REFERENCE TITLE: property; subdivision; size; requirements





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-third Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2396


Introduced by

Representative Thorpe





amending sections 9‑462.01, 9-463.02, 11‑811, 11‑831 and 32‑2101, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to real property.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 9-462.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE9-462.01.  Zoning regulations; public hearing; definitions

A.  Pursuant to this article, the legislative body of any municipality by ordinance may, in order to conserve and promote the public health, safety and general welfare, may:

1.  Regulate the use of buildings, structures and land as between agriculture, residence, industry, business and other purposes.

2.  Regulate signs and billboards.

3.  Regulate the location, height, bulk, number of stories and size of buildings and structures, the size and use of lots, yards, courts and other open spaces, the percentage of a lot that may be occupied by a building or structure, access to incident solar energy and the intensity of land use, except that private property in a rural municipality in this state may contain up to one single-family residence per acre that is occupied by a full‑time or part‑time resident or vacation rental occupant and may contain any of the following that complies with all applicable state and local construction, health and safety laws and that is occupied by a full‑time or part‑time resident or vacation rental occupant:

(a)  A Yurt.

(b)  A Hogan.

(c)  A recreational vehicle.

(d)  A prefabricated home.

(e)  A single-family residence.

4.  Establish requirements for off‑street parking and loading.

5.  Establish and maintain building setback lines.

6.  Create civic districts around civic centers, public parks, public buildings or public grounds and establish regulations therefor.

7.  Require as a condition of rezoning public dedication of rights‑of‑way as streets, alleys, public ways, drainage and public utilities as are reasonably required by or related to the effect of the rezoning.

8.  Establish floodplain zoning districts and regulations to protect life and property from the hazards of periodic inundation.  Regulations may include variable lot sizes, special grading or drainage requirements, or other requirements deemed necessary for the public health, safety or general welfare.

9.  Establish special zoning districts or regulations for certain lands characterized by adverse topography, adverse soils, subsidence of the earth, high water table, lack of water or other natural or man‑made hazards to life or property.  Regulations may include variable lot sizes, special grading or drainage requirements, or other requirements deemed necessary for the public health, safety or general welfare.

10.  Establish districts of historical significance provided that:

(a)  The ordinances may require that special permission be obtained for any development within the district if the legislative body has adopted a plan for the preservation of districts of historical significance that meets the requirements of subdivision (b) of this paragraph, and the criteria contained in the ordinance are consistent with the objectives set forth in the plan.

(b)  A plan for the preservation of districts of historical significance shall identify districts of special historical significance, state the objectives to be sought concerning the development or preservation of sites, area and structures within the district, and formulate a program for public action, including the provision of public facilities and the regulation of private development and demolition necessary to realize these objectives.

(c)  The ordinance establishing districts of historical significance shall set forth standards necessary to preserve the historical character of the area so designated.

(d)  The ordinances may designate or authorize any committee, commission, department or person to designate structures or sites of special historical significance in accordance with criteria contained in the ordinance, and no designation shall be made except after a public hearing on notice of the owners of record of the property designated of special historical significance.  The ordinances may require that special permission be obtained for any development respecting the structures or sites.

11.  Establish age‑specific community zoning districts in which residency is restricted to a head of a household or spouse who must be of a specific age or older and in which minors are prohibited from living in the home.  Age‑specific community zoning districts shall not be overlaid over property without the permission of all owners of property included as part of the district unless all of the property in the district has been developed, advertised and sold or rented under specific age restrictions.  The establishment of age‑specific community zoning districts is subject to all of the public notice requirements and other procedures prescribed by this article.

12.  Establish procedures, methods and standards for the transfer of development rights within its jurisdiction.  Any proposed transfer of development rights from the sending property or to the receiving property shall be subject to the notice and hearing requirements of section 9‑462.04 and shall be subject to the approval and consent of the property owners of both the sending and receiving property.  Before any transfer of development rights, a municipality shall adopt an ordinance providing for:

(a)  The issuance and recordation of the instruments necessary to sever development rights from the sending property and to affix development rights to the receiving property.  These instruments shall be executed by the affected property owners and lienholders.

(b)  The preservation of the character of the sending property and assurance that the prohibitions against the use and development of the sending property shall bind the landowner and every successor in interest to the landowner.

(c)  The severance of transferable development rights from the sending property and the delayed transfer of development rights to a receiving property.

(d)  The purchase, sale, exchange or other conveyance of transferable development rights prior to the rights being affixed to a receiving property.

(e)  A system for monitoring the severance, ownership, assignment and transfer of transferable development rights.

(f)  The right of a municipality to purchase development rights and to hold them for resale.

(g)  The right of a municipality at its discretion to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with another municipality or a county for the transfer of development rights between jurisdictions.  The transfer shall comply with this paragraph, except that if the sending property is located in an unincorporated area of a county, the approval of the development rights to be sent to a municipality shall comply with section 11-817.

B.  For the purposes of subsection A of this section, the legislative body may divide a municipality, or portion of a municipality, into zones of the number, shape and area it deems best suited to carry out the purpose of this article and articles 6, 6.2 and 6.3 of this chapter.

C.  All zoning regulations shall be uniform for each class or kind of building or use of land throughout each zone, but the regulations in one type of zone may differ from those in other types of zones as follows:

1.  Within individual zones, there may be uses permitted on a conditional basis under which additional requirements must be met, including requiring site plan review and approval by the planning agency.  The conditional uses are generally characterized by any of the following:

(a)  Infrequency of use.

