Assigned to JUD &                                                                                                               AS PASSED BY COW






Fifty-Third Legislature, Second Regular Session





secretary of state; appropriations; elections




Appropriates $2,500,000 from the state General Fund to the Secretary of State (SOS) in FY 2018 to reimburse expenses incurred by Maricopa County for the administration of the special primary and special general election to fill the vacancy in Arizona's 8th Congressional District (CD 8).




On December 8, 2017, Arizona's CD 8 seat in the U.S. House of Representatives was vacated. In the event of a vacancy in the House of Representatives where the next general election is further than six months away, the Governor must call a special primary and special general election to fill the vacancy. The special primary election must be held between 80 and 90 days after the vacancy, and the special general election must be held between 50 and 60 days after the special primary election (A.R.S. § 16-222).


For traditional state primary and general elections, the SOS must reimburse a county for the costs of printing, labeling and postage for sample ballots, upon the approval of a certified claim submitted to the SOS by the county's Board of Supervisors (A.R.S. §§ 16-461 and 16-510).


 S.B. 1058 appropriates $2,500,000 from the state General Fund in FY 2018 to the SOS.




1.      Appropriates $2,500,000 from the state General Fund to the SOS in FY 2018 to reimburse Maricopa County for expenditures related to the CD 8 special primary and special general election.


2.      Requires the SOS to reimburse Maricopa County for the additional cost of printing ballots and other election materials, compensation paid to election board and tally board officers serving during special elections, as well as other costs of administering the special election.  


3.      Permits the SOS to advance a portion of the estimated expenses to Maricopa County.


4.      Requires the clerk of the Board of Supervisors to submit itemized claims, together with documentation, for expenses incurred to the SOS by June 30, 2018.


5.      Requires the clerk of the Board of Supervisors to submit itemized claims, together with documentation, for expenses to be incurred to the SOS by June 30, 2018 if the SOS advances a portion of the expenses.


6.      Requires the SOS to submit an approved claim to the Department of Administration (ADOA) for payment to Maricopa County from the appropriated monies.


7.      Requires the SOS to submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Governor's Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting regarding reimbursements made pursuant to this section by October 1, 2018. 


8.      Exempts the supplemental appropriation from lapsing until January 1, 2019, at which time all monies remaining unexpended and unencumbered revert to the state General Fund.


9.      Becomes effective on signature of the Governor.


Amendments Adopted by Committee


1.      Specifies the amount to be appropriated from the state General Fund.


2.      Specifies the date by which Maricopa County must submit a report with estimated costs to the SOS.


3.      Specifies the date by which Maricopa County must submit certified claims of actual expenses to the SOS.


4.      Specifies the date by which the SOS must submit reimbursement reports to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Governor's Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting.


5.      Specifies that reimbursements can be made according to the number of active registered voters in the Congressional District, rather than the number of active registered voters in the county.


6.      Modifies the non-lapsing provision to require monies remaining unspent by January 1, 2019 to revert to the General Fund.


Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole


1.      Removes language requiring the SOS to reimburse Maricopa County in the amount of actual costs or based on CD 8 population and instead requires the SOS to reimburse Maricopa County for the additional cost of printing ballots and other election materials, compensation paid to election and tally board officers, and other costs of administering the special elections.


2.      Allows the SOS to advance a portion of the estimated expenses to Maricopa County.


3.      Requires the clerk of the Board of Supervisors to submit itemized claims of expenses to the SOS by June 30, 2018.

4.      Requires the SOS to submit approved claims to the ADOA for payment to Maricopa County.


Senate Action


JUD     1/11/18     DPA     7-0-0


Prepared by Senate Research

January 30, 2018
