State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2604

            Borrelli Floor Amendment

            Reference to: GOVERNMENT Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Legislative Council






1.    Stipulates that the terms of office for elected officials must be lengthened at the time of consolidation to align with consolidated election dates.


2.    Specifies that a political subdivision is exempt from penalties for exceeding alternative expenditure limitations only if the subdivision seeks voter approval of another limitation at the next general election following consolidation.


3.    Removes specifications relating to alternative expenditure limitations expiring more than one year following election consolidation.


4.    Removes the three-year limit for a political subdivision to get approval of a new expenditure cap.


5.    Modifies the definitions of significant decrease in voter turnout and voter turnout.


6.    Requires a county recorder to announce the implementation date of consolidation not more than 90 days after the issuance of the official county canvass for an election.



7.  Adds a severability clause.


8.  Makes technical and clarifying changes.


Fifty-third Legislature                                                  Borrelli

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2604




(Reference to GOVERNMENT Committee amendment)



Page 1, line 14, strike "office"

Strike line 15, insert "Most recent election in which the office of the governor appeared on the ballot."

Line 20, after "applicable" insert ", or if no specific candidate race is prescribed by this section, the number of ballots cast in that political subdivision or portion of a political subdivision, as applicable, divided by the total number of active registered voters in that political subdivision or portion of a political subdivision at the election prescribed by this section"

Line 22, after the quotation mark insert "; strike "a"

Between lines 22 and 23, insert:

"Strike lines 17 and 18, insert "the terms of office for elected officials of the political subdivision shall be lengthened at the time of consolidation to align with the consolidated election dates."

Line 20, strike "in the three-year period immediately""

Strike line 24

Page 2, strike lines 1 through 16, insert:

"Page 2, line 23, after "B" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 24 through 40, insert ", the political subdivision's voter‑approved alternative expenditure limitation shall continue at the level established before expiration and the penalties prescribed by section 41‑1279.07 do not apply if the political subdivision seeks voter approval of an alternative expenditure limitation at the next eligible regular election following consolidation.""

Page 3, line 18, after "meeting" insert "held not more than ninety days after ISSUANCE OF the official county canvass for an election"

Page 8, between lines 14 and 15, insert:

"Sec. 5.  Severability

If a provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the act that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable."

Amend title to conform






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C: myr