REFERENCE TITLE: teacher preparation; English language programs




State of Arizona


Fifty-third Legislature

Second Regular Session



SB 1402


Introduced by

Senators Miranda: Bowie, Bradley, Cajero Bedford, Dalessandro, Hobbs, Mendez, Meza, Otondo, Peshlakai, Quezada





amending section 15‑756.09, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to teacher training programs.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 15-756.09, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-756.09.  Endorsements; teacher training

A.  The state board of education shall determine the qualifications necessary for a provisional and full structured English immersion endorsement, an English as a second language endorsement and a bilingual Education endorsement.

B.  Training may be allowed that is not provided by a college or university to substitute for any of the courses required for a structured English immersion endorsement, an English as a second language endorsement or a bilingual education endorsement if all of the following conditions apply:

1.  The state board of education has reviewed the curricula, textbooks, grading procedures and attendance policies and determined that the training is comparable in amount, scope and quality to a course offered by a college or university for a structured English immersion, English as a second LANGUAGE or bilingual education endorsement.

2.  The training meets the professional teaching standards adopted by the state board of education.

3.  The state board of education has reviewed the qualifications of the instructor and determined that the instructor has sufficient experience to effectively conduct the training.

C.  The state board of education shall require all approved teacher training programs that provide a degree in education to require courses that are necessary to obtain a full structured English immersion endorsement, an English as a second language endorsement or a bilingual education endorsement.

D.  Notwithstanding section 15‑203 or subsection A of this section, a provisional or full structured English immersion endorsement may not be required for the purposes of teacher certification pursuant to section 15‑203 if the person is not being certificated to teach students in a sheltered English immersion or structured English immersion model pursuant to this article.  This subsection does not prohibit a school district or charter school from requiring a structured English endorsement pursuant to this section as a condition of employment. END_STATUTE