5Highway Expansion and Extension Loan Program
  • 28-7673
  • Powers and duties of the board and department
  • 28-7674
  • Highway expansion and extension loan program fund
  • 28-7675
  • Fund; annual financial audit and report
  • 28-7676
  • Eligible project loans and other financial assistance
  • 28-7677
  • Acceleration of right-of-way acquisition, design or construction of eligible highway and transportation projects
Article 6Highway Project Advancement Notes
  • 28-7682
  • Highway project advancement notes; pledge of excise taxes
  • 28-7684
  • Application of revenues; highway project advancement notes fund; payment of notes
  • 28-7687
  • Nature of highway project advancement notes; limited obligation
Article 7Transportation Project Advancement Notes
  • 28-7692
  • Transportation project advancement notes; pledge of excise taxes
  • 28-7694
  • Application of revenues; transportation project advancement notes; payment of notes
  • 28-7697
  • Nature of transportation project advancement notes; limited obligation
Chapter 22
Sec: 28-7701-28-7764
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-7705
  • Public-private partnership agreements
  • 28-7707
  • Confidentiality and public disclosure
  • 28-7710
  • Federal laws and severability
  • 28-7711
  • Attorney general public-private partnership agreement certification
Article 2Toll Collection and Enforcement
  • 28-7753
  • Tolls, administrative charges and penalties; notification
  • 28-7754
  • Electronic toll payment devices; video toll transactions
  • 28-7755
  • Responsibility for tolls and other charges
  • 28-7756
  • Defenses of registered owners and lessees
  • 28-7760
  • Administrative hearings; rehearing; appeal; collection
  • 28-7761
  • Reporting to department; impact on driving record and insurance
  • 28-7762
  • Vehicle registration penalties
  • 28-7764
  • Motor vehicle immobilization, tow and impoundment; hearing; release of motor vehicle
Chapter 23
Sec: 28-7901-28-7946
Article 1Advertising Regulation
  • 28-7902
  • Outdoor advertising authorized
  • 28-7903
  • Outdoor advertising prohibited
  • 28-7904
  • Directional and other official signs
  • 28-7905
  • Outdoor advertising standards
  • 28-7906
  • Outdoor advertising and property right acquisition; compensation; removal; hearing
  • 28-7907
  • Agreement with secretary of transportation
  • 28-7910
  • Governmental agency resolution; defined hardship area
  • 28-7911
  • Nongovernmental resolution; defined hardship area
  • 28-7912
  • City, town or county control of advertising displays
  • 28-7913
  • Advertising displays; safety rest areas; information centers
Article 2Junkyards
  • 28-7942
  • Junkyards; screening; relocation; rules
  • 28-7943
  • Junkyards; screening license
  • 28-7944
  • Junkyards; nuisance; injunction
Chapter 24
Sec: 28-8131-28-8134
Article 2Public Transportation Assistance
  • 28-8131
  • State assistance; regional public transportation activities
  • 28-8132
  • Funding; improving transit services
  • 28-8133
  • Demonstration or pilot projects
  • 28-8134
  • Department participation; limitation
Chapter 25
Sec: 28-8201-28-8536
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-8205
  • Construction of new airports; definitions
  • 28-8208
  • Crimes, torts and other wrongs; governing law
  • 28-8209
  • Legal relationships while in flight
  • 28-8210
  • Civil air patrol; federal monies
Article 2Aeronautics Division
  • 28-8241
  • Aeronautics division; assistant director
  • 28-8243
  • Abandoned aircraft; definition
Article 3Aircraft Operation
  • 28-8272
  • Federal regulation; licensing and registration; violation
  • 28-8274
  • Aircraft collisions; liability
  • 28-8275
  • Insurance coverage disclosure; civil penalty
  • 28-8277
  • Low altitude flying prohibited
  • 28-8278
  • Landing prohibition; liability
  • 28-8279
  • Trick or acrobatic flying; low level flying; dropping objects; classification
  • 28-8280
  • Careless or reckless aircraft operation; violation; classification; definitions
