The Legislative Council is a statutory committee of the Legislature chaired in alternate years by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and includes six additional members from each chamber. The Council staff provide a variety of nonpartisan bill drafting, research, computer and other administrative services to all of the members of both houses of the Legislature.
Arizona State Capitol Complex
1700 W Washington St, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Under the direction of an Executive Director appointed by the Council, the staff of the Council:
- Prepare all bills, memorials and resolutions and numerous amendments for consideration during each legislative session.
- Review every law passed by the Legislature, make clerical corrections and draft explanatory notes where appropriate before delivering for publication.
- Perform legal research at the request of legislators.
- Publish annual editions of the following reports: Arizona Legislative Bill Drafting Manual, the Annual Report on Defects in the Arizona Revised Statutes and State Constitution and the Digest of Laws.
- Perform the enrolling and engrossing of bills, memorials and resolutions.
- Provide information technology support for the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
- Maintain an Internet site for the Legislature. The site provides a variety of detailed information regarding the content and status of bills and the activities of legislative committees.
- Provide management and other support services for various legislative buildings and properties.
Steven A. Primack
Executive Director
Elizabeth A. Dunfee
Deputy Director
Nadine Sapien
Assistant Director
Hannah Nies
General Counsel
Paul Robbert
Information Systems Manager
Ronnie Kescoli
Word Processing Supervisor
Stephanie Mahan
Capitol Museum Administrator
For a complete list of documentation and publications, please view the list below:
- Table of Sections Affected for the 57th Legislature 1st Regular (2025)
- Table of Sections Affected for the 56th Legislature 2nd Regular (2024)
- Table of Sections Affected for the 56th Legislature 1st Regular Session (2023)
- Table of Sections Affected for the 55th Legislature 2nd Regular (2022)
- Table of Sections Affected for the 2024 Election
- 2025-2026 Bill Drafting Manual
- 2024 Internal Reference Manual
- Affected Session Laws (August 2024)
- Statutory Delayed Repeals, Statutory Conditional Enactments and Conflicting Multiple Versions of Statutes (2025)
- Annual Report on Defects in the Arizona Revised Statutes and State Constitution (2024)
- Legislative Council Drafting Assignments
- Legislative Manual
- 2024 Blends
- Renumbered Sections of the ARS (56th Legislature 2nd Regular Session)
- Sections Effective as of 1/1/2025
- Proposition 105 Requirements (November 2024)
- 2024 Election Results Memo
In compliance with Laws 2022, Ch. 142, the Arizona Legislative Council has set up the following Public Records Request Portal.
Museum utilizes historic artifacts, guided interpretation, virtual resources, interactive activities, and public programs to educate visitors on Arizona’s governmental, political, and social history. Educational programs support Arizona Social Studies Standards with an emphasis on civics and government.