HB 2061: financial institutions department; superintendent duties |
PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Shope, LD 8 BILL STATUS: Caucus & COW |
Relating to examinations of financial
1. Removes the mandatory examination time periods for certain financial enterprises. (Sec. 1)
2. Makes a conforming change. (Sec. 1)
Current Law
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 6-121, financial institutions and enterprises are subject to examination and supervision by ADFI.
A.R.S. § 6-122 outlines the duties of the Superintendent of ADFI, which include:
a. To examine financial institutions and enterprises within statutorily defined time periods;
b. Publish a consumer information brochure; and
c. Make it a priority to encourage the growth of state-chartered financial institutions.
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g. Fifty-third Legislature HB 2061
h. Second Regular Session Version 2: Caucus & COW
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