Bill Number: S.B. 1100
Fann Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Grant Hanna
2. Removes the requirement that the Industrial Commission must deem a settlement fair and reasonable to an employee.
3. Clarifies that denied workers' compensation claims are not eligible for a full and final settlement.
Second Regular Session S.B. 1100
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 4, after the second semicolon insert "exception;"
Line 6, strike "an accepted A" insert "an accepted"; strike ", for"
Strike lines 7 through 9 insert "for compensation, benefits, penalties or interest."
Line 12, strike "OR" insert a comma; after "COMMISSION" insert "OR STIPULATION OF THE INTERESTED PARTIES"
Page 2, line 20, after "employee." insert "the administrative law judge shall conduct a hearing and perform a detailed inquiry into the attestations provided by the unrepresented employee pursuant to subsection c of this section. The inquiry shall include whether the unrepresented employee understands the specific rights being settled and released, the information, computation and methodology provided by the carrier, special fund or self-insured employer, and the employee's responsibility to protect the interests of other payors and ensure the payment of future treatment costs."
Line 29, after "MET" insert a period and strike remainder of line
Strike line 30 through 34
Page 3, strike lines 9 and 10 insert:
"J. This section does not apply to the settlement of claims that have been denied."
Reletter to conform
Amend title to conform