Borrelli Floor Amendment
Amendment drafted by: Zachary Dean
1. Removes the ability of the Department of Gaming to retain up to 20 percent of unencumbered monies in the Racing Regulation Fund in order to reduce the regulatory wagering assessment.
2. Removes the 0.5 percent cap on the regulatory wagering assessment for FY 2019.
3. Establishes the Unarmed Combat Fund within the Racing Regulation Fund.
4. Requires monies collected from the gross receipts tax on boxing contests to be deposited into the Unarmed Combat Fund.
5. Removes the requirement that a new unique pari-mutuel wager developed by the Department be named the Cactus Pick 6.
6. Makes technical changes.
Second Regular Session H.B. 2589
(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 1, strike lines 2 through 45
Strike page 2
Page 3, strike lines 1 through 5
Renumber to conform
Page 8, strike lines 15 through 45
Page 9, strike lines 1 through 6
Renumber to conform
Strike lines 9 through 45
Strike pages 10 through 38
Renumber to conform
Page 39, strike lines 1 through 10
Page 40, line 26, after "C." insert "the department shall establish an unarmed combat subaccount within the racing regulation fund established by section 5-113.01."
Strike line 30, insert "unarmed combat subaccount of the racing regulation fund."
Page 42, line 20, strike "to be known as the cactus pick 6"
Strike lines 21 through 23
Renumber to conform
Amend title to conform