REFERENCE TITLE: domestic violence offenders; firearms; seizure




State of Arizona


Fifty-third Legislature

Second Regular Session



SB 1224


Introduced by

Senators Bradley: Cajero Bedford, Dalessandro, Mendez, Meza, Otondo, Peshlakai, Quezada; Representatives Epstein, Friese, Rios





amending sections 12‑284, 13‑3601 and 13‑3602, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to domestic violence offenders.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 12-284, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE12-284.  Fees

A.  Except as otherwise provided by law, the clerk of the superior court shall receive fees classified as follows:

Class       Description                                           Fee

A       Initial case filing fee                                      

        Tax case                                              $    166.00

        Filing complaint, notice of appeal

           under section 12‑904 or petition                        166.00

        Filing intervenor                                          166.00

        Additional plaintiffs                                      166.00

        Filing foreign judgment                                    166.00

        Ownership of real property becomes an

           issue plaintiff                                         166.00


           (except under sections 12‑1809 and 13‑3602)             166.00

        Change of venue to this county                             166.00

        Petition for change of name                                166.00

        Filing a process server application                        166.00

B       Subsequent case filing fee                                   

        Filing answer, notice of appearance

           under section 12‑907 or initial appearance          $    88.00

        Additional defendants                                       88.00

        Notice of appeal to appellate courts

           (except under section 12‑2107)                           88.00

        Cross‑appeal by appellee (except under section

           12‑2107)                                                 88.00

        Ownership of real property becomes an

           issue defendant                                          88.00

        Jurisdiction exceeded appellee                               

           (within 20 days of filing)                               88.00

        Response to show cause that does one or more                 

           of the following:                                         

           1.  Requests affirmative relief or


           2.  Attacks the sufficiency of process

                 or the proceedings                                  

           3.  Takes other affirmative action                       88.00

C       Initial case filing fee                                      

        Filing petition for annulment                           $  131.00

        Filing for dissolution/legal separation petition           131.00

        Petition in formal testacy or appointment                    

           proceeding                                              131.00

        Application for informal probate or informal                 

           appointment                                             131.00

        Petition for supervised administration petition              

           to appoint guardian                                     131.00

        Petition to appoint conservator or make other                

           protective order                                        131.00

        Opposing petition in testacy or appointment                  

           proceedings or appointment of guardian or                 

           conservator                                             131.00

        Single estate application or petition under                  

           title 14, chapter 3, section 14‑3938                    131.00

        Domestic relations case for which a fee is not               

           specifically prescribed                                 131.00

D       Subsequent case filing fee                                   

        Filing answer to annulment                               $  66.00

        Filing for dissolution/legal separation answer              66.00

        Any person opposing contested petition if no                 

           prior payment made                                       66.00

        Postadjudication petitions in

           domestic relations cases                                 66.00

        Postjudgment activities in probate cases                    66.00

E       Minimum clerk fee                                            

        Filing power of attorney                                 $  26.00

        Change of venue to another county transmittal                

           fee                                                      26.00

        Change of venue to another county pursuant to                

           section 12‑404 transmittal fee                           26.00

        Filing transcript and docketing judgment from                

           any courts                                               26.00

        Issuance of writs of:  attachment, execution,                

           possession, restitution, prohibition and                  

           enforcement of order of judgment‑garnishment             26.00

        Certified copy or abstract of marriage                       

           application or license                                   26.00

        Certificate of correctness of copy of record                26.00

        Justice of peace certificate                                26.00

        Each certificate of clerk to any matter in                   

           clerk's record not specifically provided                 26.00

        Filing any paper or performing any act for which

           a fee is not specifically prescribed                     26.00

        Subpoena - (civil)                                          26.00

        Research in locating a document (per year or                 

           source researched)                                       26.00

        Exemplification (per certification)                         26.00

        Authentication (per certification)                          26.00

        Seal a court file                                           26.00

        Reopen a sealed court file                                  26.00

        Retrieve bank records                                       26.00

        Reel of film alpha index per year (plus per                  

           page fee below)                                          26.00

        Payment history report                                      26.00

        Certification under one document certification              26.00

        Civil traffic appeal                                        26.00

F       Per page fee                                                 

        Making copies (on appeal and on request)                     

