Assigned to ED AS
Fifty-Third Legislature, Second Regular Session
schools; letter grades; absenteeism; illnesses
Exempts pupils absent due to chronic health problems from being considered chronically absent in the determination of annual achievement profiles or letter grade classifications.
The Department of Education (ADE) compiles an annual achievement profile for each public school and local education agency (LEA) which is used to determine a standard measurement of acceptable academic progress. Statute requires the annual achievement profile to include, at a minimum, the following indicators: 1) multiple measures of academic performance or other academically relevant indicators of school quality that are appropriate to assess a school's educational impact, as determined by the State Board of Education (SBE); 2) academic progress on statewide assessments in English, language arts and math; 3) academic progress on the English language learner assessments; and 4) progress toward college and career readiness for LEAs offering instruction in any one of grades 9 through 12.
The annual achievement profile is used to determine a school's or LEA's classification based on an A through F letter-grade system adopted by the SBE in which a letter grade of A reflects an excellent level of performance and a letter grade of F reflects a failing level of performance (A.R.S. § 15-241).
Statute defines pupils with chronic health problems as pupils who, as certified by certain licensed health professionals: 1) are not homebound, but are unable to attend regular classes for intermittent periods of one or more consecutive days because of illness, disease, pregnancy complications or accident; 2) suffer from a condition requiring management on a long-term basis; or 3) have an infant with a severe health problem. (A.R.S. § 15-346).
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.
1. Exempts, from being considered chronically absent in the determination of annual achievement profiles or letter grade classifications, pupils absent due to chronic health problems.
2. Expands the definition of chronic health problem to include mental illness.
3. Makes a conforming change.
4. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
Amendments Adopted by Committee
· Removes the term severe illness and replaces it with chronic health problem and expands the definition of chronic health problem to include mental illness.
Senate Action
ED 1/11/18 DPA 7-0-0
Prepared by Senate Research
January 12, 2018