Fifty-sixth Legislature                                                         

First Regular Session                                                           



(Reference to House engrossed Senate bill)


Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Section 1. Section 32-2211, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-2211. Exceptions from application of chapter

This chapter shall does not apply to:

1. A commissioned veterinary medical officer of the United States armed services or employees of the animal disease eradication division of the United States department of agriculture.

2. A person treating who treats an animal belonging to himself the person or his the person's employer while in the regular service of such that employer or the animal of another without compensation therefor. Animals consigned by their legal owner for feeding or care to consignment livestock operations shall be considered to be the property of the consignee.

3. A licensed veterinarian of another state or foreign country consulting who consults with a licensed veterinarian in this state.

4. A veterinary student who performs acts of health care or prescribed veterinary procedures as a part of the veterinary student's educational experience if both of the following apply:

(a) The acts are assigned by a licensed veterinarian or a licensed veterinary faculty member who is responsible for the animal's care.

(b) The veterinary student works under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian or a licensed veterinary faculty member.

5. A veterinary assistant who is employed by a licensed veterinarian performing and who performs duties other than diagnosis, prognosis, prescription or surgery under the direct supervision or indirect supervision of such the licensed veterinarian who shall be is responsible for such the veterinary assistant's performance.

6. An emergency medical care technician who provides emergency treatment pursuant to section 36-2230.

7. A physician who is licensed pursuant to chapter 13 or 17 of this title and who provides administrative medical direction as defined in section 36-2201 or online medical direction within the emergency medical services and trauma system to an emergency medical care technician who is providing emergency treatment pursuant to section 36-2230. END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 4, line 13, after "enforcement" insert "department or"

Page 8, line 23, after "enforcement" insert "department or"

Page 9, line 13, after "immunity" insert "; billing"

Line 14, strike "authorize" insert "require"

Line 15, after "technicians" strike remainder of line insert "and ambulance attendants as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision (b) to transport a police"

Line 16, strike "and to transport the police dog"

Line 17, after "officer" insert "who is trained in dog handling, if available,"

Line 18, after "by" insert "a ground"

Line 20, after "if" insert "all of the following apply:


Line 21, after "transport" insert "by the ground ambulance or other emergency medical services vehicle"

Between lines 21 and 22, insert:

"2. The transport is not expected to take more than thirty minutes from the point of pickup to the veterinary clinic or veterinary hospital.

3. The ambulance service has at least one additional ground ambulance in service and available to respond to emergency calls.

4. The transport by a police officer in the police officer's emergency vehicle is not deemed to be more safe and more expeditious than transport by a ground ambulance.

B. An ambulance service may authorize its emergency medical care technicians, if trained, to provide emergency treatment to a police dog that is injured in the line of duty."

Reletter to conform

Page 9, line 30, strike "box"

Lines 38 and 40, strike "an" insert "a ground"

Line 42, after "the" insert "ground"

Page 10, between lines 4 and 5, insert:

"E. An ambulance service that provides transport for an injured police dog pursuant to this section may bill the governmental entity that owns the police dog for the cost of the transport.

F. This section does not preclude a police officer who is trained in dog handling of an injured police dog from choosing to transport the injured police dog in the police officer's own emergency vehicle."

Amend title to conform






4:25 PM