           per page                                              $    .50

        Making extra copies per page                                  .50

        Making photographic or photostatic copies                    

           per page                                                   .50

        Comparison fee of papers furnished by applicant              

           per page                                                   .50

        Alpha index per page                                          .50

G       Special fees                                                 

        Small claim tax case                                     $  22.00

        Marriage license and return of a

           marriage license                                         72.00

        Postage and handling                                         7.00

        Notary services                                              7.00

        Stop payment on check                                       14.00

B.  The clerk of the superior court shall receive the fees prescribed in subsection A of this section for the following services:

1.  Making copies of papers and records required to be made by the clerk on appeal, and copies of papers and records in the clerk's office made on request in other cases, for each legal size page of original.

2.  Making extra copies of the papers and records mentioned in paragraph 1 of this subsection, required or requested for each page of copy of such papers and records.

3.  In a clerk's office, in which a photographic or photostatic method of recording is used or is available for use in cooperation with other public offices, preparing copies enumerated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this subsection for each page of copy or fraction of a page of copy.  Portions of several pages of records may be combined in one page of copy.  The clerk may prepare an abstract of marriage in lieu of a reproduction of the recorded marriage license.  The fee shall apply to matters whether recorded in such office by longhand, typing, electronic, photographic or photostatic methods.  The fees for copies are exclusive of the fees for certification or authentication.

4.  Issuing a certificate as to official capacity of a justice of the peace and affixing a seal to the certificate.

5.  Each subpoena issued in a civil proceeding or filing any paper or performing any act for which a fee is not specifically prescribed by law, but the clerk shall not charge for the clerk's services in administering the oath in connection with any affidavit, petition, letters or other pleading or document which that, after administration of the oath therefor, is promptly filed by the clerk and becomes a part of a case or matter of record in the office of the clerk.

C.  In addition to the fees required by subsection A of this section, the clerk shall charge and collect a surcharge of fifteen dollars for each filing of a postadjudication petition in a domestic relations case for which a fee presently is charged under class D in subsection A of this section.  The surcharge shall be used exclusively to fund domestic relations education and mediation programs established pursuant to section 25‑413.  Each month the clerk shall transmit the monies the clerk collects pursuant to this subsection to the county treasurer for deposit in the domestic relations education and mediation fund established by section 25‑413.

D.  Excluding the monies that are collected pursuant to subsection C of this section, each month the clerk shall transmit seventy‑five per cent percent of the monies collected for subsequent case filing fees for postadjudication petitions in domestic relations cases under class D in subsection A of this section to the county treasurer for deposit in the expedited child support and parenting time fund established pursuant to section 25‑412.  The remaining twenty‑five per cent percent of the monies collected pursuant to this subsection shall be distributed pursuant to section 12‑284.03.

E.  At the commencement of each action for annulment, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, maternity or paternity, the petitioner shall pay to the clerk of the court the initial case filing fee for the action provided in subsection A of this section.  At the time of filing a response, the respondent shall pay to the clerk of the court the subsequent case filing fee for the action provided in subsection A of this section.  In each county where the superior court has established a conciliation court, the petitioner and respondent shall each pay to the clerk a sixty‑five dollar fee.  The monies from the additional fee shall be used to carry out the purposes of the conciliation court pursuant to title 25, chapter 3, article 7.

F.  In garnishment matters:

1.  A fee shall not be charged for filing an affidavit seeking only the release of exempt wages.

2.  A fee shall not be charged for filing a garnishee's answer, for filing a judgment against the garnishee or for the issuance or return of process incident to such a judgment.

3.  For any contest relating to or any controversion of a garnishment matter, unless the contesting party has paid an appearance fee in that cause, the required appearance fee shall be paid, except that the garnishee shall not pay a clerk's fee.