(b)  High degree of traffic generation.

(c)  Requirement of large land area.

2.  Within residential zones, the regulations may permit modifications to minimum yard lot area and height requirements.

D.  To carry out the purposes of this article and articles 6 and 6.2 of this chapter, the legislative body may adopt overlay zoning districts and regulations applicable to particular buildings, structures and land within individual zones.  For the purposes of this subsection, "overlay zoning district" means a special zoning district that includes regulations that modify regulations in another zoning district with which the overlay zoning district is combined.  Overlay zoning districts and regulations shall be adopted pursuant to section 9‑462.04.

E.  The legislative body may approve a change of zone conditioned on a schedule for development of the specific use or uses for which rezoning is requested.  If at the expiration of this period the property has not been improved for the use for which it was conditionally approved, the legislative body, after notification by certified mail to the owner and applicant who requested the rezoning, shall schedule a public hearing to take administrative action to extend, remove or determine compliance with the schedule for development or take legislative action to cause the property to revert to its former zoning classification.

F.  All zoning and rezoning ordinances or regulations adopted under this article shall be consistent with and conform to the adopted general plan of the municipality, if any, as adopted under article 6 of this chapter.  In the case of uncertainty in construing or applying the conformity of any part of a proposed rezoning ordinance to the adopted general plan of the municipality, the ordinance shall be construed in a manner that will further the implementation of, and not be contrary to, the goals, policies and applicable elements of the general plan.  A rezoning ordinance conforms with the land use element of the general plan if it proposes land uses, densities or intensities within the range of identified uses, densities and intensities of the land use element of the general plan.

G.  A regulation or ordinance under this section may not prevent or restrict agricultural composting on farmland that is five or more contiguous acres and that meets the requirements of this subsection.  An agricultural composting operation shall notify in writing the legislative body of the municipality and the nearest fire department of the location of the composting operation.  If the nearest fire department is located in a different municipality from the agricultural composting operation, the agricultural composting operation shall also notify in writing the fire department of the municipality in which the operation is located.  Agricultural composting is subject to sections 3‑112 and 49‑141.  Agricultural composting may not be conducted within one thousand three hundred twenty feet of an existing residential use, unless the operations are conducted on farmland or land leased in association with farmland.  Any disposal of manure shall comply with section 49‑247.  For the purposes of this subsection:

1.  "Agricultural composting" means the controlled biological decomposition of organic solid waste under in‑vessel anaerobic or aerobic conditions where all or part of the materials are generated on the farmland or will be used on the farmland associated with the agricultural composting operation.

2.  "Farmland" has the same meaning prescribed in section 3‑111 and is subject to regulation under section 49‑247.

H.  A municipality may not adopt a land use regulation or impose any condition for issuance of a building or use permit or other approval that violates section 9‑461.16.

I.  In accordance with article II, sections 1 and 2, Constitution of Arizona, the legislative body of a municipality shall consider the individual property rights and personal liberties of the residents of the municipality before adopting any zoning ordinance.

J.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Development rights" means the maximum development that would be allowed on the sending property under any general or specific plan and local zoning ordinance of a municipality in effect on the date the municipality adopts an ordinance pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 12 of this section respecting the permissible use, area, bulk or height of improvements made to the lot or parcel.  Development rights may be calculated and allocated in accordance with factors including dwelling units, area, floor area, floor area ratio, height limitations, traffic generation or any other criteria that will quantify a value for the development rights in a manner that will carry out the objectives of this section.

2.  "Receiving property" means a lot or parcel within which development rights are increased pursuant to a transfer of development rights.  Receiving property shall be appropriate and suitable for development and shall be sufficient to accommodate the transferable development rights of the sending property without substantial adverse environmental, economic or social impact to the receiving property or to neighboring property.

3.  "Sending property" means a lot or parcel with special characteristics, including farmland, woodland, desert land, mountain land, floodplain, natural habitats, recreation or parkland, including golf course area, or land that has unique aesthetic, architectural or historic value that a municipality desires to protect from future development.

4.  "Transfer of development rights" means the process by which development rights from a sending property are affixed to one or more receiving properties. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 9-463.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE9-463.02.  Subdivision defined; applicability

A.  "Subdivision" means improved or unimproved land or lands divided for the purpose of financing, sale or lease, whether immediate or future, into four or more lots, tracts or parcels of land, or, if a new street is involved, any such property which that is divided into two or more lots, tracts or parcels of land, or any such property, the boundaries of which have been fixed by a recorded plat, which that is divided into more than two parts.  "Subdivision" also includes any condominium, cooperative, community apartment, townhouse or similar project containing four or more parcels, in which an undivided interest in the land is coupled with the right of exclusive occupancy of any unit located thereon on the land, but plats of such projects need not show the buildings or the manner in which the buildings or airspace above the property shown on the plat are to be divided.

B.  The legislative body of a municipality shall not refuse approval of a final plat of a project included in subsection A of this section under provisions of an adopted subdivision regulation because of the location of buildings on the property shown on the plat not in violation of such subdivision regulations or on account of the manner in which airspace is to be divided in conveying the condominium.  Fees and lot design requirements shall be computed and imposed with respect to such plats on the basis of parcels or lots on the surface of the land shown thereon on the plats as included in the project.  This subsection does not limit the power of such the legislative body to regulate the location of buildings in such a project by or pursuant to a zoning ordinance.