  • 28-8281
  • Killing birds or animals; classification
  • 28-8282
  • Prohibited operation; under the influence; incapacitation
  • 28-8285
  • Alcohol abuse screening session
  • 28-8288
  • Third or subsequent offense
  • 28-8289
  • Political subdivision; immunity
  • 28-8292
  • Waiver of fine, surcharge or assessment
Article 4Aircraft Registration and Taxation
  • 28-8322
  • Registration; exceptions; definition
  • 28-8322.01
  • Staggered aircraft registration; rules
  • 28-8323
  • Government and dealer aircraft registration; fees
  • 28-8325
  • Registration fee; certificate
  • 28-8326
  • Aircraft dealers; registration application; penalty
  • 28-8328
  • Failure to register; assessment procedure
  • 28-8329
  • Late registration; penalty; abatement
  • 28-8332
  • Registration; transfer or assignment
  • 28-8334
  • Aircraft loss or destruction
  • 28-8336
  • Nonresident; license tax rate
  • 28-8337
  • Stored or repaired aircraft; license tax rate
  • 28-8338
  • Salvage aircraft; license tax rate; definition
  • 28-8339
  • Special aircraft; license tax rate; definitions
  • 28-8340
  • Manufacturer's aircraft; definition
  • 28-8341
  • Maintenance aircraft; license tax rate; definition
  • 28-8342
  • Fair market value determination
  • 28-8343
  • Aircraft total loss; violation; classification
  • 28-8344
  • Aviation fuel tax; rate; definition
  • 28-8345
  • Registration fees; penalties; taxes; distribution
  • 28-8346
  • Filing by mail; date of filing
Article 5Aircraft Dealers
  • 28-8381
  • Definition of aircraft dealer
  • 28-8382
  • License requirement; application; renewal; license tax; liability
Article 6Airports in General
  • 28-8411
  • Authority of cities, towns and counties; limitation
  • 28-8413
  • Acceptance by state, cities, towns or counties of federal or other aid
  • 28-8414
  • City and town airport disposal
  • 28-8415
  • Real property interests; airport purposes
  • 28-8416
  • Private property acquisition; airport purposes
  • 28-8417
  • Payment for real property; bonds
  • 28-8418
  • Airport construction and operation; charge
  • 28-8419
  • Airport rules, fees and charges; limitation
  • 28-8420
  • Agreements; joint airport operations
  • 28-8422
  • Adjoining state monies for airports
  • 28-8423
  • Airport land lease; nonprofit corporation
  • 28-8424
  • Nonprofit corporation lessees; status; authority; exemptions
  • 28-8425
  • Lease authority; airport or air terminal purposes
  • 28-8426
  • Airport police; powers; qualifications
  • 28-8428
  • Liability; airport police and aides
Article 7Airport Zoning and Regulation
  • 28-8462
  • Airport hazard; public nuisance; prevention and elimination
  • 28-8463
  • Acquisition of facilities or nonconforming property; exception
  • 28-8464
  • Political subdivisions; airport zoning regulations
  • 28-8466
  • Zoning regulations; relationships
  • 28-8467
  • Airport zoning regulations; procedure; airport zoning commission
  • 28-8468
  • Airport zoning regulations; criteria; limitations
  • 28-8469
  • Airport zoning regulations; administrative agency; duties
  • 28-8472
  • Permit; variance; condition; hazard indicators
  • 28-8473
  • Airport zoning regulations; board of adjustment; powers; composition; proceedings
  • 28-8474
  • Board of adjustment; appeals
  • 28-8478
  • Resolutions; ordinances; vehicle operations in airports
  • 28-8480
  • Military airport continuation; land acquisition
  • 28-8481
  • Planning and zoning; military airport and ancillary military facility's operation compatibility; compliance review; penalty; definitions
  • 28-8482
  • Incorporation of sound attenuation standards in building codes
  • 28-8483
  • Registry of military airport flight operations; public inspection
  • 28-8484
  • Military airport disclosure; residential property
  • 28-8485
  • Airport influence areas; notice
  • 28-8486
  • Public airport disclosure; definitions
Article 8Joint Powers Airport Authority
