Assigned to ED &                                                                                                             AS PASSED BY HOUSE






Fifty-Third Legislature, Second Regular Session





schools; recess periods




Prescribes recess requirements for pupils in kindergarten through fifth grade.




Currently, statute is silent on recess except it may not be included as part of instructional hours for funding purposes (A.R.S. § 15-901).


There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.




1.      Requires school districts and charter schools to provide two recess periods during the school day for pupils in kindergarten through third grade and, beginning on August 2, 2019, for pupils in kindergarten through fifth grade.


2.      Requires school districts and charter schools to provide at least one recess period for pupils in half-day kindergarten programs.


3.      Allows school districts and charter schools to count a pupil's participation in a physical education course as one of the recess periods for that day.


4.      Specifies that school districts and charter schools are not required to extend the school day as part of meeting the recess period requirement.


5.      Exempts from the recess requirements middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, online schools or schools where fifth grade is the lowest grade of instruction offered.


6.      Defines recess as a period of time during the regular school day, including time during a scheduled lunch period, during which a pupil is able to engage in physical activity or social interaction with other pupils.


7.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.


Amendments Adopted by Committee


·         Changes the definition of recess to include time during a scheduled lunch period, rather than before or after a scheduled lunch period.


Amendments Adopted by the House of Representatives


·         Requires school districts and charter schools to provide two recess periods for pupils in kindergarten through third grade beginning on the general effective date, and pupils in kindergarten through fifth grade beginning on August 2, 2019.


Senate Action                                                             House Action


ED                   1/18/18     DPA     7-0-0                     ED                   2/26/18     DP     9-0-0-1

3rd Read          2/12/18                  26-3-1                   3rd Read          3/28/18               57-1-2


Prepared by Senate Research

March 28, 2018
