State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1521

            Yarbrough Floor Amendment

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.      Removes charter schools from the new procurement requirements adopted by the State Board of Education.


2.      Defines gift or benefit in regards to the gift ban for individuals involved in school procurement.


3.      Modifies the Computer Science Professional Development Program by:

a)     limiting eligibility to high schools that do not currently provide computer science instruction;

b)     specifying grants are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis and prohibits the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) from distributing grants in an amount more than 50 percent of the total state appropriation for this purpose, unless matching monies are received from private sources;

c)     including the value of training provided by a private entity at no cost to the state or public school as matching monies in any fiscal year in which this training is provided; and

d)     reducing the amount, from 5 percent to 2 percent, that ADE can use for administrative purposes from the Computer Science Professional Development Fund.


4.      Specifies that School Facilities Board staff rather than the School Facilities Board (SFB), must approve or reject a change order within two business days.


5.      Delays the effective date of the requirement that school district procurement rules require contracts to be awarded based on the lowest qualified bidder to July 1, 2019.


6.      Specifies that noncritical projects do not receive priority in the next fiscal year, rather than requiring that the award be canceled and allowing the school district to submit a new project in the next fiscal year.


7.      Changes the date, from March 1 to December 1, by which SFB must approve or revise its enrollment projection for a school district to qualify for monies from the New School Facilities Fund for additional square footage.


8.      Removes the $100,000 for the School Emergency Readiness Pilot Program.


9.      Changes, for the appropriation to Benson School, the fiscal year by which SFB must approve additional square footage and land acquisition from FY 2016 to FY 2015.


10.  Specifies that in FY 2023 and each year thereafter, the reduction in charter additional assistance is $0.00.


11.  Requires charter school budgets to contain the average salary of all teachers employed by the school for the current and previous year and the dollar and percentage increase of the average teacher salary of the current year.




Fifty-third Legislature                                                 Yarbrough

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1521




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 17, line 9, strike "portion of the"; strike "that contains" insert "shall contain"

Line 10, after "information" strike remainder of line

Line 11, strike "school and shall prominently display the following"

Line 20, strike "A" insert "each"; strike "also"

Page 19, line 16, strike "and charter schools"

Lines 18 and 19, strike "and require contracts to be awarded based on the lowest qualified bidder"

Lines 42 and 43, strike "and nonexempt charter schools"

Page 20, line 1, strike "or charter school"

Page 21, lines 17 and 18, strike ", nonexempt charter school"

Line 19, strike ", nonexempt charter school"

Page 22, line 1, strike "or charter"

Lines 2 and 3, strike "or charter"

Page 23, line 26, strike ", nonexempt charter school"

Lines 31 and 32, strike ", nonexempt charter school"

Line 39, strike ", nonexempt charter school"

Page 24, line 1, strike ", nonexempt charter school"

Line 10, strike ", charter schools"

Between lines 18 and 19, insert:

"1.  "Gift or benefit" means a payment, distribution, expenditure, advance, deposit or donation of monies, any intangible personal property or any kind of tangible personal or real property.  Gift or benefit does not INCLUDE either:

(a)  Food or beverage.

(b)  Expenses or sponsorships relating to a special event or function to which individuals listed in subsection N of this section are invited."

Page 24, between lines 26 and 27, insert:

"Sec. 5.  Title 15, chapter 2, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 15-213.04, to read:

START_STATUTE15-213.04.  Procurement practices; rules; lowest qualified bidder

The state board of education shall adopt rules for the procurement by school districts of any materials, services, goods, construction and construction services that require contracts to be awarded based on the lowest qualified bidder."  END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 26, line 10, after "science" insert "professional development"

Line 12, after "science" insert "professional development"

Line 22, after "grants" insert "on a first‑come, first‑served basis"

Line 23, after "science" insert "professional development"; after "schools" insert "that do not currently provide high school computer science instruction"

Line 27, after "schools" insert "that offer instruction in grades nine through twelve"

Line 35, strike "from" insert "in an amount that is more than fifty percent of the total state general fund appropriation to"

Line 36, after "science" insert "professional development"

Line 37, strike "and deposited in the fund"; after the period insert "The value of training provided by a private entity at no cost to this state or any other public school in this state shall count as matching monies in any fiscal year in which this training is provided."

Line 38, strike "five" insert "two"

Line 41, after "science" insert "professional development

Page 53, line 27, after "board" insert "staff"

Page 56, line 29, after "project" strike remainder of line

Page 56, line 30, strike "review within the time frame established by the school district"

Page 67, line 4, after the comma strike remainder of line

Strike line 5, insert "the noncritical project does not receive priority in the next"

Page 71, line 11, strike "March" insert "December"

Page 78, strike lines 22 through 45

Page 79, strike lines 1 through 20

Renumber to conform

Page 80, line 7, strike "2015‑2016" insert "2014‑2015"

Line 33, strike "2021‑2022" insert "2022‑2023"

Page 81, line 16, after "reductions" strike remainder of line

Strike line 17

Line 18, strike "2021‑2022" insert "2022‑2023"

Between lines 31 and 32, insert:

"5.  For fiscal year 2022‑2023 and each fiscal year thereafter, $0.00."

Line 35, strike "2018‑2018" insert "2017‑2018"

Page 82, after line 40, insert:

"Sec. 32.  Effective date

Section 15‑213.04, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, is effective from and after June 30, 2019."

Amend title to conform






07:55 PM

C: tdb