HB 2206: early voting; voting centers

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Coleman, LD 16

BILL STATUS: Government


ADM – Average Daily Membership 
Board – Voting Center Election Board
BOS – Board of Supervisors
Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)


☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRelating to voting centers and early voting.


1.       Requires the BOS to appoint a Board for each voting center consisting of at least one inspector, one marshal and as many judges or clerks as deemed necessary. (Sec. 4)

2.       Permits Board workers to be hired to work shifts as long as there are always sufficient workers present to assist voters. (Sec. 4)

3.       Requires Board workers to be qualified voters of the county and different political parties to be represented within each Board. (Sec. 4)

4.       Requires an equal number of inspectors in the various voting centers in the county to be members of two largest political parties. (Sec. 4)

5.       Permits the BOS to appoint a person to the Board to serve as a clerk of elections if the person is not eligible to vote and the person:

a.       Is a minor who will be at least 16 years old and US citizen at the time of the election for which the person is named to the Board;

b.       Is supervised by an adult who has been trained as a Board worker;

c.        Has received training provided by the officer in charge of elections; and

d.       Has provided written permission to serve from their parent or guardian. (Sec. 4)

6.       Prohibits a school district or charter school from:

a.       Being required to reduce ADM for any pupil absent because of service on the Board; and

b.       Counting any pupil's absence against any mandatory attendance requirements because of service on the Board. (Sec. 4)

7.       Stipulates the BOS or officer in charge of elections is not prevented from refusing to reappoint or removing a Board member for cause. (Sec. 4)

8.       Permits a voting center to be used as a ballot replacement location. (Sec. 4)

9.       Stipulates if the voting center is used as an early voting or ballot replacement location, the County Recorder or other officer in charge of elections may operate the voting center on election day by using early voting procedures, except that:

a.       An early ballot affidavit envelope or replacement ballot affidavit used at the voting center is required to be signed by the voter in the presence of a Board worker; and

b.       An early ballot or replacement ballot cast at a voting center is required to be retained in its envelope and not counted until the voter's signature on the affidavit is verified. (Sec. 4)

10.   Specifies that early ballot affidavit envelopes and replacement ballot affidavits signed in a voting center are deemed to constitute a signature roster. (Sec. 4)

11.   Allows a County Recorder to continue to operate early voting locations during the three-day period preceding election day, if the County Recorder is able to revise precinct registers and other elections materials in a timely manner for use on election day. (Sec. 5)

12.   Requires the County Recorder or other officer in charge of elections to determine a central location in the appropriate jurisdiction, rather than the district, for any election in the county. (Sec. 6)

13.   Permits an elector to obtain a replacement ballot on presentation of a signed, sworn statement that the ballot was not cast, rather than lost, spoiled, destroyed or not received. (Sec. 6)

14.   Requires the voter, rather than the election official, to place the ballot in a provisional ballot envelope and deposit the envelope in the ballot box. (Sec. 7)

15.   Repeals statute relating to lever voting equipment. (Sec. 3)

16.   Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2, 5-7)

Current Law

The BOS is permitted to authorize the use of voting centers in place of or in addition to specifically designated polling places. A voting center is required to allow any voter in that county to receive the appropriate ballot on election day and lawfully cast the ballot. Voting centers may be established in coordination and consultation with the County Recorder, at other county offices or at other locations in the county deemed appropriate (A.R.S. § 16-411).

In order to be complete and correct and to receive an early ballot, an elector's request is required to include all statutorily required information and must be received by the County Recorder or other officer in charge of elections no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 11th day preceding the election. An elector who appears personally no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding the election at an established on-site early voting location is required to be given a ballot and permitted to vote at the location (A.R.S. § 16-542).



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Fifty-third Legislature                  HB 2206

Second Regular Session                               Version 1: Government


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