Number: H.B. 2324
Smith Floor Amendment
Committee amendment
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Specifies that the Department of Health Services (DHS) Director must establish rules that prescribe minimum education and training requirements for community health workers.
2. Requires the DHS Director to waive minimum training and education requirements for certification applicants who provide documentation of at least 960 hours of experience providing community health worker services in the previous three years.
3. Removes language prohibiting a non-certified community health worker from indicating that they are a certified community health worker.
4. Precludes the state and its political subdivisions from providing preference in awarding public contracts for services provided by a certified community health worker or an entity that employs certified community health workers.
5. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Second Regular Session H.B. 2324
(Reference to COMMERCE AND PUBLIC SAFETY Committee amendment)
Page 1, between lines 10 and 11, insert:
"Line 22, after "qualifications" insert ", including education and training requirements,"
Between lines 40 and 41, insert:
"C. The director shall waive the minimum training and education requirements for certification for applicants who provide documentation of at least nine hundred sixty hours of paid or volunteer experience providing community health worker services in the core competencies during the previous three years in a licensed health care facility or in the service of a licensed health care provider or a contractor under chapter 29, article 1 of this title.""
Line 11, after the fourth quotation mark insert "; after "Denial" insert ", suspension or revocation""
Between lines 24 and 25, insert:
"Line 33, strike "that" insert "who"
Lines 34 and 35, strike "a person" insert "the worker"
Line 37, after "of" insert "the worker's"
Line 38, strike "shall be" insert "are""
Page 1, line 25, after the fourth quotation mark insert "; strike "; confidentiality""
Page 2, line 3, after the fourth quotation mark insert "; strike "donations;"
Line 8, strike "in" insert "by"
Strike line 10, insert:
"Strike lines 25 through 29, insert "36-765.06. Certification not required"
Line 30, strike "B."
Between lines 32 and 33, insert:
"36‑765.07. Public contracts; no preference
This state and political subdivisions of this state may not provide a preference in awarding a public contract for services provided by a certified community health worker or an entity that employs certified community health workers.""
Amend title to conform