House of Representatives

SB 1464

venture trucks; regulation

Sponsors: Senator Gould: Representative Groe, Senator Harper



Committee on Transportation


Caucus and COW


House Engrossed



Senate Bill 1464 establishes a new class of vehicle known as Venture Trucks. SB 1464 also defines what Venture Trucks are and the various regulations and exemptions for their operation.



“Venture Trucks”, also known as “mini-trucks”, “Kei-class” or “K-class” trucks are imported into the United States from Japan.  Japanese laws discourage the use of older vehicles and because of rigorous maintenance requirements it is not economical to keep these trucks in Japan beyond a certain vehicle life. Because these trucks do not meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, and are not defined as “Low Speed Vehicles” by federal rule, these mini trucks are sold in many states for off-road, farm or industrial site use.  These trucks may be imported for off-road use in any state provided the truck has a permanently installed engine or transmission governor limiting speed to twenty-five miles per hour or less.


According to the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division, MVD has been gathering information on this issue over the past two months. MVD reports that last week, the Division received the following information from  the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA):


South Dakota

North Dakota



The Department states that concerns raised about these vehicles relate to the fact that these vehicles are brought into the country as agricultural, off-road vehicles, thereby bypassing national safety standards and EPA requirements. Because of this, AAMVA currently has an Unconventional Vehicle Working Group looking at the issues related to these vehicles and hope to have “best practices” recommendations for states next year.



·          Defines “Venture Truck”.

·          Requires a person operating a Venture Truck, off-highway vehicle, off-road recreational motor vehicle to ride only on the permanent and regular seat attached to the vehicle.

·          Prohibits the carrying of any other person on a Venture Truck, off-highway vehicle, off-road recreational motor vehicle, unless the vehicle is designed to carry more than one person.

·          Allows Venture Trucks to be equipped with head lamps that are single beam lamps.

·          Exempts Venture Trucks from rear fender splash guards and safety glass requirements.

·          Prohibits Venture Trucks from being operated at speeds greater than 25 miles per hour.

·          Restricts the operation Venture Trucks to highways with speed limits of 35 miles per hour or less.

·          Exempts the owner of a Venture Truck from obtaining a certificate of compliance stating that the vehicle meets all federal vehicle equipment and emissions equipment requirements.

·          Allows the purchaser or transferee of a Venture Truck to present proof of ownership satisfactory to the Director if the purchaser or transferee is unable to obtain a certificate of title from the seller within 15 days of the transfer.

·          Exempts Venture Trucks from registration when operated incidentally on a highway or in an off-road situation.

·          Requires Venture Trucks to have a number that is approved by the director of ADOT permanently affixed to the frame of the truck.

·          Prohibits Venture Trucks from using rights-of-way designated for exclusive use by bicycles.

·          Exempts Venture Trucks operating on dirt roads in unincorporated areas or that are incidentally operated or moved on a highway from mandatory motor vehicle insurance. END_STATUTE

·          Makes technical and conforming changes.




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Forty-eighth Legislature

Second Regular Session          2          April 16, 2008


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