Bill Number: S.B. 1471
Barto Floor Amendment
Reference to: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Committee amendment
Amendment drafted by: Legislative Council
1) Requires the Department of Insurance (DOI) to exempt any health insurer from having to disclose certain health care service cost and quality information requested by an enrollee, if the insurer includes an explanation as to why such information would be too difficult to provide.
2) Requires the insurer to annually notify eligible enrollees about the availability of any interactive mechanism to compare allowed amounts among network facilities and providers.
3) Allows, beginning January 1, 2020, DOI to expand the list of health care services that will be considered comparable health care services.
4) Defines allowed amount and comparable health care services.
5) Makes technical and conforming changes.
Second Regular Session S.B. 1471
(Reference to HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Committee amendment)
Page 1, between lines 4 and 5, insert:
"Line 19, strike "a"; strike "facility" insert "facilities"
Line 20, strike "provider" insert "providers"; strike "or health care facilities"
Line 25, strike "health care facility or""
Lines 15 and 16, strike "if the health insurer has provided sufficient evidence" insert "that includes an explanation"
Between lines 17 and 18, insert:
"D. A health insurer, annually at enrollment or renewal, shall provide notice about the availability of any interactive mechanism to compare allowed amounts among network health care facilities or health care providers to each enrollee who is enrolled in a health care plan that is eligible.
E. Beginning January 1, 2020, the department may expand the list of health care services that will be considered comparable health care services for the purposes of this section."
Between lines 18 and 19, insert:
"Between lines 3 and 4, insert:
"1. "Allowed amount" means the contractually agreed on amount paid by a health insurer to a health care provider or health care facility participating in the health insurer's network or the amount the health insurer is required to pay under the health care plan.
2. "Comparable health care services" means any covered nonemergency health care service or bundle of services, including at least the following:
(a) Physical and occupational therapy services.
(b) Obstetrical and gynecological services.
(c) Radiology and imaging services.
(d) Laboratory services.
(e) Infusion therapy.
(f) Inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures."
Renumber to conform"
Page 2, between lines 12 and 13, insert:
"After line 43, insert:
"C. Beginning January 1, 2020, the department may expand the list of health care services that will be considered comparable health care services for the purposes of this section."
Reletter to conform"
Amend title to conform