Assigned to TRANSIT & APPROP                                                                                       FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Third Legislature, Second Regular Session




HURF distribution; cities, towns, counties




Allocates $18 million in FY 2020 from the Arizona Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) to certain counties, cities and towns based on population limits.




HURF, established in 1974 and administered by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), is the depository fund for motor fuel tax revenues and revenue collected from a variety of fees and charges relative to the registration and operation of motor vehicles on Arizona’s public roadways. Article 9, § 14 of the Arizona Constitution, requires monies derived from fees, excises or taxes relating to motor vehicles or fuels to be expended for highway and street purposes (A.R.S. § 28-6533).


There is no anticipated fiscal impact on the state General Fund associated with this legislation.




1.      Requires, in FY 2020, ADOT to allocate $18 million from HURF.


2.      Requires the State Treasurer to distribute $9 million of the $18 million to counties with a population less than 215,000 persons as follows:

a)      $200,000 to each individual county; and

b)      the remainder of the monies to each individual county based on population.


3.      Requires the State Treasurer to distribute $9 million of the $18 million to cities and towns with a population less than 7,500 persons as follows:

a)      $100,000 to each individual city or town; and

b)      the remainder of the monies to each individual city or town based on population.


4.      Directs ADOT to base distribution formulas on the U.S. Census Bureau's 2016 population estimates.


5.      Makes technical and conforming changes.


6.      Contains a legislative intent clause.


7.      Repeals HURF distributions for FY 2020 on November 1, 2020.

8.      Becomes effective on July 1, 2019.


House Action


TI                    2/14/18     DP     5-3-0-0

3rd Read          2/22/18               36-20-4


Prepared by Senate Research

March 16, 2018