C.   "Subdivision does not include the following:

1.  The sale or exchange of parcels of land to or between adjoining property owners if such the sale or exchange does not create additional lots.

2.  The partitioning of land in accordance with other statutes regulating the partitioning of land held in common ownership.

3.  The leasing of apartments, offices, stores or similar space within a building or trailer park. , nor to

4.  Mineral, oil or gas leases.

5.  The division or proposed division of land located in this state into lots or parcels each of which is or will be five acres or less if the size of the lots or parcels after the division or proposed division is at least as large as the average lot or parcel size within five miles of the divided lots or parcels. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 11-811, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-811.  Zoning ordinance; zoning districts; definitions

A.  Pursuant to this article, the board of supervisors may adopt a zoning ordinance in order to conserve and promote the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare.  The zoning ordinance and all rezonings and zoning regulations amendments adopted under this article shall be consistent with and conform to the adopted comprehensive plan.  In addition to the other matters that are required or authorized under this section and article 1 of this chapter, the zoning ordinance:

1.  Shall show the zoning districts designated as appropriate for various classes of residential, business and industrial uses and shall provide for the establishment of setback lines and other plans providing for adequate light, air and parking facilities and for expediting traffic within the districts.

2.  May establish the percentage of a lot or parcel that may be covered by buildings and the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, except that private property in a rural county in this state may contain up to one single-family residence per acre that is occupied by a full‑time or part‑time resident or vacation rental occupant and may contain any of the following that complies with all applicable state and local construction, health and safety laws and that is occupied by a full‑time or part‑time resident or vacation rental occupant:

(a)  A Yurt.

(b)  A Hogan.

(c)  A recreational vehicle.

(d)  A prefabricated home.

(e)  A single-family residence.

3.  Shall consider access to incident solar energy.

4.  May provide for retirement community zoning districts.

5.  May provide for the regulation and use of business licenses, adult oriented adult-oriented business manager permits and adult service provider permits in conjunction with the establishment or operation of adult oriented adult-oriented businesses and facilities, including adult arcades, adult bookstores or video stores, cabarets, adult live entertainment establishments, adult motion picture theaters, adult theaters, massage establishments and nude model studios.  With respect to cabarets, the ordinance shall not conflict with specific statutory or valid regulatory requirements applicable to persons who are licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages, but the ordinance may include regulation of the age and conduct of erotic entertainers in a manner at least as restrictive as rules adopted under title 4.  Notwithstanding section 11‑812, a county, in regulating or licensing businesses and facilities pursuant to this paragraph, may impose reasonable operating requirements that affect the existing uses of businesses and facilities.

6.  Shall designate and zone appropriate areas of reasonable size in which there may be established with reasonable permanency canneries, fertilizer plants, refineries, commercial feedlots, meat packing meatpacking plants, tallow works and other like businesses.  A dairy operation, including areas designated for the raising of replacement heifers or bulls owned by the same dairy operation, is not subject to this paragraph, and is a general agricultural purpose under subsection D, paragraph 2 of this section and section 11‑812, subsection A, paragraph 2.  A replacement heifer or bull raising operation of a dairy that is not on contiguous property of the dairy is subject to this paragraph unless the operation begins within one‑quarter mile of the dairy.

B.  To carry out the purposes of this article, the board may adopt overlay zoning districts and regulations applicable to particular buildings, structures and land within individual zones.  For the purposes of this subsection, "overlay zoning district" means a special zoning district that includes regulations that modify regulations in another zoning district with which the overlay zoning district is combined.  Overlay zoning districts and regulations shall be adopted pursuant to section 11‑813.  The provisions of overlay zoning shall apply retroactively to authorize overlay zoning districts and regulations adopted before April 20, 1993.

C.  In accordance with article II, sections 1 and 2, Constitution of Arizona, the board shall consider the individual property rights and personal liberties of the residents of the county before adopting any zoning ordinance.

D.  This section does not authorize:

1.  The imposition of dedications, exactions, fees or other requirements that are not otherwise authorized by law.

2.  The regulation or restriction of the use or occupation of land or improvements for railroad, mining, metallurgical, grazing or general agricultural purposes, if the tract concerned is five or more contiguous commercial acres.  For the purposes of this paragraph, general agricultural purposes do not include the cultivation of cannabis as defined in section 13‑3401 or marijuana as defined in section 13‑3401 or 36‑2801.

E.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Adult arcade" means any place to which the public is permitted or invited and in which coin-operated or slug-operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines, projectors or other image producing devices are maintained to show images involving specific sexual activities or specific anatomical areas to persons in booths or viewing rooms.

2.  "Adult bookstore or video store" means a commercial establishment that offers for sale or rent any of the following as one of its principal business purposes:

(a)  Books, magazines, periodicals or other printed matter, photographs, films, motion pictures, videocassettes or reproductions or slides or other visual representations that depict or describe specific sexual activities or specific anatomical areas.

(b)  Instruments, devices or paraphernalia that are designed for use in connection with specific sexual activities.

3.  "Adult live entertainment establishment" means an establishment that features either:

(a)  Persons who appear in a state of nudity.

(b)  Live performances that are characterized by the exposure of specific anatomical areas or specific sexual activities.

4.  "Adult motion picture theater" means a commercial establishment in which for any form of consideration films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides or other similar photographic reproductions that are characterized by the depiction or description of specific sexual activities or specific anatomical areas are predominantly shown.

