Assigned to TRANSIT FOR
Fifty-Third Legislature, Second Regular Session
flight-hour requirements; rule; waiver
Urges Congress to allow a flight-hour waiver for second-in-command pilots.
The Essential Air Service (EAS) program works to guarantee that small communities maintain a minimal level of scheduled air service and mandates the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to provide EAS communities access to the National Air Transportation System. A small community must maintain an average of 10 enplanements or more per service day to be eligible to receive EAS (USDOT).
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.
1. Urges Congress to allow the USDOT to provide EAS-specific waivers for the 1,500 flight‑hour training requirement for second-in-command commercial airline pilots.
2. Outlines the details of the Flight 3407 crash.
3. Directs the Secretary of State to transmit copies of the Memorial to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and each member of Congress from Arizona.
4. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
House Action
TI 2/14/18 DP 8-0-0-0
3rd Read 2/21/18 55-3-2
Prepared by Senate Research
March 8, 2018