  • 28-8521
  • Joint powers airport authority; agreement; board of directors
  • 28-8522
  • Joint powers airport authority classification
  • 28-8524
  • Allocation of monies; sources; public hearing; reuse, development and capital improvement plans
  • 28-8525
  • Joint powers airport authority; withdrawal
  • 28-8526
  • Joint powers airport authority; admission
  • 28-8527
  • Joint powers airport authority; powers
  • 28-8530
  • Revenue bonds; fees and charges
  • 28-8535
  • Federal income tax considerations
Chapter 26
Sec: 28-9101-28-9143
Article 1Formation and Dissolution
  • 28-9103
  • Corporate existence; rights and immunities; official name
Article 2Powers and Duties
  • 28-9121
  • Organization; board of directors
  • 28-9122
  • Administrative powers and duties
  • 28-9123
  • Survey of public transportation needs
  • 28-9124
  • Operation and maintenance of public transportation system
Article 3Financing
  • 28-9142
  • Public transportation authority fund
Chapter 27
Sec: 28-9201-28-9204
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-9201
  • Minimum safety standards; violation
  • 28-9202
  • Public records; confidentiality
  • 28-9203
  • Risk management; payment of costs
  • 28-9204
  • Public monies; prohibition
Chapter 30
Sec: 28-9501-28-9558
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-9503
  • Vehicle for hire company permits; fees; violation; classification
  • 28-9506
  • Taxi and livery vehicle signage
  • 28-9507
  • Vehicles for hire; criminal background checks; vehicle safety records; zero-tolerance policy; drug and alcohol use by driver; passenger complaints
Article 2Regulation
  • 28-9521
  • Unlawful use of vehicle for hire; violation; classification
  • 28-9522
  • Revocation or suspension of permits; procedure; judicial review
  • 28-9523
  • Violations; classification; jurisdiction
  • 28-9524
  • Taxi meter; presumptive evidence of use
  • 28-9526
  • Delinquent civil penalties and fees
  • 28-9527
  • Transaction privilege tax prohibited
Article 3Transportation Network Companies
  • 28-9552
  • Transportation network companies; permit; fee; agent; trade dress
  • 28-9553
  • Transportation network services; fares; driver identification; electronic receipt
  • 28-9554
  • Zero-tolerance policy; drug and alcohol use by driver; passenger complaints
  • 28-9555
  • Transportation network company duties; driver requirements
  • 28-9556
  • Transportation network services; civil penalty; street hails prohibited; records
  • 28-9557
  • Transportation network companies; drivers; transaction privilege tax prohibited
  • 28-9558
  • Transportation network company disclosures; insurance proceeds
Chapter 31
Sec: 28-9601-28-9616
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-9603
  • Notice to owner of vehicle with lien
  • 28-9604
  • Authorized insurer exclusions
  • 28-9605
  • Shared vehicle records; retention
  • 28-9606
  • Vicarious liability exemption
  • 28-9607
  • Insurance claims; shared vehicles; indemnification
  • 28-9609
  • Car sharing program agreement disclosures
  • 28-9610
  • Car sharing program agreement; licensed driver; data retention
  • 28-9611
  • Responsibility for equipment
  • 28-9613
  • Peer-to-peer car sharing program; individual-owned shared vehicle
  • 28-9614
  • Public airports; shared vehicle transaction regulations
  • 28-9615
  • Motor vehicle manufacturers; licensed motor vehicle dealers; rights, obligations and limitations not expanded or restricted
  • 28-9616
  • Shared vehicle transactions; transaction privilege tax; exceptions; prohibition
Chapter 32
Sec: 28-9701-28-9708
Article 1General Provisions
  • 28-9702
  • Operation of autonomous vehicles
  • 28-9703
  • Department of public safety; law enforcement protocols; law enforcement interaction plan
  • 28-9704
  • On-demand autonomous vehicle networks
  • 28-9706
  • Autonomous vehicles; fees prohibited; exceptions; enforcement
  • 28-9707
  • Traffic or motor vehicle laws; autonomous vehicles