Assigned to GOV &                                                                                                             AS PASSED BY COW






Fifty-Third Legislature, Second Regular Session





mandated fire sprinklers; prohibition; applicability




Limits exemptions from fire sprinkler prohibitions to outlined entities.




Local governments are prohibited from adopting any code or ordinance that restricts a person or entity from installing, or not installing, fire sprinklers in a single-family detached residence or residential building of two dwelling units or less. Additionally, statute bars local governments from imposing any fine, penalty or other requirement on any person or entity that installs, or does not install, fire sprinklers in such a residence.  Current statute exempts any code or ordinance, adopted by a municipality or county, that requires fire sprinklers in a residence adopted before December 31, 2009 (A.R.S. §§ 9-807 and 11-861).


There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.




1.      Limits the exemption from fire sprinkler prohibitions to the following:

a) any municipality or county that prior to November 15, 2017, required fire sprinklers for all

    single-family detached residences and residential buildings;

b) any municipality or county that prior to November 15, 2017, required all new single-family

    residences be fully outfitted with an approved fire sprinkler system;

c) any ordinance or other requirement stipulating a person or entity install or equip fire     

    sprinklers in residences that are 5,000 square feet or larger; or

d) any ordinance or other requirement stipulating a person or entity install or equip fire   

    sprinklers in structured sober living homes.


2.      Makes technical changes.


3.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.


Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole


·         Adds entities that are exempt from fire sprinkler prohibitions.



Senate Action


GOV               1/24/18     DP     4-3-0

3rd Read          2/22/18               16-14-0


Prepared by Senate Research

February 23, 2018
