Fifty-fourth Legislature                                                        

First Regular Session                                                           



(Reference to House engrossed Senate bill)



Page 1, strike lines 2 through 18

Renumber to conform

Line 33, strike " or" insert a comma; strike "or 13‑3419" insert "or 13‑3419"

Page 4, between lines 29 and 30, insert:

"6.  The defendant has not previously received services through the state department of corrections or probation services for a felony offense in any state."

Renumber to conform

Page 5, strike lines 11 through 17, insert:

"A.  If a person is convicted of multiple felony offenses that were not committed on the same occasion but that either are consolidated for trial purposes or are not historical prior felony convictions, the person shall be sentenced as a first time felony offender pursuant to section 13‑702 for the first offense, as a category one repetitive offender for the second offense, and as a category two repetitive offender for the third and subsequent offenses."

Reletter to conform

Line 19, strike "two one" insert "two"

Line 21, strike "and" insert a comma; after "conviction" insert "and, unless the person was on release for a felony offense, the historical prior felony conviction occurred before the date on which the present offense was committed"

Line 23, strike "three two" insert "three"

Line 25, strike "and" insert a comma

Page 5, line 26, after "convictions" insert "and, unless the person was on release for a felony offense, the historical prior felony convictions occurred before the date on which the present offense was committed"

Strike lines 30 through 35, insert:

"E.  If a person is sentenced as a category one repetitive offender pursuant to subsection A of this section and if at least two aggravating circumstances listed in section 13‑701, subsection D apply or at least two mitigating circumstances listed in section 13‑701, subsection E apply, the court may impose a mitigated or aggravated sentence pursuant to subsection H of this section."

Reletter to conform

Line 36, strike "two one" insert "two"

Line 37, strike "or B" insert "or B"

Line 41, strike " F" insert "I"

Line 42, strike "three two" insert "three"

Line 43, strike " B" insert "C"

Page 6, line 2, strike " G" insert "J"

Strike lines 3 through 10, insert:

"H.  A category one repetitive offender shall be sentenced within the following ranges:

Felony      Mitigated   Minimum     Presumptive Maximum     Aggravated

Class 2     3 years     4 years     5 years     10 years    12.5 years

Class 3     2 years     2.5 years   3.5 years   7 years     8.75 years

Class 4     1 year      1.5 years   2.5 years   3 years     3.75 years

Class 5     .5 years    .75 years   1.5 years   2 years     2.5 years

Class 6     .25 years   .5 years    1 year      1.5 years   2 years"

Reletter to conform

Line 11, strike "two one" insert "two"

Line 19, strike "three two" insert "three"

Line 28, strike "H, I or J F or G" insert "H, I or J"

Line 40, strike "A and"; strike "and C" insert "and C"

Page 7, line 7, strike "a historical"; strike "felony"

Line 8, after "court" strike remainder of line

Strike line 9

Line 10, strike "committed the present offense"

Lines 14, 19 and 21, strike "historical prior felony" insert "prior"

Line 35, strike "H, I or J F or G" insert "H, I or J"

Strike lines 41 and 42

Strike pages 8 and 9

Amend title to conform







12:29 PM

C: kcb