G.  A person who is cited to appear and defend an order to show cause shall not be charged an appearance fee.  The person may stipulate to or consent to the entry of an order without the payment of an appearance fee.  An appearance fee shall be paid if the person is present in person or by an attorney and does one or more of the following:

1.  Requests affirmative relief or counterrelief.

2.  Attacks the sufficiency of process or the proceedings.

3.  Takes other affirmative action.

H.  A petitioner shall not be charged a fee for requesting an order of protection pursuant to section 13‑3602 or an injunction against harassment pursuant to section 12‑1809.  A defendant shall not be charged an answer fee in an order of protection action if the defendant requests a hearing pursuant to section 13‑3602, subsection J or in an injunction against harassment action if the defendant requests a hearing pursuant to section 12‑1809, subsection H.

I.  A person who files a registrar's order pursuant to section 32‑1166.06 shall not be charged a fee.

J.  The clerk of the court shall charge and collect a forty‑six dollar filing fee for a petition for emancipation of a minor filed pursuant to chapter 15 of this title.  Each month the clerk shall transmit the monies the clerk collects pursuant to this subsection to the county treasurer for deposit in the emancipation administrative costs fund established by section 12-2456.

K.  Except for monies that are collected pursuant to subsections C, D, E and J of this section, the clerk of the superior court shall transmit monthly to the county treasurer all monies collected pursuant to this section for distribution or deposit pursuant to section 12‑284.03.

L.  The supreme court may increase the fees prescribed in subsection A of this section in an amount not to exceed the per cent percent of change in the average consumer price index as published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics between that figure for the latest calendar year and the calendar year in which the last fee increase occurred. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 13-3601, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE13-3601.  Domestic violence; definition; classification; sentencing option; arrest and procedure for violation; weapon seizure

A.  "Domestic violence" means any act that is a dangerous crime against children as defined in section 13‑705 or an offense prescribed in section 13‑1102, 13‑1103, 13‑1104, 13‑1105, 13‑1201, 13‑1202, 13‑1203, 13‑1204, 13‑1302, 13‑1303, 13‑1304, 13‑1406, 13‑1425, 13‑1502, 13‑1503, 13‑1504, 13‑1602 or 13‑2810, section 13‑2904, subsection A, paragraph 1, 2, 3 or 6, section 13‑2910, subsection A, paragraph 8 or 9, section 13‑2915, subsection A, paragraph 3 or section 13‑2916, 13‑2921, 13‑2921.01, 13‑2923, 13‑3019, 13‑3601.02 or 13‑3623, if any of the following applies:

1.  The relationship between the victim and the defendant is one of marriage or former marriage or of persons residing or having resided in the same household.

2.  The victim and the defendant have a child in common.

3.  The victim or the defendant is pregnant by the other party.

4.  The victim is related to the defendant or the defendant's spouse by blood or court order as a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister or by marriage as a parent‑in‑law, grandparent‑in‑law, stepparent, step‑grandparent, stepchild, step‑grandchild, brother‑in‑law or sister‑in‑law.

5.  The victim is a child who resides or has resided in the same household as the defendant and is related by blood to a former spouse of the defendant or to a person who resides or who has resided in the same household as the defendant.

6.  The relationship between the victim and the defendant is currently or was previously a romantic or sexual relationship.  The following factors may be considered in determining whether the relationship between the victim and the defendant is currently or was previously a romantic or sexual relationship:

(a)  The type of relationship.

(b)  The length of the relationship.

(c)  The frequency of the interaction between the victim and the defendant.

(d)  If the relationship has terminated, the length of time since the termination.

B.  A peace officer, with or without a warrant, may arrest a person if the officer has probable cause to believe that domestic violence has been committed and the officer has probable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed the offense, whether the offense is a felony or a misdemeanor and whether the offense was committed within or without the presence of the peace officer.  In cases of domestic violence involving the infliction of physical injury or involving the discharge, use or threatening exhibition of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, the peace officer shall arrest a person who is at least fifteen years of age, with or without a warrant, if the officer has probable cause to believe that the offense has been committed and the officer has probable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed the offense, whether the offense was committed within or without the presence of the peace officer, unless the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the circumstances at the time are such that the victim will be protected from further injury.  Failure to make an arrest does not give rise to civil liability except pursuant to section 12‑820.02.  In order to arrest both parties, the peace officer shall have probable cause to believe that both parties independently have committed an act of domestic violence.  An act of self‑defense that is justified under chapter 4 of this title is not deemed to be an act of domestic violence.  The release procedures available under section 13‑3883, subsection A, paragraph 4 and section 13‑3903 are not applicable to arrests made pursuant to this subsection.