5.  "Adult oriented Adult-oriented business" means adult arcades, adult bookstores or video stores, cabarets, adult live entertainment establishments, adult motion picture theaters, adult theaters, massage establishments that offer adult service or nude model studios.

6.  "Adult oriented Adult-oriented business manager" means a person on the premises of an adult oriented adult-oriented business who is authorized to exercise overall operational control of the business.

7.  "Adult service" means dancing, serving food or beverages, modeling, posing, wrestling, singing, reading, talking, listening or other performances or activities conducted for any consideration in an adult oriented adult-oriented business by a person who is nude or seminude during all or part of the time that the person is providing the service.

8.  "Adult service provider" or "erotic entertainer" means any natural person who provides an adult service.

9.  "Adult theater" means a theater, concert hall, auditorium or similar commercial establishment that predominantly features persons who appear in a state of nudity or who engage in live performances that are characterized by the exposure of specific anatomical areas or specific sexual activities.

10.  "Cabaret" means an adult oriented adult-oriented business that is licensed to provide alcoholic beverages pursuant to title 4, chapter 2, article 1.

11.  "Discernibly turgid state" means the state of being visibly swollen, bloated, inflated or distended.

12.  "Massage establishment" means an establishment in which a person, firm, association or corporation engages in or permits massage activities, including any method of pressure on, friction against, stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, vibrating or stimulating of external soft parts of the body with the hands or with the aid of any mechanical apparatus or electrical apparatus or appliance.  This paragraph does not apply to:

(a)  Persons who are licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 7, 8, 13, 14 or 17.

(b)  Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses or technicians who are acting under the supervision of a physician who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13 or 17.

(c)  Registered nurse practitioners who are licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 15.

(d)  Persons who are employed or acting as trainers for a bona fide amateur, semiprofessional or professional athlete or athletic team.

(e)  Persons who are licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 3 or 5 if the activity is limited to the head, face or neck.

13.  "Nude model studio" means a place in which a person who appears in a state of nudity or who displays specific anatomical areas is observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed or otherwise depicted by other persons who pay money or other consideration.  Nude model studio does not include a proprietary school that is licensed by this state, a college, community college or university that is supported entirely or in part by taxation, a private college or university that maintains and operates educational programs in which credits are transferable to a college, community college or university that is supported entirely or in part by taxation or a structure to which the following apply:

(a)  A sign is not visible from the exterior of the structure and no other advertising appears indicating that a nude person is available for viewing.

(b)  A student must enroll at least three days in advance of a class in order to participate.

(c)  No more than one nude or seminude model is on the premises at any time.

14.  "Nude", "nudity" or "state of nudity" means any of the following:

(a)  The appearance of a human anus, genitals or a female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola.

(b)  A state of dress that fails to opaquely cover a human anus, genitals or a female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola.

15.  "Principal business purposes" means that a commercial establishment derives fifty percent or more of its gross income from the sale or rental of items listed in paragraph 2 of this subsection.

16.  "Seminude" means a state of dress in which clothing covers no more than the genitals, pubic region and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola, as well as portions of the body that are covered by supporting straps or devices.

17.  "Specific anatomical areas" means any of the following:

(a)  A human anus, genitals, the pubic region or a female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola that is less than completely and opaquely covered.

(b)  Male genitals in a discernibly turgid state even if completely and opaquely covered.

18.  "Specific sexual activities" means any of the following:

(a)  Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal.

(b)  Sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, oral copulation or sodomy.

(c)  Fondling or other erotic touching of the human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus or female breast.

(d)  Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities under subdivision (a), (b) or (c) of this paragraph. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 11-831, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-831.  Review of land divisions; definitions

A.  The board of supervisors of each county may adopt ordinances and regulations pursuant to this section for staff review and approval of land divisions of five or fewer lots, parcels or fractional interests, any of which is ten acres or smaller in size, except that the board of supervisors shall allow the division or proposed division of land located in this state into lots or parcels each of which is or will be five acres or less if the size of the lots or parcels after the division or proposed division is at least as large as the average lot or parcel size within five miles of the divided lots or parcels.  The county may not deny approval of any land division that meets the requirements of this section.  If a review of the request is not completed within thirty days after receiving the request, the land division is considered to be approved.  At its option, the board of supervisors may submit a ballot question to the voters of the county to allow the voters to determine the application of subsections B and C of this section to qualifying land divisions in that county.

B.  An application to split a parcel of land shall be approved if:

1.  The lots, parcels or fractional interests each meet the minimum applicable county zoning requirements of the applicable zoning designation.

2.  The applicant provides a standard preliminary title report or other acceptable document that demonstrates legal access to the lots, parcels or fractional interests.

3.  The applicant provides a statement from a licensed surveyor or engineer, or other evidence acceptable to the county, stating whether each lot, parcel or fractional interest has physical access that is traversable by a two-wheel drive passenger motor vehicle.

4.  The applicant reserves the necessary and appropriate utility easements to serve each lot, parcel or fractional interest created by the land division.

C.  An application to split a parcel of land that does not comply with one or more of the items listed in subsection B of this section shall still be approved if the applicant provides an acknowledgment that is signed by the applicant and that confirms that no a building or use permit will not be issued by the county until the lot, parcel or fractional interest has met the requirements of subsection B of this section.  The county may grant a variance from one or more of the items listed in subsection B of this section.

