HB 2212 : firearm possession; peace officers; definition

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Thorpe, LD 6

BILL STATUS: Chaptered


Board – Peace Officer Standards and Training Board
ADPS – Arizona Department of Public Safety 
ADC – Arizona Department of Corrections
ADJC – Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections
ABOR – Arizona Board of Regents 
AG – Attorney General
Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)



☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRelating to peace officers.         


1.       States that if a peace officer is employed as a law enforcement officer in Arizona, the peace officer must be in compliance with the firearm requirements prescribed by the Board. (Sec.1)

2.       Expands the definition of peace officer to include:

a.       A person employed as a law enforcement officer by any state or state's political subdivision or any Indian tribe who is certified by an entity of that state, political subdivision or tribal government equivalent to the Board.

b.       A federally certified law enforcement officer. (Sec. 1)

3.       Makes technical changes. (Sec. 1)

Current Law

Peace officers are defined as sheriffs, constables, marshals, policemen, commissioned personnel of ADPS, personnel who are employed by ADC and ADJC and who have received a certificate from the Board.  The definition also includes: 1) peace officers who are appointed by a multicounty water conservation district and who have received a certificate from the Board, 2) police officers who are appointed by community college district governing boards and who have received a certificate from the Board, 3) police officers who are appointed by ABOR and who have received a certificate from the Board, 4) police officers who are appointed by the governing body of a public airport and who have received a certificate from the Board, 5) peace officers who are appointed by a private postsecondary institution and who have received a certificate from the Board and 6)  special agents from the AG's office, or of a county attorney, and who have received a certificate from the Board (A.R.S. § 1-215).

Included in the definition of a peace officer are municipal, county and state prosecutors who annually pass a pistol qualifying examination approved by the Board for obtaining and maintaining peace officer certification requirements and that is conducted by a Board recognized instructor or a national rifle association certified firearms instructor (A.R.S. § 38-1113).



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Fifty-third Legislature                  HB2212

Second Regular Session                                                                                                                           Version 4: Chaptered 


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