C.  A peace officer may question the persons who are present to determine if a firearm is present on the premises.  On learning or observing that a firearm is present on the premises, the peace officer may temporarily seize the firearm if the firearm is in plain view or was found pursuant to a consent to search and if the officer reasonably believes that the firearm would expose the victim or another person in the household to a risk of serious bodily injury or death.  A firearm that is owned or possessed by the victim shall not be seized unless there is probable cause to believe that both parties independently have committed an act of domestic violence.

D.  If a firearm is seized pursuant to subsection C of this section, the peace officer shall give the owner or possessor of the firearm a receipt for each seized firearm.  The receipt shall indicate the identification or serial number or other identifying characteristic of each seized firearm. Each seized firearm shall be held for at least seventy‑two hours by the law enforcement agency that seized the firearm.

E.  If a firearm is seized pursuant to subsection C of this section, the victim shall be notified by a peace officer before the firearm is released from temporary custody.

F.  If there is reasonable cause to believe that returning a firearm to the owner or possessor may endanger the victim, the person who reported the assault or threat or another person in the household, the prosecutor shall file a notice of intent to retain the firearm in the appropriate superior, justice or municipal court.  The prosecutor shall serve notice on the owner or possessor of the firearm by certified mail.  The notice shall state that unless the person is convicted of an offense involving domestic violence or is otherwise a prohibited possessor under state or federal law the firearm will be retained for not more than six months following the date of seizure.  On receipt of the notice, the owner or possessor may request a hearing for the return of the firearm, to dispute the grounds for seizure or to request an earlier return date.  The court shall hold the hearing within ten days after receiving the owner's or possessor's request for a hearing.  At the hearing, unless the court determines that the return of the firearm may endanger the victim, the person who reported the assault or threat or another person in the household, the court shall order the return of the firearm to the owner or possessor.

G.  A peace officer is not liable for any act or omission in the good faith exercise of the officer's duties under subsections C, D, E and F of this section.

H.  Each indictment, information, complaint, summons or warrant that is issued and that involves domestic violence shall state that the offense involved domestic violence and shall be designated by the letters DV.  A domestic violence charge shall not be dismissed or a domestic violence conviction shall not be set aside for failure to comply with this subsection.

I.  A person who is arrested pursuant to subsection B of this section may be released from custody in accordance with the Arizona rules of criminal procedure or any other applicable statute.  Any order for release, with or without an appearance bond, shall include pretrial release conditions that are necessary to provide for the protection of the alleged victim and other specifically designated persons and may provide for additional conditions that the court deems appropriate, including participation in any counseling programs available to the defendant.

J.  When a peace officer responds to a call alleging that domestic violence has been or may be committed, the officer shall inform in writing any alleged or potential victim of the procedures and resources available for the protection of the victim including:

1.  An order of protection pursuant to section 13‑3602, an injunction pursuant to section 25‑315 and an injunction against harassment pursuant to section 12‑1809.

2.  The emergency telephone number for the local police agency.

3.  Telephone numbers for emergency services in the local community.

4.  Websites for local resources related to domestic violence.

K.  A peace officer is not civilly liable for noncompliance with subsection J of this section.

L.  If a person is convicted of an offense involving domestic violence and the victim was pregnant at the time of the commission of the offense, at the time of sentencing the court shall take into consideration the fact that the victim was pregnant and may increase the sentence.

M.  An offense that is included in domestic violence carries the classification prescribed in the section of this title in which the offense is classified.  If the defendant committed a felony offense listed in subsection A of this section against a pregnant victim and knew that the victim was pregnant or if the defendant committed a felony offense causing physical injury to a pregnant victim and knew that the victim was pregnant, the maximum sentence otherwise authorized for that violation shall be increased by up to two years.

