Fifty-seventh Legislature
First Regular Session
SB 1086 transportation system performance; ADOT
SB 1089 ADOT; report; construction projects; bidders
SB 1212 biosolids; land application; immunity
SB 1215 litigation; financing; consumer protection; enforcement
SB 1232 issuance; affidavit; arrest warrant
SB 1278 technical correction; self-service storage; notice
(Now: department of natural resources)
SB 1287 PSPRS; part-time employment
SB 1290 brass knuckles; purchase; possession; minors
SB 1307 advanced air mobility infrastructure
SB 1333 congregate care; dependent children; placement
SB 1357 department of housing; continuation.
SB 1444 helium exploration; aquifer protection permit
SB 1462 computer-generated pictorial representations; unlawful disclosure
SB 1470 graduation; children with disabilities
SB 1472 school district budgets; three years
SB 1493 DCS; school visits; identification requirements
SB 1498 federal search; seizure; sheriff; permission
SB 1503 continuation; school facilities oversight board
SB 1517 off-highway vehicles; weight
SB 1520 water protection; technical correction
(Now: rural groundwater)
SB 1521 unbuilt certificates; assured water supply
SB 1525 CTEDs; state universities; intergovernmental agreements
(Now: postsecondary institutions; intergovernmental agreements)
SB 1529 municipal housing; preapproved design
SB 1537 transitional housing; reentry programs; licensure
SB 1600 patient rights; health care services
SB 1615 student athletes; employment status; restrictions
SB 1658 veterinary technicians; certification; education alternative
SB 1659 state board; allegations of misconduct
SB 1660 sex offender management board; fund
SB 1703 veterans' benefits; claims; prohibition.
SB 1713 marijuana; dual licensees; rural communities