Committee | Position | Minutes | Agendas |
Transportation & Infrastructure | Vice-Chairman | Click here | Click here |
Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs | Member | Click here | Click here |
Natural Resources, Energy & Water | Member | Click here | Click here |
Committee | Position |
House Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee of Reference | Member |
No Personal Biography Available
Bill Number | Sponsor Type | Short/NOW Title |
HB2002 | P | transportation tax; deposit; county board |
HB2029 | P | internet safety instruction; public schools (NOW: academic standards; attestation; posting) |
HB2099 | P | governor; attorney general; duties; immigration |
HB2100 | P | made in Arizona special plates (NOW: watercraft; proof of insurance) |
HB2101 | P | appropriation; match advantage; rural transportation |
HB2102 | P | anti-racketeering revolving fund; prohibited transfers |
HB2164 | C | public schools; ultraprocessed foods |
HB2167 | C | school districts; records; noncompliance; penalties |
HB2169 | C | school districts; board meetings; expenditures |
HB2171 | C | law enforcement; families; tuition scholarships |
HB2186 | C | prohibition; cat declawing; exceptions |
HB2234 | P | Interstate 11; environmental; engineering; study (NOW: appropriation; Pinal County transportation study) |
HB2235 | P | signs; lane use; civil penalty |
HB2281 | P | missing indigenous person; alert system |
HB2304 | C | appropriations; highway and road projects |
HB2340 | P | murder; law enforcement officer; punishment |
HB2341 | P | fire protection systems; inspections. |
HB2342 | P | cell phone carrier; spam calls (NOW: blockchain technology; regulation; computational power) |
HB2373 | C | county attorneys; qualifications; requirements |
HB2374 | C | transnational repression; foreign adversaries |
HB2379 | C | appropriations; area agencies on aging |
HB2380 | C | rare disease advisory council |
HB2383 | C | appropriations; applied research centers; technology |
HB2384 | C | fire insurance; wildfire risk modeling |
HB2520 | C | defense of duress; unavailable offenses |
HB2521 | C | elections; foreign money |
HB2557 | C | appropriation; State Route 347; widening |
HB2635 | C | TPT; exemption; firearm storage devices |
HB2670 | C | health education; fetal development instruction |
HB2679 | C | power; public utilities; UCC; securities |
HB2680 | C | sentencing enhancements; vulnerable; incapacitated; adult. |
HB2681 | C | abortion-inducing drugs; requirements |
HB2683 | C | businesses; requirement to accept cash |
HB2684 | C | pedestrians; congregating; medians; unsafe locations |
HB2685 | C | earned income; tax credit |
HB2700 | P | academic standards; social studies; geography |
HB2701 | P | county education programs; posting; authorization |
HB2705 | C | nomination petitions; counties; strict compliance |
HB2720 | C | hydrolyzed cocaine; threshold amount |
HB2725 | C | pledge of allegiance; parental notification (NOW: competency requirements; social studies; civics) |
HB2728 | P | DUI; alternative treatment |
HB2733 | C | unmanned aircraft; qualified immunity |
HB2736 | C | cybersecurity; data encryption; pilot program |
HB2739 | C | food products; cultivated cells; labeling |
HB2741 | C | liquor sampling; reporting; requirements. |
HB2742 | C | court-ordered evaluations |
HB2753 | P | groundwater replenishment; Pinal AMA |
HB2764 | C | state greeting; howdy |
HB2768 | C | appropriation; university of Arizona; safety |
HB2779 | C | juveniles; temporary custody; parental notification |
HB2800 | P | fire insurance; policy cancellation; prohibition |
HB2855 | C | terrorist organizations; drug cartels |
HCM2009 | P | San Carlos irrigation project; divestiture |
HCM2016 | C | Palo Verde; urging support |
HCR2013 | C | early ballots; deadlines; foreign money |
HCR2014 | C | house of representatives; designated seats |
HCR2022 | C | nuclear energy; Palo Verde; support |
HCR2049 | C | sovereign authority |
HCR2055 | C | drug cartels; terrorist organizations |
SB1062 | C | legal tender; cryptocurrency |
SB1063 | C | juror summons; election worker option |
SB1064 | C | voting; equipment; internet; custody; violation |
SB1065 | C | appropriation; reduction; courts |
SB1066 | C | foreign entities; land; legislative approval |
SB1067 | C | community college districts; tax rate (NOW: auditor general; appropriation) |
SB1107 | C | motorcycle safety fund continuation |
SB1313 | C | municipalities; counties; recycling; prohibition |
SB1630 | C | aging justice-involved population study committee |
SB1686 | C | election duties; county recorders |