N.  When a peace officer responds to a call alleging that domestic violence has been or may be committed, the officer shall determine if a minor is present.  If a minor is present, the peace officer shall conduct a child welfare check to determine if the child is safe and if the child might be a victim of domestic violence or child abuse.

O.  The court shall order a person who is placed on probation for an offense involving domestic violence to transfer all firearms that the person owns or possesses to the appropriate law enforcement agency within twenty‑four hours after the person is sentenced or, if the person does not own or possess a firearm, to provide the appropriate law enforcement agency with an affidavit certifying that the person does not own or possess a firearm.  The court shall provide a copy of the order to the appropriate law enforcement agency.  The law enforcement agency shall provide the owner or possessor of a surrendered or seized firearm with a receipt for each firearm.  The law enforcement agency shall provide the sentencing court with a copy of the receipt for each surrendered or seized firearm or a copy of the affidavit certifying that the person does not own or possess firearms.  Within twenty‑four hours after receiving a copy of the court's order, if the law enforcement agency has not received an affidavit or any firearms from the person, the law enforcement agency shall notify the court and request a search warrant for the person's home, place of employment and vehicle, if appropriate, or direct the probation department to conduct the search.  If a firearm is recovered pursuant to a lawful search, the court may revoke the person's probation and sentence the person to prison.  If the court does not revoke the person's probation, the court may impose any additional conditions of probation, including a term of incarceration in jail, to ensure compliance with the court's order. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 13-3602, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE13-3602.  Order of protection; procedure; contents; arrest for violation; penalty; protection order from another jurisdiction

A.  A person may file a verified petition, as in civil actions, with a magistrate, justice of the peace or superior court judge for an order of protection for the purpose of restraining a person from committing an act included in domestic violence.  If the person is a minor, the parent, legal guardian or person who has legal custody of the minor shall file the petition unless the court determines otherwise.  The petition shall name the parent, guardian or custodian as the plaintiff and the minor is a specifically designated person for the purposes of subsection G of this section.  If a person is either temporarily or permanently unable to request an order, a third party may request an order of protection on behalf of the plaintiff.  After the request, the judicial officer shall determine if the third party is an appropriate requesting party for the plaintiff.  For the purposes of this section, notwithstanding the location of the plaintiff or defendant, any court in this state may issue or enforce an order of protection.

B.  An order of protection shall not be granted:

1.  Unless the party who requests the order files a written verified petition for an order.

2.  Against a person who is less than twelve years of age unless the order is granted by the juvenile division of the superior court.

3.  Against more than one defendant.

C.  The petition shall state the:

1.  Name of the plaintiff.  The plaintiff's address shall be disclosed to the court for purposes of service.  If the address of the plaintiff is unknown to the defendant, the plaintiff may request that the address be protected.  On the plaintiff's request, the address shall not be listed on the petition.  Whether the court issues an order of protection, the protected address shall be maintained in a separate document or automated database and is not subject to release or disclosure by the court or any form of public access except as ordered by the court.

2.  Name and address, if known, of the defendant.

3.  Specific statement, including dates, of the domestic violence alleged.

4.  Relationship between the parties pursuant to section 13‑3601, subsection A and whether there is pending between the parties an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage.

5.  Name of the court in which any prior or pending proceeding or order was sought or issued concerning the conduct that is sought to be restrained.

6.  Desired relief.

D.  A fee shall not be charged for filing a petition under this section or for service of process.  On request of the plaintiff, each order of protection that is issued by a municipal court shall be served by the police agency for that city if the defendant can be served within the city.  If the defendant cannot be served within the city, the police agency in the city in which the defendant can be served shall serve the order.  If the order cannot be served within a city, the sheriff shall serve the order.  On request of the plaintiff, each order of protection that is issued by a justice of the peace shall be served by the constable or sheriff for that jurisdiction if the defendant can be served within the jurisdiction.  If the defendant cannot be served within that jurisdiction, the constable or sheriff in the jurisdiction in which the defendant can be served shall serve the order.  On request of the plaintiff, each order of protection that is issued by a superior court judge or commissioner shall be served by the sheriff of the county.  If the defendant cannot be served within that jurisdiction, the sheriff in the jurisdiction in which the defendant can be served shall serve the order.  Each court shall provide, without charge, forms for purposes of this section for assisting parties without counsel.  The court shall make reasonable efforts to provide to both parties an appropriate information sheet on emergency and counseling services that are available in the local area.

