Assigned to NREW &                                                                                                          AS PASSED BY COW






Fifty-Third Legislature, Second Regular Session




water; interstate sales




Modifies the application process for an individual to withdraw, divert or transport water from Arizona.




Statute outlines a process for an individual who proposes to transfer water from Arizona for use in another state. The individual must submit an application to the Director of the Department of Water Resources (DWR), who is authorized to approve or reject the application. Statute details various factors the Director of DWR must consider when determining whether to approve or reject the application. Additionally, the application process requires a public hearing with an opportunity for public comment in the area from which water would be transported (A.R.S. § 45-292).


There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.




1.      Modifies the existing application process for a person to withdraw, divert or transport water from Arizona by:

a)      requiring a notice to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives when the Director of DWR receives an application to transport water out of state; and

b)      specifying the sources of water subject to the application and approval process.


2.      Makes technical and conforming changes.


3.      Becomes effective on the general effective date.


Amendments Adopted by Committee


·         Removes Colorado River water from the list of waters subject to the application and approval process.







Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole


1.      Removes the requirement for the Legislature and Governor to approve an application to transport water out of state.


2.      Requires DWR to notify the Legislature when an application to transport water out is state is received.


Senate Action


NREW            2/15/18     DPA     5-3-0


Prepared by Senate Research

March 2, 2018