D.  Any approval of a land division under this section may:

1.  Include the minimum statutory requirements for legal and physical on-site access that must be met as a condition to the issuance of a building or use permit for the lots, parcels or fractional interests.

2.  Identify topographic, hydrologic or other site constraints, requirements or limitations that must be addressed as conditions to the eventual issuance of a building or use permit.  These constraints, requirements or limitations may be as noted by the applicant or through county staff review, but there shall be no requirement for independent studies.

E.  If the requirements of subsections A through D of this section do not apply, a county may adopt ordinances and regulations pursuant to this chapter for staff review of land divisions of five or fewer lots, parcels or fractional interests but only to determine compliance with minimum applicable county zoning requirements and legal access and may grant waivers from the county zoning and legal access requirements.  The county may not deny approval of any land division that meets the requirements of this section or where if the deficiencies are noticed in the deed.  A county may not require a public hearing on a request to divide five or fewer lots, parcels or fractional interests.  If a review of the request is not completed within thirty days from after receipt of the request, the land division shall be deemed approved.  If no legal access is not available, the legal access does not allow access by emergency vehicles or the county zoning requirements are not met, the access or zoning deficiencies shall be noticed in the deed.  If a county by ordinance requires a legal access of more than twenty-four feet roadway width, the county is responsible for the improvement and maintenance of the improvement.  If the legal access does not allow access to the lots, parcels or fractional interests by emergency vehicles, neither the county nor its agents or employees are liable for damages resulting from the failure of emergency vehicles to reach the lot, parcel or fractional interest.

F.  It is unlawful for a person or group of persons acting in concert to attempt to avoid this section or the subdivision laws of this state by acting in concert to divide a parcel of land into six or more lots or sell or lease six or more lots by using a series of owners or conveyances.  Either the county where the division occurred or the state real estate department pursuant to title 32, chapter 20, but not both, may enforce this prohibition. A familial relationship alone is not sufficient to constitute unlawful acting in concert.

G.  For any subdivision that consists of ten or fewer lots, tracts or parcels, each of which is of a size as prescribed by the board of supervisors, the board of supervisors of each county may waive the requirement to prepare, submit and receive approval of a preliminary plat as a condition precedent to submitting a final plat and may waive or reduce infrastructure standards or requirements except for improved dust‑controlled access and minimum drainage improvements.

H.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Legal access" means a public right of vehicular ingress and egress between the lots, parcels or fractional interests being created.

2.  "Minimum applicable county zoning requirements" means the minimum acreage and dimensions of the resulting lot, parcel or fractional interest as required by the county's zoning ordinance.

3.  "Utility easement" means an easement of eight feet in width dedicated to the general public to install, maintain and access sewer, electric, gas and water utilities. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 32-2101, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-2101.  Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Acting in concert" means evidence of collaborating to pursue a concerted plan.

2.  "Advertising" means the attempt by publication, dissemination, exhibition, solicitation or circulation, oral or written, or for broadcast on radio or television to induce directly or indirectly any person to enter into any obligation or acquire any title or interest in lands subject to this chapter including the land sales contract to be used and any photographs, drawings or artist's presentations of physical conditions or facilities existing or to exist on the property.  Advertising does not include:

(a)  Press releases or other communications delivered to newspapers, periodicals or other news media for general information or public relations purposes if no charge is made by the newspapers, periodicals or other news media for the publication or use of any part of these communications.

(b)  Communications to stockholders as follows:

(i)  Annual reports and interim financial reports.

(ii)  Proxy materials.

(iii)  Registration statements.

(iv)  Securities prospectuses.

(v)  Applications for listing of securities on stock exchanges.

(vi)  Prospectuses.

(vii)  Property reports.

(viii)  Offering statements.

3.  "Affiliate" means a person who, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the person specified.

4.  "Associate broker" means a licensed broker who is employed by another broker.  Unless otherwise specifically provided, an associate broker has the same license privileges as a salesperson.

5.  "Barrier" means a natural or man-made geographical feature that prevents parcels of land from being practicably, reasonably and economically united or reunited and that was not caused or created by the owner of the parcels.

6.  "Blanket encumbrance" means any mortgage, any deed of trust or any other encumbrance or lien securing or evidencing the payment of money and affecting more than one lot or parcel of subdivided land, or an agreement affecting more than one lot or parcel by which the subdivider holds the subdivision under an option, contract to sell or trust agreement.  Blanket encumbrance does not include taxes and assessments that are levied by public authority.

7.  "Board" means the state real estate advisory board.

8.  "Broker", when used without modification, means a person who is licensed as a broker under this chapter or who is required to be licensed as a broker under this chapter.

9.  "Business broker" means a real estate broker who acts as an intermediary or agent between sellers or buyers, or both, in the sale or purchase, or both, of businesses or business opportunities where a lease or sale of real property is either a direct or incidental part of the transaction.

10.  "Camping site" means a space that is designed and promoted for the purpose of locating any trailer, tent, tent trailer, pickup camper or other similar device used for camping.

11.  "Cemetery" or "cemetery property" means any one, or a combination of more than one, of the following in a place that is used, or intended to be used, and dedicated for cemetery purposes:

(a)  A burial park, for earth interments.

(b)  A mausoleum, for crypt or vault entombments.

(c)  A crematory, or a crematory and columbarium, for cinerary interments.

(d)  A cemetery plot, including interment rights, mausoleum crypts, niches and burial spaces.

12.  "Cemetery broker" means a person other than a real estate broker or real estate salesperson who, for another, for compensation:

(a)  Sells, leases or exchanges cemetery property or interment services of or for another, or on the person's own account.