E.  The court shall review the petition, any other pleadings on file and any evidence offered by the plaintiff, including any evidence of harassment by electronic contact or communication, to determine whether the orders requested should issue without further hearing.  The court shall issue an order of protection under subsection G of this section if the court determines that there is reasonable cause to believe any of the following:

1.  The defendant may commit an act of domestic violence.

2.  The defendant has committed an act of domestic violence within the past year or within a longer period of time if the court finds that good cause exists to consider a longer period.

F.  For the purposes of determining the period of time under subsection E, paragraph 2 of this section, any time that the defendant has been incarcerated or out of this state shall not be counted.  If the court denies the requested relief, it may schedule a further hearing within ten days, with reasonable notice to the defendant.

G.  If a court issues an order of protection, the court may do any of the following:

1.  Enjoin the defendant from committing a violation of one or more of the offenses included in domestic violence.

2.  Grant one party the use and exclusive possession of the parties' residence on a showing that there is reasonable cause to believe that physical harm may otherwise result.  If the other party is accompanied by a law enforcement officer, the other party may return to the residence on one occasion to retrieve belongings.  A law enforcement officer is not liable for any act or omission in the good faith exercise of the officer's duties under this paragraph.

3.  Restrain the defendant from contacting the plaintiff or other specifically designated persons and from coming near the residence, place of employment or school of the plaintiff or other specifically designated locations or persons on a showing that there is reasonable cause to believe that physical harm may otherwise result.

4.  If the court finds that the defendant is a credible threat to the physical safety of the plaintiff or other specifically designated persons, prohibit the defendant from possessing or purchasing a firearm for the duration of the order.  If the court prohibits the defendant from possessing a firearm, the court shall also order the defendant to transfer any firearm owned or possessed by the defendant immediately after service of the order to the appropriate law enforcement agency for the duration of the order.  If the defendant does not immediately transfer the firearm, the defendant shall transfer the firearm within twenty‑four hours after service of the order.

5.  4.  If the order was issued after notice and a hearing at which the defendant had an opportunity to participate, require the defendant to complete a domestic violence offender treatment program that is provided by a facility approved by the department of health services or a probation department or any other program deemed appropriate by the court.

6.  5.  Grant relief that is necessary for the protection of the alleged victim and other specifically designated persons and that is proper under the circumstances.

7.  6.  Grant the petitioner the exclusive care, custody or control of any animal that is owned, possessed, leased, kept or held by the petitioner, the respondent or a minor child residing in the residence or household of the petitioner or the respondent, and order the respondent to stay away from the animal and forbid the respondent from taking, transferring, encumbering, concealing, committing an act of cruelty or neglect in violation of section 13‑2910 or otherwise disposing of the animal.

H.  If the court finds that the defendant is a credible threat to the physical safety of the plaintiff or other specifically designated persons, the court shall prohibit the defendant from possessing or purchasing a firearm for the duration of the order.  The court shall also order the defendant to transfer any firearm owned or possessed by the defendant immediately after service of the order to the appropriate law enforcement agency for the duration of the order.  If the defendant does not immediately transfer the firearm, the defendant shall transfer the firearm within twenty‑four hours after service of the order.  The court shall provide a copy of the order to the appropriate law enforcement agency.  If the firearm is not transferred to the law enforcement agency within twenty‑four hours after service of the order, the law enforcement agency shall notify the court and request a search warrant for the person's home, place of employment and vehicle, if appropriate, to retrieve the firearm.  The law enforcement agency shall provide the person with a receipt for each surrendered or seized firearm.  If a firearm is retrieved after a lawful search, the law enforcement agency shall notify the court of the recovered firearm and the court may initiate contempt of court proceedings against the person.  After the order has expired or is dismissed, on application by the owner or possessor of the firearm, the law enforcement agency shall return the firearm to the person unless the person is prohibited from possessing or owning a firearm pursuant to state or federal law.

