State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2371

            Gray Floor Amendment

            Reference to: COMMERCE AND PUBLIC SAFETY

Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Allows a municipality to restrict or prohibit mobile food units in a residentially zoned area, or within 250 feet of such an area.


2.    Allows a municipality to continue issuing mobile food vendor and mobile food unit regulations and zoning codes provided they are not in conflict with the law.


3.    Prohibits a municipality from issuing specific parking restrictions on mobile food units.


4.    Permits a county to restrict or prohibit operation of a mobile food vendor at a county public park.


5.    Permits a municipality or county to require licensing if the licensing includes background checks or identification and fingerprinting of the mobile food vendor.


6.    Makes technical changes.


Fifty-third Legislature                                                      Gray

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2371




(Reference to COMMERCE AND PUBLIC SAFETY Committee amendment)




Page 1, line 4, strike "14" insert "16"

Strike lines 5 and 6, insert:

"Renumber to conform

Line 32, after "facility" insert ", in an area zoned for residential use or within two hundred fifty feet of an area zoned for residential use""

Line 7, after "45" insert ", insert:

"2.  Continue to enact and enforce regulations and zoning codes on mobile food units or mobile food vendors that are not otherwise prohibited by law.""

Line 13, strike "16" insert "17, insert:"

Strike lines 14 through 18

Line 19, strike "4." insert "3."

Strike lines 21 and 22

Line 23, strike "restrictions on occupying" insert "restrict the number of spaces, vehicle size and parking duration and the ability to occupy"

Page 2, line 1, strike "5." insert "4."

Line 2, strike "proof" insert "evidence"

Page 2, line 4, strike "calendar year" insert "twelve months"

Between lines 10 and 11, insert:

"Between lines 10 and 11, insert:

"10. prohibit or restrict a mobile food vendor from operating at a county public park.""

Line 27, strike "business license for a" insert "mobile food vendor to be licensed if the licensing system includes a background check or identification and fingerprinting of the owner of the"

Amend title to conform







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C: mh




4:02 PM

S: FB/AF/lb