(b)  Offers for another or for the person's own account to buy, sell, lease or exchange cemetery property or interment services.

(c)  Negotiates the purchase and sale, lease or exchange of cemetery property or interment services.

(d)  Negotiates the purchase or sale, lease or exchange, or lists or solicits, or negotiates a loan on or leasing of cemetery property or interment services.

13.  "Cemetery salesperson" means a natural person who acts on the person's own behalf or through and on behalf of a professional limited liability company or a professional corporation engaged by or on behalf of a licensed cemetery or real estate broker, or through and on behalf of a corporation, partnership or limited liability company that is licensed as a cemetery or real estate broker, to perform any act or transaction included in the definition of cemetery broker.

14.  "Commissioner" means the state real estate commissioner.

15.  "Common promotional plan" means a plan, undertaken by a person or a group of persons acting in concert, to offer lots for sale or lease. If the land is offered for sale by a person or group of persons acting in concert, and the land is contiguous or is known, designated or advertised as a common unit or by a common name, the land is presumed, without regard to the number of lots covered by each individual offering, as being offered for sale or lease as part of a common promotional plan.  Separate subdividers selling lots or parcels in separately platted subdivisions within a master planned community shall not be deemed to be offering their combined lots for sale or lease as part of a common promotional plan.

16.  "Compensation" means any fee, commission, salary, money or other valuable consideration for services that is rendered or to be rendered as well as the promise of consideration whether contingent or not.

17.  "Contiguous" means lots, parcels or fractional interests that share a common boundary or point.  Lots, parcels or fractional interests are not contiguous if they are separated by either of the following:

(a)  A barrier.

(b)  A road, street or highway that has been established by this state or by any agency or political subdivision of this state, that has been designated by the federal government as an interstate highway or that has been regularly maintained by this state or by any agency or political subdivision of this state and has been used continuously by the public for at least the last five years.

18.  "Control" or "controlled" means a person who, through ownership, voting rights, power of attorney, proxy, management rights, operational rights or other rights, has the right to make decisions binding on an entity, whether a corporation, a partnership or any other entity.

19.  "Corporation licensee" means a lawfully organized corporation that is registered with the Arizona corporation commission and that has an officer licensed as the designated broker pursuant to section 32‑2125.

20.  "Department" means the state real estate department.

21.  "Designated broker" means the natural person who is licensed as a broker under this chapter and who is either:

(a)  Designated to act on behalf of an employing real estate, cemetery or membership camping entity.

(b)  Doing business as a sole proprietor.

22.  "Developer" means a person who offers real property in a development for sale, lease or use, either immediately or in the future, on the person's own behalf or on behalf of another person, under this chapter.  Developer does not include a person whose involvement with a development is limited to the listing of property within the development for sale, lease or use.

23.  "Development" means any division, proposed division or use of real property that the department has authority to regulate, including subdivided and unsubdivided lands, cemeteries, condominiums, timeshares, membership campgrounds and stock cooperatives.

24.  "Employing broker" means a person who is licensed or is required to be licensed as a:

(a)  Broker entity pursuant to section 32‑2125, subsection A.

(b)  Sole proprietorship if the sole proprietor is a broker licensed pursuant to this chapter.

25.  "Fractional interest" means an undivided interest in improved or unimproved land, lots or parcels of any size created for the purpose of sale or lease and evidenced by any receipt, certificate, deed or other document conveying the interest.  Undivided interests in land, lots or parcels created in the names of a husband and wife as community property, joint tenants or tenants in common, or in the names of other persons who, acting together as part of a single transaction, acquire the interests without a purpose to divide the interests for present or future sale or lease shall be deemed to constitute only one fractional interest.

26.  "Improved lot or parcel" means a lot or parcel of a subdivision upon on which lot or parcel there is a residential, commercial or industrial building or concerning which a contract has been entered into between a subdivider and a purchaser that obligates the subdivider directly, or indirectly through a building contractor, to complete construction of a residential, commercial or industrial building on the lot or parcel within two years from the date on which the contract of sale for the lot is entered into.

27.  "Inactive license" means a license that is issued pursuant to article 2 of this chapter to a licensee who is on inactive status during the current license period and who is not engaged by or on behalf of a broker.

28.  "Lease" or "leasing" includes any lease, whether it is the sole, the principal or any incidental part of a transaction.

29.  "License" means the whole or part of any agency permit, certificate, approval, registration, public report, charter or similar form of permission required by this chapter.

31.  30.  "Licensee" means a person to whom a license for the current license period has been granted under any provision of this chapter, and, for purposes of section 32‑2153, subsection A, shall include original license applicants.

30.  31.  "License period" means the two year two-year period beginning with the date of original issue or renewal of a particular license and ending on the expiration date, if any.

32.  "Limited liability company licensee" means a lawfully organized limited liability company that has a member or manager who is a natural person and who is licensed as the designated broker pursuant to section 32‑2125.

33.  "Lot reservation" means an expression of interest by a prospective purchaser in buying at some time in the future a subdivided or unsubdivided lot, unit or parcel in this state.  In all cases, a subsequent affirmative action by the prospective purchaser must be taken to create a contractual obligation to purchase.

34.  "Master planned community" means a development that consists of two or more separately platted subdivisions and that is either subject to a master declaration of covenants, conditions or restrictions, is subject to restrictive covenants sufficiently uniform in character to clearly indicate a general scheme for improvement or development of real property or is governed or administered by a master owner's association.