H.  I.  The court shall not grant a mutual order of protection.  If opposing parties separately file verified petitions for an order of protection, the courts after consultation between the judges involved may consolidate the petitions of the opposing parties for hearing.  This does not prohibit a court from issuing cross orders of protection.

I.  J.  At any time during the period during which the order is in effect, a party who is under an order of protection or who is restrained from contacting the other party is entitled to one hearing on written request.  No fee may be charged for requesting a hearing.  A hearing that is requested by a party who is under an order of protection or who is restrained from contacting the other party shall be held within ten days from the date requested unless the court finds good cause to continue the hearing.  If exclusive use of the home is awarded, the hearing shall be held within five days from the date requested.  The hearing shall be held at the earliest possible time.  An ex parte order that is issued under this section shall state on its face that the defendant is entitled to a hearing on written request and shall include the name and address of the judicial office where the request may be filed.  After the hearing, the court may modify, quash or continue the order.

J.  K.  The order shall include the following statement:


This is an official court order.  If you disobey this order, you will be subject to arrest and prosecution for the crime of interfering with judicial proceedings and any other crime you may have committed in disobeying this order.

K.  L.  A copy of the petition and the order shall be served on the defendant within one year from the date the order is signed.  An order of protection that is not served on the defendant within one year expires.  An order is effective on the defendant on service of a copy of the order and petition.  An order expires one year after service on the defendant.  A modified order is effective on service and expires one year after service of the initial order and petition.

L.  m.  A supplemental information form that is utilized used by the court or a law enforcement agency solely for the purposes of service of process on the defendant and that contains information provided by the plaintiff is confidential.

M.  N.  Each affidavit, acceptance or return of service shall be promptly filed with the clerk of the issuing court.  This filing shall be completed in person, shall be made by fax or shall be postmarked, if sent by mail, no later than the end of the seventh court business day after the date of service.  If the filing is made by fax, the original affidavit, acceptance or return of service shall be promptly filed with the court.  Within twenty‑four hours after the affidavit, acceptance or return of service has been filed, excluding weekends and holidays, the court from which the order or any modified order was issued shall forward to the sheriff of the county in which the court is located a copy of the order of protection and a copy of the affidavit or certificate of service of process or acceptance of service. On receiving these copies, the sheriff shall register the order.  Registration of an order means that a copy of the order of protection and a copy of the affidavit or acceptance of service have been received by the sheriff's office.  The sheriff shall maintain a central repository for orders of protection so that the existence and validity of the orders can be easily verified.  The effectiveness of an order does not depend on its registration, and for enforcement purposes pursuant to section 13‑2810, a copy of an order of the court, whether or not registered, is presumed to be a valid existing order of the court for a period of one year from the date of service of the order on the defendant.

N.  O.  A peace officer, with or without a warrant, may arrest a person if the peace officer has probable cause to believe that the person has violated section 13‑2810 by disobeying or resisting an order that is issued in any jurisdiction in this state pursuant to this section, whether or not such violation occurred in the presence of the officer.  Criminal violations of an order issued pursuant to this section shall be referred to an appropriate law enforcement agency.  The law enforcement agency shall request that a prosecutorial agency file the appropriate charges.  A violation of an order of protection shall not be adjudicated by a municipal or justice court unless a complaint has been filed or other legal process has been requested by the prosecuting agency.  The provisions for release under section 13‑3883, subsection A, paragraph 4 and section 13‑3903 do not apply to an arrest made pursuant to this section.  For the purposes of this section, any court in this state has jurisdiction to enforce a valid order of protection that is issued in this state and that has been violated in any jurisdiction in this state.

O.  P.  A person who is arrested pursuant to subsection O of this section may be released from custody in accordance with the Arizona rules of criminal procedure or any other applicable statute.  An order for release, with or without an appearance bond, shall include pretrial release conditions that are necessary to provide for the protection of the alleged victim and other specifically designated persons and may provide for any other additional conditions that the court deems appropriate, including participation in any counseling programs available to the defendant.  The agency with custody of the defendant shall make reasonable efforts to contact the victim and other specifically designated persons in the order of protection, if known to the custodial agency, who requested notification immediately on release of the arrested person from custody.

