The Arizona Revised Statutes have been updated to include the revised sections from the 56th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session. Please note that the next update of this compilation will not take place until after the conclusion of the 57th Legislature, 1st Regular Session, which convenes in January 2025.
This online version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is primarily maintained for legislative drafting purposes and reflects the version of law that is effective on January 1st of the year following the most recent legislative session. The official version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is published by Thomson Reuters.
Title 45 - Waters
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Exemption from adequate water supply requirements for city, town or county based on an adequate water supply within twenty years; criteria; application
Exemptions from irrigation water duties, conservation requirements for distribution of groundwater and portions of groundwater withdrawal fee for portions of Phoenix active management area; fee; review
Use of groundwater to water plants in containers as non-irrigation use; right to use groundwater withdrawn pursuant to irrigation grandfathered right to water plants in containers; definition
Withdrawals in excess of irrigation grandfathered right; withdrawals less than irrigation grandfathered right; flexibility account; conveyances; variance; exemption
Right to retire irrigation grandfathered right for non-irrigation use; development plan approval; amendment of plan; approval of plan prior to retirement; amount withdrawn; service area determined; restoration of retired irrigation grandfathered right
Conveyance of irrigation grandfathered right; within service area; outside service area; change to non-irrigation grandfathered right; forfeiture of right to convey to non-irrigation use; definition
Designation of protected farmland; notice; revocation of designation; irrigation water duty; assured water supply credit for extinguishment of irrigation grandfathered right prohibited
Article 6Groundwater Rights and Uses Within Service Areas
Limitations on extensions of service areas; prohibition on formation of private water company for irrigation purpose; prohibition on service without payment of tax
Transportation between sub-basins or away from an active management area; damages; non-irrigation grandfathered right not associated with retired irrigated land; service area withdrawals; permit; exempt well
Transportation in areas not subject to active management; damages; upper San Pedro water district; Little Colorado river plateau, Parker and Coconino plateau groundwater basins; definitions
Notification to persons filing late applications for certificates of grandfathered rights and to persons with new groundwater rights or uses; compliance; variance; review
Termination of designation for members of conservation district or members of water district; moratorium on adding new member lands and member service areas
Use of withdrawal fees collected for augmentation and conservation and purchase and retirement of grandfathered rights, Arizona water banking purposes and groundwater and irrigation efficiency projects
Power of Cochise, Graham and Gila counties and the towns of Safford and Thatcher and the city of Douglas to cooperate with the United States in flood control projects
Replenishment related to transportation of underground water or stored water away from an eastern protection zone or a western protection zone for nonirrigation use
Individual replenishment obligations of persons using underground water or stored water within an eastern protection zone or a western protection zone for industrial use; enforcement action; notice
Irrigation of new lands in Gila river maintenance area with water withdrawn or diverted from Gila river maintenance area impact zone prohibited; exception