35.  "Member" means a member of the real estate advisory board.

36.  "Membership camping broker" means a person, other than a salesperson, who, for compensation:

(a)  Sells, purchases, lists, exchanges or leases membership camping contracts.

(b)  Offers to sell, purchase, exchange or lease membership camping contracts.

(c)  Negotiates or offers, attempts or agrees to negotiate the sale, purchase, exchange or lease of membership camping contracts.

(d)  Advertises or holds himself out as being engaged in the business of selling, buying, exchanging or leasing membership camping contracts or counseling or advising regarding membership camping contracts.

(e)  Assists or directs in the procuring of prospects calculated or intended to result in the sale, purchase, listing, exchange or lease of membership camping contracts.

(f)  Performs any of the foregoing acts as an employee or on behalf of a membership camping operator or membership contract owner.

37.  "Membership camping contract" means an agreement that is offered or sold in this state evidencing a purchaser's right or license to use the camping or outdoor recreation facilities of a membership camping operator and includes a membership that provides for this use.

38.  "Membership camping operator" means an enterprise, other than one that is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended, that solicits membership paid for by a fee or periodic payments and has as one of its purposes camping or outdoor recreation, including the use of camping sites primarily by members. Membership camping operator does not include camping or recreational trailer parks that are open to the general public and that contain camping sites rented for a per use fee or a mobile home park.

39.  "Membership camping salesperson" means a natural person who acts on the person's own behalf or through and on behalf of a professional limited liability company or a professional corporation engaged by or on behalf of a licensed membership camping or real estate broker, or by or on behalf of a corporation, partnership or limited liability company that is licensed as a membership camping or real estate broker, to perform any act or participate in any transaction in a manner included in the definition of membership camping broker.

40.  "Partnership licensee" means a partnership with a managing general partner who is licensed as the designated broker pursuant to section 32‑2125.

41.  "Permanent access", as required under article 4 of this chapter, means permanent access from the subdivision to any federal, state or county highway.

43.  42.  "Perpetual‑care Perpetual care" or "endowed‑care endowed care" means the maintenance and care of all places where interments have been made of the trees, shrubs, roads, streets and other improvements and embellishments contained within or forming a part of the cemetery, .  This shall but does not include the maintenance or repair of monuments, tombs, copings or other man‑made ornaments as associated with individual burial spaces.

42.  43.  "Perpetual or endowed‑care cemetery" means a cemetery wherein lots or other burial spaces are sold or transferred under the representation that the cemetery will receive  "perpetual or  "endowed" care as defined in this section free of further cost to the purchaser after payment of the original purchase price for the lot, burial space or interment right.

44.  "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership or company and any other form of multiple organization for carrying on business, foreign or domestic.

45.  "Private cemetery" means a cemetery or place that is not licensed under article 6 of this chapter, where burials or interments of human remains are made, in which sales or transfers of interment rights or burial plots are not made to the public and in which not more than ten interments or burials occur annually.

46.  "Promotion" or "promotional practice" means advertising and any other act, practice, device or scheme to induce directly or indirectly any person to enter into any obligation or acquire any title or interest in or use of real property subject to this chapter, including meetings with prospective purchasers, arrangements for prospective purchasers to visit real property, travel allowances and discount, exchange, refund and cancellation privileges.

47.  "Real estate" includes leasehold‑interests and any estates in land as defined in title 33, chapter 2, articles 1 and 2, regardless of whether located in this state.

48.  "Real estate broker" means a person, other than a salesperson, who, for another and for compensation:

(a)  Sells, exchanges, purchases, rents or leases real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(b)  Offers to sell, exchange, purchase, rent or lease real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(c)  Negotiates or offers, attempts or agrees to negotiate the sale, exchange, purchase, rental or leasing of real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(d)  Lists or offers, attempts or agrees to list real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests for sale, lease or exchange.

(e)  Auctions or offers, attempts or agrees to auction real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(f)  Buys, sells, offers to buy or sell or otherwise deals in options on real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests or improvements to real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(g)  Collects or offers, attempts or agrees to collect rent for the use of real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(h)  Advertises or holds himself out as being engaged in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, renting or leasing real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests or counseling or advising regarding real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(i)  Assists or directs in the procuring of prospects, calculated to result in the sale, exchange, leasing or rental of real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(j)  Assists or directs in the negotiation of any transaction calculated or intended to result in the sale, exchange, leasing or rental of real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests.

(k)  Incident to the sale of real estate, businesses and business opportunities negotiates or offers, attempts or agrees to negotiate a loan secured or to be secured by any mortgage or other encumbrance upon on or transfer of real estate, businesses and business opportunities or timeshare interests subject to section 32‑2155, subsection C.  This subdivision does not apply to mortgage brokers as defined in and subject to title 6, chapter 9, article 1.

(l)  Engages in the business of assisting or offering to assist another in filing an application for the purchase or lease of, or in locating or entering upon on, lands owned by the state or federal government.

(m)  Claims, demands, charges, receives, collects or contracts for the collection of an advance fee in connection with any employment enumerated in this section, including employment undertaken to promote the sale or lease of real property by advance fee listing, by furnishing rental information to a prospective tenant for a fee paid by the prospective tenant, by advertisement or by any other offering to sell, lease, exchange or rent real property or selling kits connected therewith.  This shall not include the activities of any communications media of general circulation or coverage not primarily engaged in the advertisement of real estate or any communications media activities that are specifically exempt from applicability of this article under section 32‑2121.