P.  Q.  The remedies provided in this section for enforcement of the orders of the court are in addition to any other civil and criminal remedies available.  The superior court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to issue orders of protection in all cases if it appears from the petition that an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage is pending between the parties.  A municipal court or justice court shall not issue an order of protection if it appears from the petition that an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage is pending between the parties.  After issuance of an order of protection, if the municipal court or justice court determines that an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage is pending between the parties, the municipal court or justice court shall stop further proceedings in the action and forward all papers, together with a certified copy of docket entries or any other record in the action, to the superior court where they shall be docketed in the pending superior court action and shall proceed as though the petition for an order of protection had been originally brought in the superior court.  Notwithstanding any other law and unless prohibited by an order of the superior court, a municipal court or justice court may hold a hearing on all matters relating to its ex parte order of protection if the hearing was requested before receiving written notice of the pending superior court action.  No order of protection shall be invalid or determined to be ineffective merely because it was issued by a lower court at a time when an action for maternity or paternity, annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage was pending in a higher court.  After a hearing with notice to the affected party, the court may enter an order requiring any party to pay the costs of the action, including reasonable attorney fees, if any.  An order that is entered by a justice court or municipal court after a hearing pursuant to this section may be appealed to the superior court as provided in title 22, chapter 2, article 4, section 22‑425, subsection B and the superior court rules of civil appellate procedure without regard to an amount in controversy.  No fee may be charged to either party for filing an appeal.  For the purposes of this subsection, "pending" means, with respect to an action for annulment, legal separation or dissolution of marriage or for maternity or paternity, either that:

1.  An action has been commenced but a final judgment, decree or order has not been entered.

2.  A post‑decree proceeding has been commenced but a judgment, decree or order finally determining the proceeding has not been entered.

Q.  R.  A peace officer who makes an arrest pursuant to this section or section 13‑3601 is not civilly or criminally liable for the arrest if the officer acts on probable cause and without malice.

R.  S.  In addition to persons authorized to serve process pursuant to rule 4(d) of the Arizona rules of civil procedure, a peace officer or a correctional officer as defined in section 41‑1661 who is acting in the officer's official capacity may serve an order of protection that is issued pursuant to this section.  Service of the order of protection has priority over other service of process that does not involve an immediate threat to the safety of a person.

S.  T.  A valid protection order that is related to domestic or family violence and that is issued by a court in another state, a court of a United States territory or a tribal court shall be accorded full faith and credit and shall be enforced as if it were issued in this state for as long as the order is effective in the issuing jurisdiction.  For the purposes of this subsection:

1.  A protection order includes any injunction or other order that is issued for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, contact or communication with or physical proximity to another person.  A protection order includes temporary and final orders other than support or child custody orders that are issued by civil and criminal courts if the order is obtained by the filing of an independent action or is a pendente lite order in another proceeding.  The civil order shall be issued in response to a complaint, petition or motion that was filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection.

2.  A protection order is valid if the issuing court had jurisdiction over the parties and the matter under the laws of the issuing state, a United States territory or an Indian tribe and the person against whom the order was issued had reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard.  If the order is issued ex parte, the notice and opportunity to be heard shall be provided within the time required by the laws of the issuing state, a United States territory or an Indian tribe and within a reasonable time after the order was issued.

3.  A mutual protection order that is issued against both the party who filed a petition or a complaint or otherwise filed a written pleading for protection against abuse and the person against whom the filing was made is not entitled to full faith and credit if either:

(a)  The person against whom an initial order was sought has not filed a cross or counter petition or other written pleading seeking a protection order.

(b)  The issuing court failed to make specific findings supporting the entitlement of both parties to be granted a protection order.

4.  A peace officer may presume the validity of and rely on a copy of a protection order that is issued by another state, a United States territory or an Indian tribe if the order was given to the officer by any source.  A peace officer may also rely on the statement of any person who is protected by the order that the order remains in effect.  A peace officer who acts in good faith reliance on a protection order is not civilly or criminally liable for enforcing the protection order pursuant to this section. END_STATUTE