HB 2415: juvenile dependency proceedings fund

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Cobb, LD 5


                APPROP: DP 13-0-0-0

ACJC – Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
BOS – Board of Supervisors
Fund – State Aid for Juvenile Dependency Proceedings Fund 
Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)


☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRelating to an appropriation for juvenile dependency proceedings.


1.       Establishes the State Aid for Juvenile Dependency Proceedings Fund, consisting of legislative appropriations. (Sec. 1)

2.       Appropriates $1,500,000 from the GF in FY 2019 to the Fund. (Sec. 3)

3.       Requires Fund monies be used to provide state aid to county public defenders, legal defenders and contract indigent defense counsel for the processing of juvenile dependency cases. (Sec.1)

4.       Requires ACJC to administer the Fund.  Designates the Fund as continuously appropriated. (Sec. 1 and 2)

5.       Requires ACJC to distribute monies in the Fund to each county by December 1 of each year. (Sec. 1 and 2)

6.       Directs ACJC to distribute Fund monies to each county according to the three-year average of the total juvenile dependency filings in the county superior court divided by the statewide three-year average of the total juvenile dependency filings in the superior courts of all 15 counties (3-year individual county filing average/3-year statewide 15-county average). (Sec. 2)

7.       Exempts Fund monies from lapsing. (Sec. 1)

8.       Requires the State Treasurer to invest and divest monies in the Fund upon notice from ACJC. (Sec. 1)

9.       Requires each county BOS to separately account for Fund monies, and each county Treasurer to invest monies. (Sec. 2)

10.   Requires ACJC to include the Fund in its annual report to each county BOS, JLBC, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Attorney General.  Requires the report to include the progress made in achieving the goal of improved juvenile dependency case processing. (Sec. 2)

11.   Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 2)

Current Law

ACJC administers two state aid-related funds: the State Aid to County Attorneys Fund and the State Aid to Indigent Defense Fund.  ACJC must annually report by January 8 on the expenditures of both funds and the progress made in achieving the goal of improved criminal case processing (A.R.S. § 41-2409).



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Fifty-third Legislature                  HB 2415

Second Regular Session                               Version 1: Caucus & COW


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