(n)  Engages in any of the acts listed in subdivisions (a) through (m) of this paragraph for the sale or lease of other than real property if a real property sale or lease is a part of, contingent on or ancillary to the transaction.

(o)  Performs any of the acts listed in subdivisions (a) through (m) of this paragraph as an employee of, or in behalf of, the owner of real estate, or interest in the real estate, or improvements affixed on the real estate, for compensation.

(p)  Acts as a business broker.

49.  "Real estate sales contract" means an agreement in which one party agrees to convey title to real estate to another party upon on the satisfaction of specified conditions set forth in the contract.

50.  "Real estate salesperson" means a natural person who acts on the person's own behalf or through and on behalf of a professional limited liability company or a professional corporation engaged by or on behalf of a licensed real estate broker, or by or on behalf of a limited liability company, partnership or corporation that is licensed as a real estate broker, to perform any act or participate in any transaction in a manner included in the definition of real estate broker subject to section 32‑2155.

51.  "Sale" or "lease" includes every disposition, transfer, option or offer or attempt to dispose of or transfer real property, or an interest, use or estate in the real property, including the offering of the property as a prize or gift if a monetary charge or consideration for whatever purpose is required.

52.  "Salesperson", when used without modification, means a natural person who acts on the person's own behalf or through and on behalf of a professional limited liability company or a professional corporation licensed under this chapter or any person required to be licensed as a salesperson under this chapter.

53.  "School" means a person or entity that offers a course of study towards completion of the education requirements leading to licensure or renewal of licensure under this chapter.

54.  "Stock cooperative" means a corporation to which all of the following apply:

(a)  The corporation is formed or used to hold title to improved real property in fee simple or for a term of years.

(b)  All or substantially all of the shareholders of the corporation each receive a right of exclusive occupancy in a portion of the real property to which the corporation holds title.

(c)  The right of occupancy may only be transferred with the concurrent transfer of the shares of stock in the corporation held by the person having the right of occupancy.

55.  "Subdivider" means any person who offers for sale or lease six or more lots, parcels or fractional interests in a subdivision or who causes land to be subdivided into a subdivision for the subdivider or for others, or who undertakes to develop a subdivision, but does not include a public agency or officer authorized by law to create subdivisions.

56.  "Subdivision" or "subdivided lands":

(a)  Means improved or unimproved land or lands divided or proposed to be divided for the purpose of sale or lease, whether immediate or future, into six or more lots, parcels or fractional interests. 

(b)  Includes a stock cooperative, lands divided or proposed to be divided as part of a common promotional plan and residential condominiums as defined in title 33, chapter 9.

(c)  Does not include:

(i)  Leasehold offerings of one year or less.

(ii)  The division or proposed division of land located in this state into lots or parcels each of which is or will be thirty‑six acres or more in area including to the centerline of dedicated roads or easements, if any, contiguous to the lot or parcel.

(iii)  The leasing of agricultural lands or apartments, offices, stores, hotels, motels, pads or similar space within an apartment building, industrial building, rental recreational vehicle community, rental manufactured home community, rental mobile home park or commercial building.

(iv)  The subdivision into or development of parcels, plots or fractional portions within the boundaries of a cemetery that has been formed and approved pursuant to this chapter.

(v)  A sale or lease of a lot, parcel or fractional interest that occurs ten or more years after the sale or lease of another lot, parcel or fractional interest if the other lot, parcel or fractional interest is not subject to this article and is treated as an independent parcel unless, upon on investigation by the commissioner, there is evidence of intent to subdivide.

(vi)  The division or proposed division of land located in this state into lots or parcels each of which is or will be five acres or less if the size of the lots or parcels after the division or proposed division is at least as large as the average lot or parcel size within five miles of the divided lots or parcels.

57.  "Timeshare" or "timeshare property" means real property ownership or right of occupancy in real property pursuant to article 9 of this chapter. For the purposes of this chapter, a timeshare is not a security unless it meets the definition of a security under section 44‑1801.

58.  "Trustee" means:

(a)  A person who is designated under section 32‑2194.27 to act as a trustee for an endowment‑care cemetery fund.

(b)  A person holding bare legal title to real property under a subdivision trust.  A trustee shall not be deemed to be a developer, subdivider, broker or salesperson within this chapter.

59.  "Unimproved lot or parcel" means a lot or parcel of a subdivision that is not an improved lot or parcel.

60.  "Unsubdivided lands":

(a)  Means land or lands divided or proposed to be divided for the purpose of sale or lease, whether immediate or future, into six or more lots, parcels or fractional interests and the lots or parcels are thirty‑six acres or more each but less than one hundred sixty acres each, or that are offered, known or advertised under a common promotional plan for sale or lease, except that agricultural leases shall not be included in this definition.

(b)  Includes:

(i)  Any land that is sold that would otherwise constitute the sixth lot, parcel or fractional interest if the sale occurs ten or more years after the earliest of the previous five sales and if all of the sales consist of property that was originally contained within the same parcel that is thirty‑six acres or more and less than one hundred sixty acres.

(ii)  Land that is divided or proposed to be divided into lots or parcels each of which is or will be five acres or less if the size of the lots or parcels after the division or proposed division is at least as large as the average lot or parcel size within five miles of the divided lots or parcels. END_STATUTE